I graduated from high school in 2012. I quickly enrolled into my local college's engineering program "Lee College" after three years of hard ships and failing calculus 2 I talked to my school counselors about getting a degree in one of my hobbies; Drafting and Design. they said that it was a hot and ever expanding industry and If I was one of the best in my class, I would have job offers through the roof, and that I could graduate in 2 semesters with a associates in drafting and design, a associates in general studies, and two drafting proficiently certificates. I graduated "May 2016" with a gpa of 3.7 Making straight A's those last two semesters. Its been about five months. NO JOBS ARE AVAILABLE, THE SCHOOL TOLD ME TO LOOK ON CRAIGSLIST FOR A JOB.
My family who Ive always been close has started to act coldly twords me. I'm afraid If I don't find a job real soon I am going to do something rash like kill myself or something.
Help me ANYBODY.
Have I been taken a fool?
>He can't get a CAD monkey job
Seriously? companies are throwing money at you because they want you to do CAD so they don't have to pay engineers to do it. If you haven't found an opening you're either retarded or not looking farther than 50 miles away.
Drafting and design are pretty vague bruh. Also quit that entitled attitude like someone own you a job bc its not the case. Are you specialized in anything?
>If you haven't found an opening you're either retarded or not looking farther than 50 miles away.
I send out like 30 resumes a week to different company I live in Houston the Largest PetroChemical city in the world I am trained in most forms of drafting except road design. When I wrote my resume I was helped by my dad "who was a manager at different companies for 30 years. FOR THE LIFE OF ME I CANNOT FIND A JOB DOING WHAT I LOVE. needless to say I need some help
I trained "jack of all trades" as what the counselers sujested so I can get a job of any kind in the field
I just want to get a job that does not involve where-houses or restaurants
so that I can finally start my life
If even BLM (notorious for overestimating job growth and responsible for lawyer and nursing glut) says job outlook is slim, you know it's bad.
Also, drafting is being outsourced to India, as is many other medium-skilled jobs.
This stuff has always been my dream every since I got "the sims" for my 8th birthday. I love every bit about it the piping, ,the chemical plants, the homes, the stores, and the program.
I left engineering after feeling so sad and depressed every day I would wake up and just want to kill myself I thought I had finally found some hope when I switched.