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Ктo пpoчитaл тoт гeй.

xth for counterplay

Post them and say something mean

Best girl.
Best feet.
Best wife.

I'll duo boost people if they help me learn Japanese.

>kogmaw is fotm

welp here goes my ban


I have little problem with yours other than how queer you are lmao x'D

hello im typing in steno
Its pretty hard

League of leg ends

peanut2 if you're here please respond to this

nth for CLG


I want to go swimming in Lulu.

right here bro


hey it's me

and rush aye user?

sorry this is peanut 1

Going on a post event vacation does not excuse an ENTIRE SPLIT of performance. Stixxay (and CLG as a whole until recently honestly) was painfully average. Part of that was the catching up needed on a meta that was counter intuitive to what they liked to do in playing through side lanes but the other part of it being the rest of NA stepping their game up


нy лaднo я гeй


How do you decide what to pick? Based on what your team picks, on what the enemy laner picks, or whatever you find safest no matter the situation?

>tfw they remember the links

I all ways pick nami

god i fucking hate vayne so much


It always baffles me when people pick Kled in ranked.

They always seemed surprised when they end up 0-5 or some such at the end of lane phase.

Like really nigga I've played hundreds of games with my champ up top. Why are you so butthurt when you lose on a champ you have played for maybe a day?

this technique..

Kled is strong, I've seen him do well. What's worse is when people pick Kled top against me in ranked and clearly aren't toplane mains, I feel bad for them when they just let me freefarm and deny themselves cs because they have no idea how to top

good night /lolg/ stay safe

Cyкa блят

The only time Ive seen him do anything is if he roams hard with his ult.

But I often pick Swain and Kled might as well be a minion to him. Its laughable.

I want to play jungle or support
But there's no way to do this

sleep well

thx man

tomorrow is a second chance

I-its not that b-bad right!

esus fucking Christ Kelsey Moser is a fucking idiot and legit one of the WORST journalists that cover this game

Nothing she says ever makes sense from an unbiased view and nothing she says ever makes sense from a factual point of view

"The rekkles defence"

There is no defence, he's a fucking shitter who piggybacks off the other 4 players on his team to win awards

If you want actual deconstruction of rekkles that isn't composed by some fucking dumbass who doesn't know anything about the material they're covering watch Thoorin's video on him

I love Lissandra!

actually how

is that picture supposed to be funny lol haha

>zilean vs ori mid matchup
huh, i guess nothing happens ever

>Trying to understand Yi players

Xth for fertile and healthy

I am new to this game, just barely above 100 games played.

Xth for Vlad, and kneeling before him and of course performing excellent alabaster maintenance.

trying to understand what about yi players?


Is it? It doesnt always have to be funny

reposting in new thread

>out of town for a month
>come back
>account perma banned
>brother gave my 16 year old cousin my password
>he thought it would be funny to spam niggers and faggots in all chat

What are the chances Riot believes me? Not like I've ever been banned or warned for anything else before.

At least post the full picture, it's brilliant.

Maybe like why are they are so retarded


>Read up on the thread I was in before going to sleep
>People talking about how to play best halfbreed

You guys are alright.

Azir for the love of god just kill her. Please.

You're fucked

Trying to understand them in general

>account sharing with your brother in the first place
thats still against the ToS user

What is this meme?

>jhin nerfs
>ashe nerfs
>jinx buffs
Finally I can fucking play botlane again in two weeks.

you're fine then
Don't worry


You don't get permabanned for your first negative chat offense, EVER. So you're lying and either way its your account and your responsibility.

What game?

Yeah but what is it trying to say about me nd my beautiful waifus

i've heard word kogmaw jung is viable, is there any thruth to this?

I feel like its being thrown off by my really old games because i only recently started playing ARAM and if you look at the pic the mmr for ARAM is much higher.

how long does it take to drop from plat 5 0lp to gold 1? I'm playing with gold 1/2/3s mostly, occasional plats or gold 5s


Nope, I never talk in all chat

It's whatever then, I'll just make a new account

No, it was one scripter playing it on multiple accounts so the high winrate got picked up by champion.gg
So all the statistic website sheep started playing it (making the winrate worse because they arent scripting)

> acc share

you deserve that shit my nigge

How does one support as shen?

It means everytime you think about your waifus, these fuckface images will creep in your mind and ruin your climax.


I tickled lulu's feet

HAha no fampai my skin is thicker than Vlad's ivory scepter

Another day without Jinx in my arms. Another night without Jinx my bed. Why do I even bother continuing to exist?

It is viable. He's actually tricky to invade without burst because even his early dps is quite high

The one with dragon waifu in it.

odd, isnt it?

>trying to learn master yi in normals
>enemy top lane is akali and enemy mid lane is annie
>both get fed
>there are now two lanes which have a fed champion to which there is zero counterplay to their kit

aatrox rework fucking when

i want to eat her ass

Can't wait for my girl to be back on top where she belongs.

Rito pls.

Also Singed is so fun in Ascension. Always full hp thanks to catalyst and idiots always try to chase me.

Ascension > ARAM

Amen dude.
Best girl deserves top spot.

Because nobody wants to play support.

That makes two of us user

Life is suffering desu

is jinx into facesitting

No top for flat gurls.

>You don't get permabanned for your first negative chat offense, EVER

>spamming racial and sexual slurs in multiple games
>this isn't grounds for permaban by the automated system

Furious, sneaky and edgy.

One can dream

Pink wards

QSS and Banshees veil

The automated order is 2 chat restrictions, 2 week ban, another 2 week ban, perma
Its possible to go straight to a perma after the first 2 week if you are toxic enough. But never has anyone just been permabanned without warning

What do you hate seeing the most as your lane/jungle opponent?

Not going to lie I'm not usually into meme skins but these arcade ones look pretty nice.

He did say he was gone for a month.
