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First for I'm glad to be a dotard.

anti-mage is a shit hero

What's going through this man's head?

So since odd year = western team, do you think EG will become the first two time champion? or do you think the new OG might take it?

what is (in theory) the best 1v1 hero at lvl 25 with no items?

>Look at all these delusional little faggots below me

most cucked man alive

You did good.

I'm glad it was proven once again that Tobi is the best caster. all the "but he is le racist" redditors btfo

>everyone blames EE

i'm not defending EE but

EE's not the only reason why Secret is shit

Game 2 upper bracket. I think it was Wings vs. DC

but kicking him would certainly help

This keeps coming up again and again, and I just want to say this.
How is it you think we see you? Why do you think we follow you? Only ever to watch you win?
Are we rats that jump ship the minute it starts to sink? Switch loyalty to the winning players?
I have a smile on my face to watch your amazing plays that most of us could only ever dream of making. Sometimes I smile so much watching DOTA that my face hurts. I get so excited that I shout.
I do not care if cynical people think this is kissing ass, it's about what's true and I have never in my life lost love for my favourite pros because they lose games and tourneys.
If you sat on your ass, if you didn't try, that would let us down.
If you were too smug and thought you didn't have to prepare properly, that would let us down.
But none of you do, you strategise, you work like crazy and you play like gods out of your mind and to me personally you bring nothing but joy.
I just needed to say this because every time I see someone who makes me happy just to watch them play say "I'm sorry I let everyone down" it breaks my fucking heart

Wings BM'd DC so fucking hard

They really are the only good dota team right now

People are already talking about the new western "superteam" that's forming.
I think half of the top 4 next year will be completely new teams.


When do we see w33's bankai?

yeah, those drafts were pretty abysmal, along with bulba. Pie did alright and rtz did the best he could.

>TI6 has no meta XD
>what is SD, Void, Mirana, Timber every game

Lel new thread cucked me

People are actually talking about your shitty Wisdom meme, lads. Well done. Fucking shit.
Can't believe retards fall for this.

so you're saying supports cant be op


Fuck you're LE 105 HEROES PICKED

Mirana, Timber, SD, Drow every fucking game

he's a major reason though

he shouldn't be considered a professional player, he plays like a high 4k or a low 5k carry

Just ban 2 of them forcing the enemy team to ban the remaining two


>>everyone blames EE
Where? I see one guy

Shadow Fiend




Valve's autoupdater for the Top 100 Fantasy Scores has fucking robbed me of my rightful place in it again.

My score is high enough to be in it especially since this is the last day. I should be there.

This is such a fucking outrage!!!

fucking intolerant ledditors
you're born racist, you can't just stop being racist

>Fuck you're LE 105 HEROES PICKED

most of the hero diversity was in the group stages anyway

main stage was pretty boring in terms of heroes picked

>confusing hero preference for meta



Blame every team for tryharding instead of picking their favourite heroes like DC and Wings. Pic related. It's not our fault the majority of the players are scumbags

>shadow raze and requiem now do physical damage

Is shadowfiend fixed?

if you go to secret fan forums they blame him there too.

I usually go there to drink the sweet sweet salty tears when they lose games.

>Naga, Void, Slark, Timber, Mirana, SD

Yeah they sure had "diversity"

how the most powerful iteration of EG ever created fail to win TI?

If you're getting robbed, then other people are as well, and you might end up not on the scoreboard regardless.

>everyone complaining about the signs at ti6
>next day they'll just go back to calling for a Peruvian ban

i queued for a game because no esports

what the fuck should I pick?

>What is jakiro
>What is flying exp tome

>shadowfiend is now a Wisdom hero
Is shadowfiend fixed?
What did he mean by this?

I swear terrorblade is one of the most overrated heroes ever.

EE has often retard moments.
He really needs to be kept on a leash

Funny how everyone gave him shit a year ago

>1 core difference means they were diverse guys!

Fuck off they were overpowered hero riders.

Literally rode off the back of Mirana Aghs and Timber offlane every game

they up against Wings with massive plot and draft armor

also prime ppd would shit on TI6 ppd, too many unnecessary deaths

EG was great but the time hopper had a mission to complete.

They would have lost to Wings just as hard.

