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The best ending is probably letting the fire go out so it can reignite at full strength after an age of rest.
Reigniting it proves how weak the flame has become, it will probably only give the world a hundred years of meager light before needing to be relit.
Age of Hollows is tied entirely to the Unkindled One staying alive, as well as turning humans into their truer form (which is gross.)
>chester is from Lothric
Karla, probably.
She's a skinny heretic, but she can still turn heads!
Listen here niggers, the following character names at an FC means trouble, and you should avoid FCs if the following are present
>Crusader/Burnt Vincent
>Rules of nature
>Heavy Knight
>Battlemage Ley/Ley
>Samuel McClure
>Reckless Pete
>Huntsman Andy
>Smug Loli
That should cover it for the *most* part.
but that's the dancer
>Heavy Knight got added
Okay i'll bite, did you just start adding everyone who show up?
Even though that isn't too useful for the majority of souls webms I make (with all the moving about and such), that's still interesting. I didn't quite realize how much difference still shots make.
>finally found sunlight altar
>gave my 99 sunlight medals
>got two miracles
>no cool weapons
>no faith to use the miracles
Just fuck me.
No, I fought against Heavy Knight and after talking to him in thread, he must be wiped out from this general and its events like everyone else on that list.
You can't go wrong with Yuria
He's adding everyone that posts ">i'm not on the list" because he knows they will give him precious (You)s on his next shitpost in the new thread
>cured my hollowing status
>yuria hates me
>kill her
did i fuck up?
Gwynevere doesn't need a cute fuck, she's getting fucked almost all the damn time by Gods, kings and dragon-things.
>still not on the list
He can't add someone he doesn't fight
>people keep praising dark souls pvp
>fight against other player
>clearly land hits
>he doesn't take any damage because he rolls half a second after getting hit, which somehow grants him invincibility
>even if the hit gets registered, damage doesn't trigger for another half second
>keep getting hit by swings that are visibly and clearly too far away from my character's model
>half a way into fight, another guy invades me and now they fight 2vs1 which is apparently ok
>no friendly fire so they can just spam and interlap the swings through each other
>get swarmed and die
Did i just fell for a meme?
PvE is fun, but the game's netcode is so terrible that PvP is basically unplayable. At first I thought I'm just lagging, but after watching some videos on the internet, it seems that the game doesn't work properly for anyone.
>Champ Gundyr's kick is in the game files
>we'll probably never get it in the game normally
git gud
>Posted "not on this list" about 5 times now
>Still not on the list
Guess that makes sense, biggest cancer i brought to an FC were the drang spears
unless 2H FUGS is cancer nowadays
Isn't that just unarmored dancer though?
>sunfags always related to lightning and the sun
>always FAIfully following the legacy of the firstborn
What the hell did you expect?
I'd like to hear your thoughts towards the new additions to the list
>people keep praising dark souls pvp
>Did i just fell for a meme?
Yes, the pvp was never meant to be balanced, it's just for dicking over other players pretty much.
missing Ryye
The guy with the most cancerous build will always win in PvP, even if the netcode was 100% perfect, that includes :
run poke katana build
stupid range spear
dark sword w/ Fallen knight armor
and many others.
Ah, forgot, add Lucio/Lucio the Wolf to this list. Forgot to put him there.
I loathe them like everyone who was there before.
Anyone who praises PvP is a retard. Souls games are all for PvE with a PvP minigame. With that said, you can have consistent results in PvP, but you nerd to take lag in account
What's your favorite weapon JoJoposter?
>LKS poke has more range than Greatlance
Do you guys think Sulyvhan fucked the Dancer? Or would she just do erotic teases.
Estoc + Greatshield
You guys are terribly misunderstanding him. He doesn't care about how cancerous people play, or if he fights them or not. He has no real point to say, and is only after (You)s
Can I get some (You)'s too?
My (you)s aren't worth shit and he's fun to hear
And the estoc outranges both of them
This is Miyazaki vision, the words "baka gaijin" are carved in the estoc's blade.
My (You)'s aren't very valuable anyway
Alright is there any news on dlc? At all?
Havel's big tooth
There's no need to be envious
I said a long time ago I don't care about replies, not that you'd listen.
Although I get people enjoying the game's PvP unironically, I think most people just play PvP for the offset chance of getting a hatemail.
>amount of gargoyles in DeS: 2 + loads of shitty ones
>amount of gargoyles in DaS: 4
>amount of gargoyles in DaSII: 8
>amount of gargoyles in DaSIII: 0
What did From mean by this
This same fucking question
every fucking day
we should just put it in the OP
You bring shame to the glorious weapon that is the Dragon's Tooth
>Havel's big tooth
Are you Dog? If so you're pretty good with that.
You mean like in cathedral or archoves?
>you will never cuddle the jojoposter and let him know it'll be alright and that the css r1 spam cant hurt him anymore
i still want to hornet riposte you though
PvP is fun if you're dicking somebody over.
PvP is not fun if :
>the host treats it as a duel
>you're expecting it to be balanced
>you're not getting concrete rewards out of it
>you're not one of "those people" who treat Dark Souls as an esport
PvP for the sake of pvp is the dullest fucking shit imaginable.
>dark sword w/ Fallen knight armor
that's the dreksord+chaingoyle of ds3. typically bad players, guide reading pve'ers.
Don't compare to this filthy avatarfag.
Also thanks.
>6 Goyles in Capital
>about 8 in Archives
what does it mean
>After Bloodborne's completion, Miyazaki wanted to get back to Dark Souls to implement the things he couldn't do with Bloodborne's settings
>Dark Souls III has nothing mechanically new
What did Miyazaki mean by this?
