If I make $1300 every 2 weeks, how much of that should I spend on groceries? Not including eating out.
If I make $1300 every 2 weeks, how much of that should I spend on groceries? Not including eating out
Less than $50 a week if you know what you're doing
I spend ~$100 a week on groceries but I'm away from home 5 days a week and that also includes cigarettes, deodorant, body wash, etc. Shouldn't ever have to spend more than $50-60 a week per person on food no matter what your income is.
70 a day
Are you a competitive eater?
Probably all of it. Keep your skills honed think to the future reach the next level
Why would your grocery bill vary based on income? Are you going to dust a pizza in gold after a raise?
Go to Veeky Forums and ask them what you should buy.
Then just cut out all the protein supplements.
$100 if you're a glutton hamplanet
$50 if you're a fat ass
$25 if you're fit and consuming healthy foods.
this is actually a good answer
>open URRE balance sheet
>everything is in parenthesis
>1 deodorant per week?
Dude, WTF are you? One giant armpit?
>Not including eating out
If you only make 33,800/yr you should not be eating out.
Just for yourself?
How many people?
You can easily spend less than $100 on yourself and still eat really nice food.
Hell, you can spend $50 and eat healthy if you're clever.
Not him but what is a good budget for 4 people
>thats a bit excessive unless you're a basement dweller. Occasion meals out with company are fine
what if alcoholic ;o
>do the maths
>this is actually true
Wtf do I really lose $9000 a year on taxes and health insurance? This is bull shit
25$ a week? Nigger what are you just eating ramen twice a day or what? $50 is tight $75 is a good weekly goal if you want decent food
Why not? Thats about what i earn and i eat out two or three times a month. Its nice to relax
Hello new friend.
This is Veeky Forums.
All we care about is money.
90% of Veeky Forums is retarded. If you think eating out 2 times a month is excessive you have no life
>Buy in groceries in bulk especially products you use a lot of and have to replenish
Milk, eggs, bread (if your house isn't humid and hot as fuck where it goes bad quickly, are top of the list. When you buy in bulk thing you need and quickly used up you save yourself a trip to the store and money.
>Learn how to cook and prepare meals days ahead.
Even if it's simple shit like spaghetti or rice and whatever you like to mix with rice. Making meals days ahead and storing them in the fridge to be take to work/school or just popped in the microwave is a huge time saver and money saver. And variety is a good thing. Don't be like my mom and sister who tried this but filled like 20 containers with the same fucking meal and got bored eating it after a few days. Set a day aside to make some different meals you like, put them in containers, and refrigerate.
>Shop on Wednesdays and use coupons
I have family members who love to bitch and moan about prices at stores yet they refuse to go on discount days, buy one get one days, or to use fucking coupons. Fucking Publix does it every damn week and you can walk out of there saving hundred if you aren't a stubborn asshole too good to use coupons. I see people flock to places like Walmart on weekends when the prices by that time are raised.
>There's nothing wrong with off-brands
There are some off brands that are really fucking good, some can give a name brand a run for it's money. You just have to try them out.
>Fast food and restaurants should be reserved for self rewards or special occasions.
A side note because you mentioned it: If you're shoveling fast food down your gullet every fucking day you're slowing fucking yourself up and wasting money. Once every two weeks at the end of the week as a reward or if it's a special reason like birthday, hanging out with friends or family you don't get to see much, then yeah go ahead but don't make it a habit.
there are other things you can do besides eat out
There are other things to do besides sit inside and jerk off to anime
>$25 if you're fit
>has no idea how hungry you get when you actually work out
and healthy foods are cheaper than shitty foods? what country do you live in?
Usa. Meat vegetables and fruit are a lot cheaper than processed crap
I spend around 150-250€ per month, but I like to cook and bake (even though I'm npt baking that often).
Try multiple recipes of things you like and always measure and write what you've changed. When you make cookies for example you can then make a good sized batch and freeze the rest and you always have fresh tasty cookies for cheap.
Also this. Better even, keep the supplements and start working out
When I was a student, I bought shit tons of Rice, Chicken Breasts, Beans and spices. Fruits and Vegatables were cheap since I was near a farmers market, and I used the generic brand for oatmeal/cereal.
Lived on about 40$ a week.
>Lived on about 40$ a week.
That isn't very frugal.
better than spending 1000$ on a student meal plan
Is that after taxes?
I make 1400 after taxes take home.
But food and gas are certainly my biggest expenses.
>Live in Boston
>Left 49k a year job with a 10 min commute in PA (paying 350 a month in rent living with college students)
>New job is 58k, 45 min commute, 1000 a month in rent living with college students.
