What's the worst supercar?

Pic possibly related

>as fast as a Ferrari 599
more than a Ferrari 599

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Expect a lot of rustled jammies over this one.

People don't buy cars like that because it's a value proposition. If they wanted to race, they'd buy a race car.

Hennessy Venom GT. It's not even American nor is it the fastest.

It's fast as fuck around the track

Zenvo ST1

>1100hp twincharged V8
>Styled by angry teens
>Undrivable without thousands of computer assists
>Breaks constantly
>Will catch fire if a single cooling fan (of which there 4) fails, and they do
>Costs 2 million euros
>Made in Denmark

At least the LFA looks nice and won't explode if you attempt to drive it

>worst supercar

Only a benchracer who passes judgment by glancing at datasheets would think that. The LFA has blown the minds of many a journo to confirm its godmasheen status.

That's literally not even qualified it's not a supercar it's more like a hobby car that's very expensive.

I can name a million supercars that beat that piece of gook shit though

918 for one

You simply do not understand

It's done nothing to further the Ferrari name since it was never raced (as a Ferrari) unlike its predecessors and marked the the first time Ferrari offered semi-auto transmission as the ONLY option and setting the brand down this dark path. Also its looks were polarizing at the time and has not and over a decade later it now looks like one of those horrid 2000s-era designs that look like it was developed in an anime studio. If you think that this car still looks good you're either looking through nostalgia goggles or just have shit taste.

>gets called out for being a benchracer
>confirms it by saying there are more cars faster than it

Damn, son. You just played yourself.

>muh feels
>muh soul
>muh passion
Yea, no. Fuck off. The LFA is overpriced shit.


>still doesn't understand
>projects some irrelvant nonsense he heard someone on Veeky Forums say before

I'll make it simple. Clarkson's opinion>>>>>>>>>>>>>Your opinion.

>Thread starts with a shitty OP
>devolves into further shit


kek. toyoshitters are mad now.

Clarkson's opinion was that it was far overpriced

>At least the LFA looks nice
You kinda need glasses.

can someone explain what this nigger's doing?

A toyoshitter got triggered again.

Now you know supercars have to do more than just crash on a runway strip.
It's a drag car.

It's still slower than the Ford GT anyways. Pushrods suck ass.

half the point of supercars is to end up on bedroom posters for 10 year olds.
if a supercar can't do that it's not a real supercar

I wasn't even talking about pure speed

The 918 beats the fucking gook tank at EVERYTHING

It's way more advanced and more refined

And you have driven the LFA and the 918?

Why would you even compare these two? The 918 is a hybrid, far more expensive, and 3 years newer than the LFA

A Ford Shelby GT350R outperforms your shitty lexus. Get rekt, faggot.

typical inbred intellectual...

>the lfa was getting BTFO when it was first designed
>still gets BTFO today
>b-but muh soul
>muh passion

keep talking, you are just proving my point.

Stay mad, even clarkson recognized it's an overpriced piece of shit.

>clarkson said so, therefore it must be...


You kinda need to stop jerking off over your 1 liter diesel fiat shitbox you retarded fucking tripfag.


>"the best car i've ever driven"
says right there pal

>best car I've ever driven
>it's overpriced
literally what

At least he's driven one

He still said it was overpriced. Stay mad toyoshitter.

meant to quote

>making a big deal out of the one and only downside
>turns out it doesn't really matter anyway
don't tell me, you were just about to buy one but your fa told you not to do it?

>only downside
It's also incredibly slow. Stay mad toyoshitter. The LFA is trash.

what the fuck are you on about user?
i drive a peugeot
itt you seem like you missed your medication

Stay mad. The Lexus LFA is garbage.

the f50 was never raced.

>Insists he isn't a benchracer
>Continues to be one
The LFA is the best GT car ever made.


>post opinion
>people simply disagree
>end up spending the entire thread telling them they're mad and salty


kek, was right. Toyoshitters get pissed when they realize their shitty lexus can't compete.

yeah, but at least they built a car with the intent to race it in competition which is far more than you could say about the Enzo.

no one gives a shit about some rivalry you just invented m8
lmao sadcunt

What happened with that?
Last-second rules change?

>let me prove I'm not a bench racer by bench racing
>guys it's a picture on the internet it's never wrong

>get destroyed in every aspect
>but muh feels
>b-but m-mommy he forgot muh feels


Strong mental illness there OP


t. assmad toyoshitter

Hello Alphonse

toyoshitters in a nutshell

>Muh numbermobile

toyoshitters got fucking angry just like predicted.
>this assmas

does this nigger genuinely think people are getting angry or is being unaware part of his act?

>Defending a soulless AWD numbermobile with a TT V6, the ultimate cuck engine

>Not knowing the MC12 is the Enzo in a new body.

>toyocucks are this assmad

>people are actually arguing about the price of a limited run supercar

We all know what the real worst supercar is, if you can even call it a supercar
>more soul
>more passion

>Can't afford it

No, it's just a bunch of butthurt toyocucks mad that their cuckoldress didn't give them more horsepower.

friendly reminder you've repeated the same three lines about 20 times itt

Friendly reminder that the lfa is piece of shit.

>>Muh soul
>>Muh passion
>Implying these aren't the entire point of car enthusiasm

nice opinion m8, if only you mattered

>it's an automatic
It has no passion or soul. You retards are just riding toyota's cock.

Toyota a shit.

Deal with it.
nice opinion m8, if only it mattered ;^)

>being this assmad your shitty toyota can't compete

Why would he do that when acting like an autistic retard who doesn't understand why people like cars on a car board gets so many (You)s

>ad hominems
First the FR-S then the LFA. Why is every product created by Toyota such shit?

Your shitty Ferd does the Burger King in 7:32.19. The Lexus in 7:14.64

Kill yourself.

[citation needed]

>toyoshitters are this angry their company is inferior to nissan

>wans to be spoonfeed
>worst girl

>No verification on the Ford
>Has to be spoonfed

>has no evidence

>has no evidence

>the lfa is slower on the list
top kek, toyota cuckolds unironically got BTFO by themselves.

>a gt350 is faster than a lfa

>Lexus LFA Nurburgring Package

>Ford Shelby GT350R

>muh racespec lfa
>still slower than the nismo


>2016 Ferd can't compete with a 2012 Lexus

>still slower than the nismo
>still slower than the nismo

>still slower than the nismo

>toyota cuckolds this assmad

>Ignoring the Nurgburg package LFA in 8th
Just like the GT350R is a special package of the Mustang.

>Nismo GTR faster than LFA
No shit when the former has 4wd, possibly more aggressive aero, similar power levels (599 vs 560)


>he needs 500k to beat a fucking ford
top kek

>toyoshitters cucked this hard
top kek

>He needs an expensive 28k carbon fiber wheel set to still being slower than a 4 years older Toyota.

>this assmad