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how did your last DIE DIE DIE go for you /owg/?


Hana song sucks big black dick


How to counter Bastion who's riding the payload and has Rein protecting him?

This game would be perfect if it didn't have the goofy gook of bullet absorbing bullshit.

Fuck off Lucio

Kill it.

Fuck off kike retard faggot

got the achievement

Tracer bomb

>schoolgirl loli
>swings a giant ball n chain
>melee character
>low hp, slow, frontliner
>has wide, fast aoe so it counters shit like genji and tracer
>one special move is launching the ball n chain very far forward hitting everyone in its way, pinning one enemy and knocking others back like reinhardts charge

nteenth for crazy chicks

>Want to play OW
>Can't because my kitty is sleeping right in the middle of my chair and he's very very cute

new hero is gonna be sneakily dropping in on aug 23 boys

is overwatch the new league of legends?
>game starts
>you must pick genji, mcree, rein/zarya, hog/winston, and lucio+zen no questions asked
>pick something else
>do well
>your team will mindlessly fuck up because they dont know how to actually play the game only how to copy without learning
>when you explain how zaryas bubble works on reins shield they will get upset and site their favorite streamer
the higher I go in rank the more mindless sheeps I get. Sure you get a couple people who actually learned the game and why their choices are good for the match but the majority just pick because they saw someone pick.

Give me a pic of your pussy plz


>Schoolgirl loli's

Yeah right, you're either getting some crusty old lady or an absolute dyke.

>low hp

Easiest (You)'s I ever had.

Besides, Lucio is now pozzed.

if a character like that had mobility it would be basically a permanent genji ult

this is better

But if you don't pick that comp you literally just lose.

Also you forgot to include the goofy gook of bullet absorbing bullshit. She's picked way more than hog or winston.

Why would you post an empty image like this, user?

how bad is it, doc

>two (You)s is an accomplishment
Here, have another you lonely bastard.

Trash it.
Then Trash yourself.

>3 people on team are queued together
>All 3 of them pick offense heroes
>They spend the entire game fucking off and trying to "flank" alone

>matchmaking enforces the "its only fun when you stack with friends" meme

i thought overwatch was gonna be the LeL killer but it turned out to be wanting to be the replacement, just with a 30$ fee to keep away f2p subhumans

you were the chosen one overwatch, i loved you like a brother

T-thank you. Rough day.

What rank are you at? Tierwhores are present everywhere but as you go higher people should know better.

>competitive solo queue at rank 65+
fucking hell never again

this game is so unrewarding to individual good players beyond this rank and i dont have friends

The bubble doesn't take any damage for the shield, I'm almost certain that you only get charge from bullets that are center mass anyways if any at all since I don't have any friends to playtest it with.
t. 45 hours on Reinhardt

Solo only mode W H E N?

Fuck tired of premades that bring their shitty rank 50 friend into rank 65 games. Especially when they let them play a dps.

You're forgetting the part where Overwatch isn't irredeemable trash in a terrible "genre."


>play game
my team is all solo q randoms

enemy team has a 2-stack and a 4-stack, why is this even allowed

My friend from ages back who is 71 roped me into a game, i'm 38

We won despite my shitty supporting

I'm not gonna be banned for boosting am I, because i'm legitimately shit and he wanted to bring me in so his premade can laugh at how bad I am

Probably because you play a cuck role. I drift between 65-70 and I feel like I still have a lot of improvements to make as a mccree and genji player.

Also I'm not a genji main before anyone moans at me I just pick him because he's fucking easy wins.

>four gold medals
>still lose hardcore

>4 stack
>they pick all offense/tanks
>me and other solo quer have to zen+lucio

>reach max rank 64 before I decide to give up trying
>fall down to 58
>that award list gets posted
>can't get past 60
>actually decide to give up smoking weed for a couple of days to improve my concentration
>reach 66, resume smoking
>fall down to 62

no fucks given

nah, low damage hits from dva or reaper from across the map still somehow charges zarya decently


>That much for a win

HOly fuck my sides.

I'm sorry, user. Have an e-hug.

