best ship edition
vlad vg when
best ship edition
vlad vg when
Which last item as for on-hit shyvana? cant decide between those 4
xth for small tits and big guns.
>Titanic Hydra
You are behind on the times, friend
tank items
Current Patch Notes:
Useful sites:
Best girl.
Best hair.
Best wife.
>Aatrox completes Bork
>every fight with him comes down to wether you can burst him through his lifesteal before he can auto you to death
What a retarded champion. Is this why they keep him in the fucking trash?
its still a core item on shyvana,no? she needs waveclear unless ravenous is the new hot spicy meme
You have enough waveclear with w. The best build is bloodrazer> fmallet> tank with optional titty lategame
Reminder this is your average gold player
I will miss playing graggy
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Go razor, trinity, bork and/or tank. Trinity is fucking amazing on her
She has plenty of waveclear with no hydra
>both sub 50
thats why you do't go by those. titty is overrated post nerfs
I've seen literal bronzies that weren't this fucking dumb...
>Auto-attack based champion
>Is based entirely around doing more consistent damage
>Meanwhile you have burst
>Burst is meant about 100-0 in an entire rotation
Gee boss I dunno maybe you're retarded for losing to aatrox.
you forgot nerfplz.com and s@20 but nice try
did your experience get changed, user?
>lacking a grasp of basic english vocabulary
either foreign or retarded, different server for one, bots for the other
did she can survive this?
idk how to play against him.
I'm not a top main. I was mid and locked in fizz then some nigger was throwing a fit that he wanted mid.
I couldn't afford to dodge my promos so I just went along with it.
Fuck you now i am in prison, if Pedro rapes and kills me i will haunt you forever stupid nigger
She is older than you
>You had Fizz
>Lost to aatrox
>then you realize he's useless in team fights
Syndra is my cute wife!
also there is a criminal lack of justicar art
>Fizz losing to aatrox
nunu doesnt need buffs
Well he doesn't need to team fight when he can just split push forever.
Oh well. He's hardly ever picked and I don't play top.
> losing to bad Xin
Are you bronze? He's as telegraphed as they come
What about my galio? :^)
so what's the problem?
I love Lissandra!
>Losing to AAtrox as Fizz
do you use your fucking E to escape or something and get knocked up
your fault for clicking on it hehe
hey hahahaha fuck you user
I like to think that due to her upbringing in seclusion, Syndra is unable to express emotions like a normal person. This means that when she is abusing you, she's really trying to tell you that she kinda likes you and wants to maybe go on a date with you, but in reality she's pummeling you to death with dark magic.
stay away, Syndra is mine! Mine!
agreed tho
>merc threads
>xd free ap
kill urself :/
is guinsoos still OP on everyone
Well at least my kds and kill participation is higher on two galio games than on your six ahri games
>ad ahri
>no tank ahri and jungle ahri to round it all out
come on man
I tried using it to dodge his knock up. It usually worked.
But once that was down I couldn't always kill him and didn't have any way to get away.
Like I said. I don't play top. Any advice if I find myself in that situation again?
I know you're pretty knowledgeable about this kind of stuff Kangz.
Lol you sure got me dude!
tank ahri whats the point
No one cares, familia.
Ahri already does no damage.
Why the fuck would you build her tank?
anyone want to queue with me
>enemy team surrenders at the 3 minute mark
is this a known bug?
Someone tell me how to play Yi. My main junglers are all tank initiators like Gragas, Amumu, and Rammus but lately I decided I want to play a carry jungler like Yi but I'm really at a loss with this guy.
i want my season 3 foxgirl back...
Its a remake dumbass
Read the patch notes.
>AAtrox mid
Don't get autoed for free level 1-2.
Go At 3, Q W, E so he gets hit by the edge of it and walk through your minions, if he commits just auto him because he can't outdamage your W plus minions early game.
You can go an early morello in this lane and then protobelt into lichbane and he most likely can't fight you anymore unless he goes like, SV maw.
God speed friend.
Also if anyone wants to play some League with me I'm on my plat 3:smurf solo queing.
you either get a pick on someone who is alone or play clean up crew after your team already engaged
If you've got lulu you can be the one to engage and hope your team follows up
talon buffs when
ok for real, when are we gonna get lissfag and jinxfag to wrestle in the nude for the superiority of their respective waifus?
and by superiority, I mean whoever gets to come second to Syndra.
How long have you been gone?
People are now allowed to remake their games if one or more of their teammates is AFK.
Woah, b-back off
>mfw ignite ghost vayne top
>Read the patch notes.
I haven't played in months why would I bother going through every single patch note
I don't even know when the last update was nor do I really care
see there we go
3 replies and finally an answer
Thanks man.
You're always really helpful.
I heard the Ice Mallet offtank build was good, should I do this for more survivability? Also, when do I use E and when do I not use it?
> I want to play a carry jungler
> like Yi
Dude just play Nidalee and take your free wins. What's the point of playing an overnerfed team-reliant champion that's only good in silver.
that feel when looking at vods from back when league wasn't utter shite.
oh thank god, someone dodged
>shit on kids
>get a box
league pro scene was always shite outside when someone rolled out what was prior to that game an unorthodox pick
solo queue though, and when league had a smaller playerbase in season 1/2? RIP
i have been in love with the same girl for two years but she only exists as a character in an online videogame
this suffering has gone for TOO LONG
>ywn be attacked by a chainsaw-wielding Jinx
I'm all ready to go. I'm sure Lissfag is too chickenshit to fight anyone, though.
>I mean whoever gets to come second to Syndra.
Nice joke, by the way.
If she isn't Jinx stop being autistic.
No problem user.
Always glad to help my fellow ap assassins show them what for.
I love most lol/g/ posters and I'm happy whenever I can help any of you play/enjoy the game more.
D'awww such a sweetheart
It would be extremely paINful.
What's you secret? Tell me what you do with Kled.
I really enjoy the champ, but for some reason I just don't have a good grasp on his kit.
Does it matter if we're fresh gold vs?
Why does he look like fucking Max from Goof Troop when he was pretending to be Powerline
gj foof
he's just like riven
>tfw playing Graves with Cleaver and DD
this bug fix is actually a huge buff
any kled tips, foof?
what is this sorcery
>got death blossom khazix
>need 5300 IP to buy khazix in the first place
someone kill me
not covering all the names so i just opgg'ed vayne's name
Oi wtf I tought that stacking once was intended
I'll try him later because that sounds strong af
No that's fine.
We can still play.
One day, hopefully.
thanks dude haha
But not chocolate I hate chocolate
>get a definite team to dodge
>in promos so you can't dodge
y-you too
i added you
ahri in a one-piece WHEN
I can't unsee it. Im dying.
>ekko main
>hates chocolate
What do you first pick toplane? I always end up getting counterpicked and bot lane feeds. Is Malphite pretty safe?
>not a 2 piece
Found the fag.
Never. We don't need another damn Ahri skin.