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How do you learn to code things you don't know how to code?

First for if you don't know how to fucking use OpenGL then don't fucking use it you stupid piece of shit.

But how can you learn to use it if you don't try to use it?

art is still hard

That's objectively false you fucking mongoloid moron. I said I'm doing one single call to glCreateShader() which gives me some retarded handle. What fucking setting up are you thinking about before glCreateShader()?

You've been doing Opengl since the late 90s my ass.

Like I said, was right

You study the API, learn the entire OpenGL state machine, study computer graphics, perspective, etc cetera. Learn what you're doing before you do it so you actually write functional effective code that makes good use of OpenGL.

>lets see ur ogl projects.
>implying he has any

If you had provided more information and code we could've figured that out and been a hundred percent affirmative about it sooner. As a contributor to the khronos group it makes me sick seeing fucking losers like you use OpenGL. I've been using OpenGL since 97 you shitter, and before that I was making computer graphics with my dick and your mom's ashtray pussy.

I'm still waiting for your ogl projects
No, one project.
And maybe your "khronos contributions".
You're either baiting, literally insane or just plain lying and an ass.

excellent googling

no, you learn by doing and correcting learning from your mistakes. Saying that someone shouldn't use a tool because they don't know all of its uses is stupid.

13th for pachinchinko

make it mobile apps, add cute anime girls and some moon runes. You will be millionaire in no time.

Honestly, I don't understand this game. It's like your usual slot machine, but with the extra time of watching balls fall.

Punching now works. Holding down loops the one-two but letting go prematurely ends it. Thank you Epic Games tutorials

>no response
that's what I thought

When did Refn showcased his new project?

it's shit.

Trying to make my gem meter fancier too

Magicka, but instead of combining elements you combine the most basic components of abilities. E.g.

Projectile + Knockback = a missile you shoot that knocks enemies back
Projectile + AOE (Circle) + Knockback = a missile you shoot that explodes in a circle, knocking back all enemies caught in the explosion
Aura (Shield) + Projectile + AOE (Circle) + Knockback = a buff on your character that causes you to shoot a projectile out when hit - the projectile explodes in a circle, knocking back all enemies caught in the explosion

Projectile + Aura (Shield) + AOE (Circle) + Damage = a projectile that applies a buff to the target that makes them AOE explode when they're next hit

So it'd sort of be like a programming game, but you program your abilities. Not sure if you would have to do it in real time like in Magicka...

Lewd Text Adventure, should the PC be held captive in a perverted island resort or hell?

Where do I learn excellent googling since I can never find the code I need.


Why not both?

You start with shitty googling, which is a skill everyone contains.
now stop asking stupid questions.

Transistor is so underrated. It's a shame it'll be overshadowed by Bastion even though it's better.

I have no idea how Bastion got so many positive review. The game is boring.

It had good cohesion and lots of gameplay options.
And some of the levels were genuinely challenging, especially if you turned on idols(?)s.

What's the most complex / advanced 2D action platformer on Game Maker? Like, anything to see how far it can go with it?
Also it's not gonna output properly to 144fps right?

Th-thanks, OGF and Drive are some films I've been getting the inspiration from, he really nails that look.

Fuck you too buddy I know it is

They tried adding too much stuff without focusing on something in particular.

The "skill crafting" part gets old very quickly since the type of spells you can craft is very limited.

The "plan actions" part is even worse, as it turns most of the game into "run away till the planning recharges".

The final boss is underwhelming. The twist is cool, but since you have better stats it makes the whole fight irrelevant.

What font is that?

>OP has links to engines that are on the aggydaggy website
>OP has no links to current and previous jams that aren't on the aggydaggy website.

The idea was good, OP, but you are an special kind of retard.

>since the type of spells you can craft is very limited.
But every power can be used in one of three ways which also ties in with the lore. It's a pretty neat idea.

I will say they needed to focus on regular combat more and make planned combat a secondary helper, but oh well.

Final boss could have been better but you know, atleast it had one.

I'll fix it next thread so we can finally have a decent OP.

In Game Maker, how can I make an orb which is constantly floating above the player which he can fire with?

I can't find any tutorials about this.

I'm not saying it was a bad game, just that adding so many elements in an "half assed" way decreases its quality below what the simpler Bastion offered.

I wouldn't really call them half-assed considering they were integral to understanding the world. And they demanding you try out different combos to unlock more lore. But alrighty.

That's a very specific thing, you probably wont find a tutorial for it.A part of gamedev is problem solving, you're going to have figure it out for yourself.

Figured I should make the weapon models rather than leaving it at vague black tubes.

who is your agdg husbando dev?

Here's a hint


when will you post your game?

Yes, those are th coordinates, but how do I attach it there?
It also should be pushed away by walls. How do I do this?

type "-text ("i like suck dick");
point.Score(long.dick.suckysucky, throaty);
while(throat < dick) {
i.Suck = dick;
}//end sucking
Console.killyourself("deep balls"):"

your welcome

Because I'm worried it might not count here, it's just a gameplay mod.

But you guys are a good source of feedback because a lot of you are pretty knowledgable when it comes to HUD design and making things -look- nice.

But how do I figure this out, when I never saw any example which was similar?

You abstract the problem it until it's similar

>it's just a gameplay mod.
well now I'm interested.

This is so simple, user. How long have you been programming?

I'm totally new to programming. If it's so simple, then please tell me how to do it.

no book or SO answer seems to explain this clearly.

When declaring namespaces, do you only wrap the header or do you wrap both the header and its source?

And why do I keep getting namespace doesn't name a type errors?

I'll at least give you a link to the old version, I'm currently in the process of overhauling the gameplay and a lot of HUD design because I'm really bad at making things that're self explanatory, and the current state my mod is in it's an absolute trainwreck.


quickest summary I can give is: what if you took Doom, and combined it with Magic Sword, Ghosts n Goblins, and those D&D beat em up games.