>get invaded by a parryspamming twink with hornet ring
>get invited by him to pic related
I would probably be mad if I didn't find it hilarious
>compare me*
Another one for the list.
Then don't use it, leave it to me, babs.
Dear /dsg/,
I am sorry for ever shit-talking Dark Souls 2 in the past.
Dark Souls 3's PvP is a fucking trainwreck, while Dark Souls 2 has a functional duel arena and invasions that aren't imbalanced in favor of the host.
Combine this with the fact that Pyromancy and Magic (Hexes are dumb) in Dark Souls 2 are actually unique and fun to use, and this game is way better PvP wise.
I'll probably buy the DLC anyways like the sucker I am.
Sincerely, user.
fuck off retard
>"Dark Souls III's DLC may have a bit of a a different tone than the base game" - Miyazaki
>Concept art involves saints, christianity, E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy, Diablo style enemies
Is this the work of C Team?
A lot of them are Dark Souls 2 concept arts.
"HOW 2 GET STRONK IN DARK SOULS IN LESS THAN 10 MINUTS!!11!!" videos on youtube with big red arrows.
Dark souls 2 pvp was a trainwreck until way after release.
>invasions that aren't imbalanced in favor of the host
>invasions that aren't imbalanced in favor of the host.
>invasions that aren't imbalanced in favor of the host
I don't like 3, but is this a joke?
>oh for juniper's sake
>died to Tower Knight
cyanide here i come
He meant he wanted to get out from under Bamco's thumb, but was still contractually obligated to give them one more cash grab.
Just look at the quality of DaS2 and 3, which Bamco interfered in, versus BB, which they didn't have their fingers in.
The concept art describtions are only placeholders. To set the mood, describe the enemy and the thought behind the enemy. From didn't make the describtions. The art is just suggestions.
>he thinks all of them are Dark Souls concept arts
The swarm thing and the gay groupsex tree might be Dark Souls designs.
Dark Souls 2 invader winrate was like above 90% in my experience with invading. Dark Souls 3 reduced it by a lot. Which is fine imo
Dark Souls 2 invaders couldn't use estus or consumables while the host had 99 of each healing stone, charms, red thing you drink and estus.
>"invasions that aren't imbalanced in favor of the host"
>literally impossible to heal unless you spec into Faith
>host can have Estus + full stacks of Life Gems
>not imbalanced
DaS3 is an objective improvement over 2 inalmost every way.
100% netcode would make them so easy to parry though.
Invasions were still piss easy compared to dark souls 3, even when being outnumbered.
Seriously for SL25 invasions do I stay +3 or go +4???
>no instant unpunishable Estus
>Lloyds you can throw more than 1 meter, can carry 99
>no weapon memory, can twink fucking hard
>simpleton's ring and other stat boost rings giving you huge advantages
>phantoms cannot heal without miracles
>game does not force you to invade players with summoned phantoms
>game does not matchmake you with players with the maximum amount of summoned phantoms above all else
Fucking what
How the fuck do I beat this guy? He's the hardest boss so far.
Not because he's strong. He's super weak. He's too weak. He's literally a pathetic old blind man. He misses 70% of his swings and the 30% he hits don't even hurt that much.
I can't bring myself to fight him. He's even more pathetic than Seath. What the fuck do I do?
where are you invading? beyond the road of sacrifices you could go +4 i guess. stay +3 before that
Sit him down and tell him that Ocelotte doesn't exist. And then tell him that his two sons have eloped.
He'll kill himself for you.
Source: my raw black dragon sword+5 with 445 AR at 100k SM
get him to 50% hp. you'll change your mind
Oh damn.
he's kind of adorable when you think about it. silly old dragon
My own fucking experience of invading. The skill of the invader is a huge advantage. Dark Souls 3 gave the invaders so many disadvantages that it almost offsets that advantage.
Remember when there were events?
M8 please
I was originally writing out a big post comparing DaS3's and DaS2's PvP, but then I realized these posts could be bait.
On the off chance that you're just misinformed and you're serious, here's the simple answer:
In DaS2, drinking estus takes like 10 years, and doesn't heal as fast as DaS3 unless you drink 2-3 in one go. Lifegems also heal too slow without the host crushing a few.
Doing either of these gives the Invader enough time to hit you for two free hits. Provided that you're invading in the 2M-3M SM bracket at SL150 w/ all of your gear, Agape Ringed up, then there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to immediately kill the host when they go to estus.
Dark Souls 3 has no fun stuff in it so events aren't possible.
I mean fuck you can't even do like Jailer invasion event because the soldering iron deals less damage than a dagger R1.
Do you think seath took over his mind? Was it maybe seath talking? Maybe he always wanted a baby and to be loved for once in his life??
>meet host who knows what he's doing in DeS/DaS/BB
>somewhat fair fight where they can have some unique advantages but so can you
>same situation in 2/3
>host in 2 can on demand make them unwinnable or almost impossible in 3
Just because you can prey on someone's lack of knowledge because bigger game size, doesn't make the game have a better invasion system
Because Raw DSaxe isn't a thing, right?
Nice evidence. Are you a woman by any chance?
if those concept arts are truly from DLC then it's certainly going to be angel-themed, with sinners and divine judges
at least he has legs
What's even the deal with seath, how did he manage to survive until DkS2 and even beyond that? He is not a lord, he doesn't get reborn or anything, neither did any other dragon. It's like as long as crystal magic exists, he does too or something.