Im writing a book bois
What title should i give it?

>wo ban ni ma de


Outplayed by EU bulls

I can never enjoy dota after TI. It feels like the patch has been drained of all enjoyment and possibility.
Where is my new patch?

>T-t-they used OP heroes guys.
Come now, lets not pretend EG didn't pick Titan for example.

Or you know, just pick those heroes first or ban them you fucking shitter if beating DC is just *THAT* easy

The Oval Office

>forgetting ET

>reddit calling this a perfect patch

>you're playing dota against wings
>this guy blinks in and hits you with 100% bash rate
>what do

Is low 3k the worst mmr-range in the entire game?

The players here can't even hook an enemy who's standing still, like a viper loses mid to skywrath, sand king doesn't understand his ult

It's pretty much like my first placement games in limited hero pool

How to deal with delusional little faggots

>Chinese fans call EG 'EU's sex slave'
So what do they mean by this?

reddit literally calls every fucking patch perfect after a big tournament

>105 picked (like 95% of that in the group stages where nothing matters) guys we have a perfect meta!


People are so fucking delusional about this patch it isn't funny.

It's the illusion meta, and it has to die. Nothing is fun about illusions.


Yeah no. 5k is exactly the worst because everyone has a god complex. You don't even lose games because someone's straight up bad, you lose because of people's egos and it's the most frustrating thing imaginable.

>There are people who never witnessed Bamboe dota

>Go home white pigs

nah I think 4k is the real cancer
you can still win 1vs9 in 3k

Its not a bad patch, we only new a few fixes for a few heroes, particularly Mirana, ET, Timbersaw and some i've forgotten

>Game 3 TI6 Grand Finals

is just me or did void have insane bash RNG


Meanwhile if you take off your delusion goggles the main event's picks were absolute dogshit in variety with Drow, ET, Mirana, Timbersaw and Le Bail Out Fish Woman

>It's the illusion meta, and it has to die. Nothing is fun about illusions.
Wings never used illusions though, just SD to counter Void and to combo with Invoker

checkmate dotards

>take my share of the prize money
>uninstall dota 2
>hire accountant
>retire with hot gf

You can only fuck one

They literally picked Jakiro one game

against EG at their most powerful though.

Naga was only there because she's really the only suitable counter to Voids ultimate.

Well if this is also happening to others, it shouldn't be happening to any of us then.

The only fucking way that they are missing other people should be if some schmuck at Valve is updating this list manually.

An automated updater shouldn't be missing anyone, I don't even know how it could possibly miss people since all it has to do is gather all the scores and order them then take the top 100.

How could you fail programming something like that?

probably just because people in that range think they are actually good at the game. I've played on my friends account before and had people at low 3K
>scream at me over mic for rotating to kill their lane as it 'wasted their farming time'
>had someone rage at me for warding the enemy jungle when they obviously had a jungler because 'what do we gain from it and ur just poor now'
>claim 'mid feed noob ez' when I went 14-0 as zeus and we lost for reasons related to the pa refusing to buy a BKB
>threatened to report me for pulling because he couldn't last hit under tower
>flame me for being 'new' when I died once as AA in a 50 minute game when the team died a combined 60 times overall
I think 5K+ can be bad because people get butthurt because you hurt their fragile egos but honestly 3K is painfully cancerous at times



What are some actually funny Chinese memes?

I cabal his sunder

Fear's name is China is "Captain America"

I would say who gives a fuck what reddit thinks about balanced

but then I remembered reddit balances dota

Chinks are still mad about DAC and EG eliminating most of their teams from TI5 and the upper bracket this year



>Be in TI6 Grand Finals
>Against a 20-0 faceless void

Yeah nah, they were tilted so hard they shifted the earth's axis.

There was no coming back after that, classic euro tilting.


9 million dollar time locks

Just spam slark

Am i the only one that thinks this patch was literal garbage? When will icefrog end the "support can't be op" meme. FUCK SD. FUCK ORACLE. FUCK ET. FUCK ILLUS

Why do ledditors think he's racist?
Straya genes?

Just don't save changes m8.

>carry gets into trouble
>2x forcestaff + invis cloak

Who here looking forward to next game of dota?