/arkg/ -Ark Survival Evolved General

I fucked up edition

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But they still scared

Local? Where were you/they?

Also how're things going since relocation?

Had me in handcuffs

Pretty good

They don't currently have any of us captured, right?

I dont think so
They talked high and mighty about keep us caged just for me to die like 30 mins later

How long did we have davean caged for?
He of all people should not talk shit. Especially after he recruited 4 other tribes to beat us after we were only there a week.

Just waiy for now and we fuck them up. Probably most of the other tribes got fucked over by davean in the raid aswell

I'll give them some credit for not bragging and shitting up global about it.
I bet he still cries when we come for him though.

To anyone who may be on, don't forget about the anky on the cliff. Still owned by ironscale last I saw. Don't want it to give us away.

I have never seen that anky, I guess I'll look again but I think dire niggers knocked it off the cliff.

It was enigmatic spiked rapist
Check the logs if you're still in ironscale.

I'm not and I've searched the cliff side, which direction from our new spot north or south

On the cliff at the bottom of the hill. South of base

I've looked all over I don't see anything, I'm assuming you mean right against the cliff

If it's still there I'll find it later, if not maybe it did get pushed off. Want far from the edge.
Hope it's alive I put a lot of effort into getting that Dino home.



Thanks dock






Meant HUG

Damn autocorrect

Birdfags go.

You'd be lost without us.

RIP in pieces.

what stopped you from mounting it and swimming the fuck away

Lost it when we got wiped, we escaped with all of our fliers and as much we could grab, but all our land dinos got fugged.