Sorry if this doesn't belong here, but like I said, you guys are a good place to get feedback too.

Break the problem down into parts and solve piece by piece.

No if we tell you, then you won't learn.
Feed a man a fish and all that

This You should really read the manual for Game Maker, it's really quite helpful. Take a look at the tutorials it comes with too.

using unity, how do i tell which features of c# work on mobile and which don't? for example, do enums work on mobile? or what about IEnumerators?

>Break the problem down into parts and solve piece by piece.
How am I supposed to break it down into parts, when I don't have a single clue how to do it, since I never saw an example which was similar?

>No if we tell you, then you won't learn.
Of course I will learn. But if I keep spending days or weeks trying to find a solution for this simple problem, then I probably will just stop trying anyway.

How am I supposed to find out how to do it, when I have no single clue how to do it?

>Take a look at the tutorials it comes with too
I already watched a good bunch of tutorials, but there never was anythign similar to the thing I want, that's why I have no idea what to do there.

GML has literally hundrets of diffirent commands... How should I find out how to do this??

Look, I've never used game makes, but I assume you can have moving stuff in the game, right?

The moving stuff can move because its coordinates are altered, right?

So my humble guess is to have an object with the following coordinates:

You update this in every iteration of the game loop. Or at least this is how I would do it.

By "be pushed away by walls" I guess you want to implement some sort of collision detection. I think GM have a built in collision detection system, but I only assume that since why else would it be called a game engine if it wouldn't have one already.

but you already stated what you have to do here and user gave you the values you need to use to accomplish your goal

>reading game maker manual
"A ds_queue is somewhat similar to a ds_stack but it works on a first-in first-out (FIFO) basis. "
Wow... I am so much smarter now...

No idea what you are talking about there...

And where do I write these values? That can't be everything I have to write there.

What tutorials have you been watching?

literally think about the problem and your brain will do the rest. it's magic.

also, assuming that you're able to move a player and you understand how the player moves, you've seen exactly all you need to see to create an orb floating above his head. if not, you need to learn how vectors work. maybe watch this then youtube.com/watch?v=sKCF8A3XGxQ&list=PLW3Zl3wyJwWOpdhYedlD-yCB7WQoHf-My

Game maker tutorials. I haven't watched much about coding yet though, rather just drag and drop, because when people try to explain coding, it's like they talk in riddles to me. They never can explain it to a noob, it's like every coding tutorial expects that you already now how to code.

In Unity, how can I make an orb which is constantly floating above the player which he can fire with?

I can't find any tutorials about this.

orb.position = player.position + vector3.up * distance;

Do the brick breaker tutorial that comes with GM and any other beginner one before that. If you still cant solve the problem. Then maybe gamedev isnt for you.


Why shoudl this be similar to the player? Do I have to give the orb the same input commands for movement like the player or what? That can't be it...

And where do I write these values? That can't be everything I have to write there.

In C#, how can I make an orb which is constantly floating above the player which he can fire with?

I can't find any tutorials about this.

Yes, those are th coordinates, but how do I attach it there?
It also should be pushed away by walls. How do I do this?

Brick Breaker doesn't have an orb like this. I already did such a little game tutorial, but there never was anythign which explained how to attach an object to the player and make it following the player.

hit the play button in the unity editor, write that on your forehead and then headbutt your screen to inject

That's a very specific thing, you probably wont find a tutorial for it.A part of gamedev is problem solving, you're going to have figure it out for yourself.

The ball that follows the paddle does exactly this you mongoloid troll

you know when people tell you to spend time watching tutorials and actually learning from them they don't mean it in a spiritual or philosophical way, if you actually spend your own time checking tuts you (possibly) might learn the basics of how code works and how things are implemented in relation to these tutorials

You mean when the player hasn't shot it yet or what? This maybe could be helpful yes, but fuck you anyway, asshole.

Yes, before the player shoots it you fuckwit

What they want to say is that there's never an easy way to do something.

It's like speaking. You know the words, you know the grammar, and you can put them together in infinite ways. Coding is just like that. Just get some experience with problem solving, try to recreate Pong or something, and you'll understand how can you advance further from that.

In Ren'Py, how can I make an orb which is constantly floating below the player which he can fuck himself with?

I can't find any tutorials about this.

What did i do wrong/forgot?

I made half of the skeleton, duplicated the .L bones and mirrored them with ctlr + m + x. In the armature option, i checked x axis mirror.

The parenting seems correct as well.

nice textures.

I got you senpai ;)

var orb = new Follower();

You flipped it 90 not 180

Blender.. just kidding. im a maya user, still between the spine and the shoulder there is also a clavicle bone. this bone is responsable to raising the shoulder so in the sholder area we have 2 motions the sholder itself and the clavicle movement. google it later. your arm movements will be better.

I already did create a little game, it just didn't have an orb like this. Had I created Brick Breaker, I also would have known the solution.

That's why I asked here, because perhaps someone knows an example similar to this.

I'm actually loving this meme.

That movement is smooth as fuck. May I ask the math behind it?

In C++, how can I make a pointer which is constantly pointing above the player which he can leak memory with?

I can't find any tutorials about this.

boy, don't ask about easing and smoothness in this thread. Idiots will start talking about LINEAR interpolation.

I made some water

Nice water there

Tell me more about this nice water game

Basic lerp with some sin for floaty movement.

var hoverPos = Target.Position - Vector2.UnitY * (hoverHeight + (float)Math.Sin(Time.TotalElapsed) * 10);
Position = Lerp(Position, hoverPos, 0.025f);

I'll have you know I graduated from Linear Interpolation University.

Would swim in it/10.

good ol' LIU