Shizune decides to ignore it just this one time, though. She wasn't ENTIRELY against it after all, but she was still confused as to what this whole exercise was meant to convey. 'What are you doing, Misha?' Misha pretends not to notice as she turns on the t.v. and starts up the dvd player.
Finally deciding it would be a good time to reply, 'This is called a Rhythm,'
Rhythm. Another word Shizune knew, but never really paid much attention to. She knew the longer she pursued this subject, the more of those she'd encounter. Strangely, she didn't really mind though. 'Then what is Rhythm, Misha?'
Misha didn't wait as long this time to explain what Rhythm is, 'If music is a person, then Rhythm is it's soul. A Rhythm is like a pattern that the music will follow, a set of guidelines that the music won't betray"
Pondering it for a second, "So Rhythm is like instructions for music?" "Exactly, now how we see Rhythm on paper is something that doesn't really matter to understanding music, but catching the rhythm as a whole is really important to understanding music, Shizune"
"But music can't just be Rhythm, can it? If this tapping was all there was, then why do all those people need to play together to make 'music'?"
"Youre right in that music isn't just Rhythm. If Rhythm is instruction for music, then I guess the best way for me to explain is to talk about 'tone'. If you're angry shizune, you sign faster than normal, and in a very aggressive way, right? But if you're sad, then you might sign a little slower and less precise. Music does the same thing, it conveys emotions through sound. It can go slow, or it can be very aggressive."
"Okay, so all those people in the orchestra just play the same exact sounds? Why does there need to be more than one person playing?"
"There doesn't, but when you have more than one person playing, you can convey more layers. The piano may be playing an entirely different part than say, the cello. 2/?