Dear Veeky Forums

Dear Veeky Forums,
What the fuck is this thing ?

a hook

you hang items on it

Another picture to show location better (passenger side)
Says Max weight on it

A hook for your bag of dildos OP

is this bait? Obviously a hook with a max load capability of 7lbs.

A hook for a clothes hanger.

Groceries bag hanger so shit doest roll aorund while you fuck up your up and downshifts

Well no shit. But what is it intended to hang on it ?


Fuck off Korean trash

Just an angry autist m8 nothing more

Purses or maybe small shopping bags i presume

You hang beverage in a packet on them

Its a garbage bag holder. Or more commonly a plastic shopping bag with your trash you throw out the window when the road is empty.

Ohh i see. That funny options for North Korea people. Thanks.

picture frame holder

is that your colostomy bag?

Oh fuck I thought he was doing a coolant flush

>Or more commonly a plastic shopping bag with your trash you throw out the window when the road is empty.

That can get you a max fine of $945 (approx) fine in south korea. There's lots of cameras and they are pretty anal about spending the idiot savant singlemindedness time to go thru camera footage to identify the car that tossed the trash out the window. It's a privilege to have a car and not so casual as it is in the usa. So that car's driver will not appreciate you tossing trash out the window. You tossed out a bag of trash? Okay, you have the bag. two wrappers. one chunk of uneaten food. the bill of sale. two small paperboard boxes which held the food that was wrapped by those wrappers. That is 7 pieces of trash you threw out for 7 * $945 --> $6615 as the litter disposal fee which is added to the separate fine for littering from your car if they decide to give you the max fine.

I wish the usa would enforce littering. Just yesterday, I was in the park next to the river. A black couple with a baby stroller were crossing the bridge over the river. The black guy casually tosses some trash right into the river off the bridge. Black Lives Matter.

>blacks littering
And they wonder why everyone hates them.

Yeah, it's always niggers throwing their shit on the street. I see this all the time. Cops are too lazy in my area to do anything.

The fuck is that? Jenkem? Am I in fucking 2007 again?

My gf uses it to put her purse

Why do you want objects hanging near your leg while driving? Just why?

that's the passenger side in that photo. obviously not a bongspec car.

No its just racist if they do.

Its a jeep grocery bag hanger

Its a curry hook, to hold your chinese take away on the way home.

It stops stuff falling over and getting spilled.

>What the fuck is this thing ?

Where it's located in the cabin with respect to the passengers and doors will indicate its purpose. But OP's picture doesn't really show context or even orientation in 3D space within the cabin.

Is there only one such hook? Or are there multiple hooks in symmetrical positions around the cabin?

What, you've never seen old people use these to hang plastic bags to throw trash in?

Depends where they are located. It's hard to imagine a hook at chest level or higher is used for trash bags. OP closeups makes it look like the hooks are chest level.

wrap the end of your noose and kill yourself by bailing out of the car. The tricky part is grabbing the clutch as you put the car in gear before bailing out, I'm sure with practice you'll get it down OP.

Good luck, if that fails google "Four Winds Shotgun"

Our freeways used to have "ownership" programs where an organization or business takes ownership of a stretch of freeway. They get a nice little sign marking that stretch and their task is to voluntarily pick up the trash on that stretch once every two weeks. The trash bags are provided and long-handled sticks with gripper fingers on one end are provided to pick up trash.

About ten years ago, that program was cancelled because the volunteers were simply seeing too much dangerous trash to now allow volunteers to do the work. So now very expensive city and county employees with huge pension plans are used to pick up trash. It's not just needles and diapers because volunteers can handle that. But along roadways, there is sometimes dumped hazardous solid wastes, industrial wastes, and even medical wastes because businesses don't want to spend the extra expense of paying to dispose of those kinds of wastes their business generates. So they regularly pick new places to dump after making sure there is no way that hazardous waste can be traced back to the business. Let the taxpayers pay for it as a subsidized cost to the anonymous business!

That's the fingerbrake


What the fuck do you want to hang on it?

Do you need to take a trip down to your dealership to have them sell you a branded 3kg weight on a hook just so you feel like it's being used properly?

This, you stick a plastic bag on it to throw your trash in. At least that's what my parents always used it for.

>What the fuck is this thing ?

South Korea has strong trash disposal laws. That's probably for one of those plastic rings you fasten to a biodegradable plastic bag (similar to those t-shirt plastic grocery bags in the usa). After the ring clamps on it, the little hook goes thru the hole on the ring and clicks on for a secure connection.

Americans might not know, but south korea has a fairly strict trash collection service and it is somewhat fair in that those who make more trash will pay more and those who make little trash pay a lot less or not at all if they can deposit into someone else's container. Trash bags are marked with bold printing and local region marks. Trash collectors pick up only the appropriately marked biodegradable bags.

The bags are sold at a high cost and it is the bag cost which pays for the trash collection service. Biodgradable bags are available for the compostable trash

It's where you hang your purse you faggot

Curious thing it's that my Alto 800 also has this hook and the owner's manual says that it's for groceries instead of trash

that's a T66 turbo with nitrous injection. Nice find, OP.