Does the ecoboost Mustang sound like shit?

Does the ecoboost Mustang sound like shit?

Literally the only reason Im being put off of buying one is having it sound like a kitty when revving or starting up.

Im afraid of getting cucked by my friends v8 challenger

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Rangerfag here, beginning to suspect shillage.

It sounds so bad they have to play engine noises through the speakers.

good one

That is factually true, Ford was called out of this bullshit not a while a go.

Sounds pretty similar to a Mitsubishi Evo desu.
I prefer the sound of a V6 with the roush axle though.

Its going to sound like shit when compared to your run of the mill ameircan V8

Considering a GT as well

have any of you ever driven a 15mpg car?

Is it really that much more expensive compared to the 20~ the ecoboost would give me

Lets say it takes you around $30 to fill up and you fill up 4 times a month with the Eco and 5 times with the GT. It's going to be about $30 a month more expensive.
Unless you aren't using it as a commuter or DD.

thats kind of a lot desu

I'm driving like 40 miles a day so that might not be a good option for me

then again I'm thinking if Im spending a decent amount of time in my car everyday it should be one I love not just like


unless you're in stop and go traffic at 20 mph and stomping the gas everywhere, you should average in the low 20's in a GT.

it's easily dailyable, you should be able to range about 300 miles or so on a tank. so if you're driving 40 miles a day (13 less than I do), you should be filling up about 3/4 of a tank a week and that's with a lead foot.

>low 20's in a GT.
Modern tech is so fucking awesome, a fucking V8 gets better highway mileage than a 4banger 4wd taco (Talking 3RZ 1st gen)

Oh fuck me. Just get a Fiesta or Focus if you're already bitching over MPG's, A Mustang is something you don't get if you give even a slight fuck about MPG's.

Do you really want to be one of those fuck-lords that has to crawl around the streets because they can't afford or are too cheap to afford the gas for their "muscle car"?

tldr: V8 or don't even bother...

I've got the new GT with performance pack (3.73 gearing) I average 20.5 mpg and love it. My friend has the ecoboost and catches shit about it a lot. Gets 28mpg though.

I drive a 13mpg Hellcat, however thats city driving or when I'm really letting loose on it. You wont always see low mpg like that. I average on the highway without taking it out of 700+ horsepower or putting it in Eco mode around 22-25 mpg.

I'd say if you have the money for the V8 definitely go that route. You won't save that much more money but you will definitely be alot happier with getting more of that feel of true american muscle when you hear the V8 rawr

Of course a Hemi Challenger is going to make an Ecoboost Mustang sound bad. It's the meanest sounding American V8 out there. It sounds like it wants to jump out of the hood and kick your ass. It sounds better than the GT.

Go listen to some YT clips of Ecoboost Mustangs, launches and flybys NOT driveway revs, and different muffler setups, and decide if it's something you like. I don't mind it.

Thanks for the help lads

my commute isn't really that traffic heavy, so Im definitely considering the GT now

I live in a city with lots of traffic, so much that my v6 2012 mustang gets around 15 to 17mpg.
Now, a buddy of mine who has a gt gets like 8 to 10 mpg, and he has his car as a DD.

I would think that in this situation, a v6 or ecoboost makes more sense from an economic perspective.

No the Challenger doesn't sound better than the GT

I find the ecoboost cooler than the v8 and with some mods it can sound alright

The 4 cylinder Mustang is definitely not a joke this gen, I'd prefer it over v6 and would have to have a real debate if I'd want it over v8.

How would you get such shit mpg? City driving only? The ecoboost would get 30+ and the gt might get high 20s or 30.

I wouldn't buy a car that piped in engine noise over the stereo.

I wish ford made a smaller mustang with ecoboost

I want rwd and ecoboost but not in something bigger than an accord

They've done it, its called The Focus RS

That's awd, five doors, and not usdm

>tfw just imagined current gen Mustang exactly but shrunk to size of s13
God that'd be the best modern car ever

It sounds pretty awful. It's only 10hp more than the v6. The v6 sounds better and with the $2000 or so more you save you can buy an aftermarket exhaust. Which in turn could increase the v6 hp by 5-10

I seriously dont understand why someone would buy a muscle car and get anything other then the v8.

If you wanted an ecoboost surely there would be better options.

why the hell do you amerifats give a shit about mpg?
you pay jackshit for fuel anyway

I pay $100 to fill up my commodore in aus

Remember that those modern V8s have some room in the ecu for eco tunes for dat 50% higher efficiency.

Americans live with a crippling amount of debt. One missed payment or an unexpected expense would sink the majority of people here.

That's why you see people who can't afford cars that cost 35k asking about mpg.

so do europeans.. more so than americans. the housing costs in europe are just as high if not higher and the per capita income is lower. your housing market is also in a horrible bubble (uk).

>why do americans care about saving money?

>muscle car

pick uno

The simple answer is they can't afford it, whether it be the initial purchase price or the increased operating costs. They'll make other excuses, but this is pretty much it.
>fight me

I manage 18.5 mpg in my gt. Its modified and I engine brake more than I should.
But Dat crackle from the long tubes is worth the wasted fuel to me.

Yes, this is true. I install sound systems and every time an ecoboost mustang comes into the shop we have to disable the active noise "enhancement". There should be an amp in the trunk under the rear deck. It's one of those wires.

It IS a muscle car you derp. Why else do you think it was one of the last non-truck/van/suv vehicles to still have a live rear? Yeah its a track monster now, but it always has been a muscle car.

It's a pony car. Not muscle. Kinda a little fast

im know this is shitty bait and im not saying google is the ultimate authority but a mustang is literally the first result

>It's a pony car. Not muscle. Kinda a little fast
the fastest mustang ever is being produced right now
what exactly about the mustang makes it not a muscle car


>Doesn't know the differene between muscle and pony car

are you really this stupid? or are you 13 years old?

Are you implying they are mutually exclusive?
Are you really this stupid? Or are you 13 years old?


>buying an ecoboost mustang

Here's your guide on which Mustang to buy:

>Do you live in an area with displacement taxes?
If yes, ecoboost.
If no, GT

>but the V6
The V6 version is a poser trim for people that should have bought something else if it weren't for the fact that their masculinity is so fragile that you can see the homo from between the stress cracks. Same applies to the Camaro.

And that's coming from a dude that has already fully exited the closet.

But the v6 is faster though.

It is literally slower than the ecoboost

2011-2014 is faster. Newer v6s have 5hp less and weight more.

And the V8 was still faster than the V6 for those years, making your argument invalid.

Not really, it just means that lighter cars with rear live axles are faster on the straight line

The concept of the original muscle car is dead and gone. The English language is ever evolving and the term muscle car is now inclusive of cars that used to be under the pony car banner. Cars that were in between the pony and muscle car categories previously, such as the E body Cuda/Challenger, are also under this umbrella.

Stop being a contrarian faggot. It makes you look like a moron.



>engine braking
>wasted fuel

What? This shit ain't carburetted. Less than a second of no throttle input and it'll cut fuel completely.

full bolt ons and a tune nets 410 foot lbs of torks and the drivetrain can take a lot more

this guys car is gaudy but the numbers are breddy gud

My 2003 GT got 21 city unless I was beating the piss out of it.

torquey V8s get good mpgs if you short shift the shit out of them. stay in dat torque band.