Ok I lost 200 bucks trading this shit I am really pissed off now. My 200 bucks are now in the hands of some rich guys fucking hot girls and I am not. This is not right I am pretty fucking mad now I won't trade again. Capitalism is terrible and this system is brutally unjust. From now on I am a national communist/marxist. We will take their property with force and redistribute it among our people, no more exploitation this is warning
Ok I lost 200 bucks trading this shit I am really pissed off now...
>tfw the bernie/biden B-team never happened and the beta uprising is postponed for at least another decade
sorry m8
too early for your free tendies
This is bait, right?
0/10 must bait harder
>he invested more than he could afford to loose
t. college liberal
>"I sold when the stock went down and lost my money. Its the rich peoples fault."
>I took a casual approach to an incredibly complicated business, why did I lose my money?
I want my guaranteed money, fucking rich people
Yes the capitalism system, which is responsible for more wealth generation in all of history, is definitely terrible.
Yes massive wealth transfer is a sure road to prosperity.
Living under socialism is much more pleasurable than living in those capitalist countries.
Comparing a civilized place like Canada with Shart-In-Martia. Go pay for $700 for an epi pen, cuz land of the free.
lol, thats why all your college students come to america though right? you leafy people are even sadder than the low lives here in the U.S.
Come to Venezuela OP, I'm willing to trade places with you.
Come and experience the never ending joys of a Marxist/commie government and I'll make the big sacrifice of getting fucked by those capitalists pigs.
this nigga probably thinks stocks have a 30 day warranty period.
Bad luck. You'll need to deposit more. Dont give up.
>a civilized place like Canada
que oportunidades de negocio hay por alla?
try /pol/
Crimen organizado en caso de que no te preocupe tener que matar unas cuantas decenas de persona.
Si te refieres a tener una empresa honesta, algo que tenga que ver con alimentos y/o bebidas e inebitablemente te tienes que encontrar con algo de corrupcion.
Y... no olvides que no hay manera de repatriar tus ganancias.
Jeez, the privatisation of the social sector has been a disaster.
Healthcare is shit, education are shit, the pharmacies are shit, the trains are shit, the mail are shit and the only thing not shit is the privatised phone company, which instead bribes dictators to sell shit.