I dont think Ill take home more money desu, when work gets more relaxed ill spend time budgeting but Im really worried if Ill make more money here.I dont understand how people afford to live here on a salary lower than mine and actually save money.
The tufts, Harvard kids have to all be on mommy and daddys dime. No college kid could work part time and afford to live here.
Yes, it is. $40 gets me
- 1lb of chicken
- Rice
- noodles
- peanut butter
- eggs
- milk
- (snack - microwavable garbage thing)
- frozen veggies
about enough food for 1 week.
>Harvard kids have to all be on mommy and daddys dime. No college kid could work part time and afford to live here.
That or huge student loans. Maybe a mixture.
I currently get by with $100 a month in college, it's somewhat miserable but it's doable.
Veeky Forums here
Nigger, you need to learn how to cook.
Save your scraps. You know you can make chicken stock with the leftover carcass from your roast chicken? You know that shit lasts for months when frozen? And it doesn't end there. Save your leftover veggies for soups and stews. I cut half an onion and saved the rest for Mirepoix. I go into my fucking grass and take dandelion greens for a summer salad.
Nigger, shit ain't hard. I make Instagram worthy meals with a minimal budget.
$300-$400/mo if you give a shit about your health
get Veeky Forums m8.
its the most cost effective thing you can do.
For Americans, maybe like $800 month since you're fat
About $300-400
>$110 on sodas
>$60 on energy drinks
>$150 on chips
>$80 on candy (only 80 just 2 b healthy)
What do I do with chicken scraps? Is there a good way to melt the marrow from the bones and make a soup?
no need to melt the marrow etc.
Just put the rest in a pot, add 2,5l salted water and cook for 25-30 mins.
now take the chicken parts out of the water und add vegetables.
Important: at least one clean onion. ( this ay the soup is clear)
for vegetables take according to season and liking. celery, carrots, potatoes, peas, green beans etc
cook for another 40 mins. put the meat back in and add fast cooking stuff ( noodles etc)
put a little bit of cut chives and parsley on top tadaaaaaaaaa
And if you happen to have some old bread around:
Cut the bread into small cubes. Roast them in a pan with the oil of your choice.
Add them to the soup right before eating.
depending on where you live protein supplements may actually be way cheaper and healthier than rich protein foods
You have almost an identical situation to me. I spend $50 a week in groceries.
My entire budget gives me $1500 per month in surplus income.
Do as this gentleman says.
It's not necessary but I recommend getting a cookbook.
And because this is Veeky Forums :
download it somewhere or buy one used.
I like " Cooking the german way" by Helga Parnell
if you've just started wageslaving, what is a good savings/investment plan?
i'm currently saving 81% of my monthly disposable income, how does that place?
also what are some short term investments with high returns?
is it true that the higher the return the higher the risks? where did most self-made millionaires/billionaires start their investments?
If you're just feeding yourself $120 for two weeks is all you'd need
I spend anywhere from $100 to $250 per month (depending on if I feel like splurging on more expensive stuff) on food just from buying frozen shit that doesn't expire like 3 days later. The only exception is any time I see steaks on discount because they'll pass expiration that day, I'll pick it up and cook it for cheap.
Otherwise, It's really, really nice not having to go back to the grocery store until the next month rolls around.
Haha I'll admit I'm overweight but omg, when someone gets to the point that they are so fat they need an electric scooter, there is no excuse for that.
I spend a maximum of 10 euros per day per person on groceries.
That's a whopping 140 euros per two weeks.
I got 5 pounds of chicken thighs, some brown rice, canned beans, broccoli, a frozen pizza and other shit for just under $50 the other day.
Can someone suggest a good site or cookbook? I want to live alone and try to live off of 50-60 a week for food
URRE Team.
Why should the amount you make impact the amount of money you spend on groceries?
It depends where you life user.
>go to the supermarket in the early morning
>buy a large pack of discounted chicken thighs
>buy some broccoli or green beans
>and healthy foods are cheaper than shitty foods? what country do you live in?
Yeah right, I could live on Ramen, eggs and chives for about $4-5 per day. Or that cheap terrible pizza product.
Instead I eat a well-rounded diet including whatever meat is discounted, nuts, fruits, some probiotics (kombucha, Greek yogurt, kimchi)... Mostly organic. I spend about $150 a week.
Also: Very active/healthy, eat a lot
Sure, I could probably cut a lot of that price out and save it, but the best investment you can make is in your health.
If you're not eating out, where do you eat for lunch breaks when you're at work/uni? Do you just bring your meals together? Isn't it sperglord-tier to do this? Ofc I'm not from the US and I don't know shit about eating culture there.
eggs are not processed food, they are considered the same group as produce
Yep you lose a lot on taxes.
In Canada you pay about 44% of your income in various taxes