>you will never take hana out for a nice steak and then wait until she eats it to tell her it was actually rabbit


Screenshot was abviously taken mid graph. Look at the side. He went up to 43.

obviously can improve individually, but the game is so reliant on teams actually not being braindead at this point and working together that it's impossible to carry any more

+1 skill -1 skill repeat send help

You just did the OW equivalent of removing your training weights.

That's pretty badass.

tfw cant aim good

winston needs a buff

No, that was legitimately all I got for it

I'm not gonna get banned for joining a 70+ game right, I dont wants to get banned

>not making her rabbit ragu with papperdelle

There are Meta Approved heroes who don't require fine aiming ability.

oh man this guy is like so totally cool because he smokes weed man

like whoah dudes


Tfw tracking is god tier on Zarya and 76 but can't click on heads

I want to rub my dick on her cold blue lips

shes asian dude, shed probably like it especially if shes chinese/mongolian

>Queue for comp
>Get matched with some level 650
>He's in a 3 man premade
>He only plays mei
>Somehow he got to rank 68
>He instapicks mei and his shitty friends pick dps
>I pick zarya because she's basically a dps tank
>Other solo's pick widow and roadhog
>None of them switch all game

I never thought I'd play an avg rank 68 game without even having a fucking healer. They even spoke on voice chat and when I told them to switch they just plain out refused and told widow to switch.

Worst game I've ever play. Not even Noah's ark could have carried those fucking animals.

Am I getting a ranking down/loss if I left during the loading screen? I told my fucking faggot friend that I'm done for today and he ignored it and searched for a game because he thought I was being ironic, the absolute madman

I want winston to be refuckingmoved because every shitter on my team who picks him thinks jumping straight into the enemy team (often feat. Reaper and Roadhog) is somehow a good idea.

Did the high levels bully you, call you names and use you like the little support fuck-toy you are?

agreed he can't even fulfill his role, his jump needs a lower cooldown or something and his ult is just garbage.


they just laughed whenever roadhog hooked me

>No, that was legitimately all I got for it

>Underage b&s projecting this hard


Defend this, genjishitters

>attack gets +5 minutes on the timer for taking a point

jesus fucking christ this is why defense is a joke

>/owg/ will never have an illegitimate child

Girls who put out on the first night only like guys who carry their team, user.

>muh skillcap
>hard to play
>time investment
>high skill floor high skill ceiling
>play him and learn his weaknesses shitter
>just pick winston

>pick Reaper
>walking past Genji
>he hits e
>I aim for the friendly Zarya ult behind him
>as soon as I'm parallel to him and 2 feet tot eh side I fire
>instantly die

bastion-chan is the best girl!

Anti boosting mechanics senpai

Gross what a mega roastie that bitch is

Just stop shooting bruh Genji is fine learn to play son git gud

>blizzard will never fix their walls

>impregnating women before you even meet them

Absolute madman

please respond

>playing ranked in OVERWATCH ever

The game will never have a decent ranked mode.

You're baiting right?

Weed is for fucking kids don't even try to deny it.

>Woah dude it's actually really healthy and good for you and shit
>Muh olympic gold medalist that smokes weed
>Haha weed is cool now right guys??????
>Bob memely

Kill yourself.

Offense mains are for one night stands and regret.
Tank mains are for short relationships and rough sex.
Support mains are for marriage and roleplay.
Defense mains are for being perma-virgins

Not him dude but chill out. The only real problem is the retards that have to tell everyone they smoke weed all the time.

Cool most people smoke weed bud but thanks for letting us all know etc etc

Possibly. It's not like quick play where you can leave any time before setup.

t. rank 40

You could warm her up.

This shit again...

>implying jack didnt go through any tours
>the future middle-east of all places
>not meeting with other well respected fellow soldiers
>not having a one night stand with some brown sniper qt
>not inviting her to the avengers later because you know how good she is

62 but nice try. Ranked will never be good in Overwatch because the game rewards big meme teams that adhere to the big meme meta


>open summer crate
>its currency
I don't know why but getting coins outta these things pisses me off way more than it should.

>some nigga takes zen so you have to consider taking a pos-load

Anyone got tips for playing her? I just can't seem to git gud with her

Because currency used to be a great drop but now it's going to be useless for every event.

>tfw playing roadhog on a good roadhog map against inexperienced players in QM


she's not currently in the six allowed heroes to be picked