Yes the game isn't what it should be. We don't care.
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How to get the Atlas pass:
Yes the game isn't what it should be. We don't care.
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How to get the Atlas pass:
Reminder if you meta/powergame too much you are only hastening your eventual boredom.
Take your time, smell the roses. It's about the journey, not the destination.
>If you have an SSD, some users have experienced improved performance when having the game installed on a normal HDD. If possible, try moving to game to see if it improves performance.
this is the dumbest thing I've read.
I'm in the preorder ship on my initial planet, if I buy another one without a hyperdrive now am I still fucked?
Just a heads up for people using the GOG version, I think you can update using Don't overwrite the .exe or any other files, just get what's inside "GAMEDATA\PCBANKS" and overwrite in your game directory, make a backup of that file if you want in case shit goes wrong. I replaced it and noticed a increase in performance, no problems with save game too since you don't replace the .exe
Buy a 20+ slot ship and grind teh crash sites for more slots.
how the fuck does that even happen
>there are people out there that actually paid $60 for this piece of shit
>Mouse controls pitch and yaw
>Roll with A&D
This is disgusting and makes me feel bad.
Is there any way to remap NMS to proper flight controls so I can stop barrel-rolling into asteroids like like its fucking Star Fox.
How it fucking should be:
>Mouse to Pitch and Roll
>Yaw with A&D
POST DINOSAURS and other aggressive meat eaters!
I'm pretty sure there is no hunt mechanic for the AI animals but this dude had a dead animal in front of him and his temperament was unpredictable
Why does every fucking planet look like this? You land, and that's what the planet looks like. There aren't different zones on planets. You will never fly around a planet and find a big mountain range: either the entire planet is mountainy, or basically none of it is. If there isn't snow where you land, there isn't any anywhere on the planet. All you have to do is walk 10 minutes and you've essentially seen the whole planet. Why no planets with forests, mountain ranges, proper rivers? Yeah, there are forest planets, but no planets that have a forested area in the east, and maybe a mountain range at the poles. They're all one note. it sucks ass.
Post the largest creatures you've seen. I want to know if giant creatures even fucking exist in this shit game. We saw plenty in the trailers, but I'm 20 hours in and the largest thing I've seen is around 10-12 feet tall.
It was done so players don't see all the game has to offer on only one planet.
I don't know his diet but he's a weird Dino for sure.
There was an explanation, I don't know if just conjecture or coming from an interview, but regardless quite believable: they didn't want people to stick for too long on a single planet, but rather have them jump often.
Most real planets only have one type of environment.
Same goes for a lot of Sci-Fi planets.
>Hoth is cold
>Endor is forest
They should make "dual planet" types. Two types of variation per planet. More interesting but don't show all possible types on one planet
which one of you cucks believed this was going to be THE game and actually dolled out $60? Admit it
here be dino
Earth is actually a pretty rare breed with an axis that takes it back and forth for winter/summer. Look at mars for example. That shit is barren constantly. Venus a foggy mess, there will be no seasons.
I could see if it was a planet that didnt rotate, it would have two sides be very different, but a rock that close to a sun will be cooked, and stay cooked.
left or right?
Well I believed it'd be the game I always wanted, and so far that's exactly what it is. So yeah, I paid $60.
>go to planet
>see biome
>get sick of biome
>move to new biome
>go to planet
>see biome
>get sick of biome
>move to new planet
Why do people think there is such a big difference between these two? Literally the only thing you're missing is a shitily transitioned line between the biomes.
I had no expectations for this game because I had learned from spore, and even then I still managed to be disappointed.
Colorful mining simulator was your dream game?
It's so you don't have to land in specific places on a planet, you can find the same resources/environment etc. wherever you land on the planet. Also encourages you to go to lots of different planets. Instead of just flying to the north/south pole you have to find a cold planet and shit.
The game you always wanted has dozens of alien bases on every planet, all of which are identical? Even though they're from different races? Weird.
That's climate though. He was also talking about geology. Especially a planet with water should have tectonic plates, mountain ranges and stuff like that.
Also, we're getting scientifically accurate here so it doesn't matter much as far as NMS is concerned, but a planet without seasons is probably tidally locked, and so it should be half frozen. None of the planets in NMS are tidally locked.
Colorful, neon-pastel retro space exploration game was my dream game.
But Mars has season and icy polar caps, not sure about Venus though.
How does your game look so sharp?
I know the game tells you itself during the Atlas path that the journey is more important, but I just really want to reach the center as quickly as possible and then explore from there.
But advice to all: if you want to just casually explore, focus on upgrading your hyperdrive so you can see the more unique and varied planets.
jej but seriously this.
Found a neato ship. Not trading in mine though,
>the center
But there's nothing there.
I speak from experience: even in blue star systems, 9/10 planets are fucking garbage.
Getting to better systems nearer the center doesn't make cool, varied planets likely: it just makes it possible for them exist
I'm on that green looking planet. Can anyone see me?
>Colorful, neon-pastel retro
nothing retro about this. This game isn't pixel 2d, it's 3d you idiot.
Really? No tidally locked planets?
What about binary star systems then?
Or literal balls of flame like mercury?
Did the devs not decide to look into actual science?
I mean all it would have taken is hiring a cosmotologist for a day and just have him make a list of cool as planet types, that are actually real.
This really isn't uncommon in games. Which really baffles me.
Seasons would be really nice.
For the 3 planets that have both a calm environment and water.
Everything is just burning at this point.
>install new patch
>load game
>trick to change the appearance of your ship was patched and now my ship looks like garbage
fun is over boys
Who else fucking HATES the way the NPC "intelligent aliens" are handled. There is always one in every trade post/space station/etc. Always just one, and they never move or do anything, just stand there. They aren't characters, they're stupid guessing games/dialogue puzzles.
NPC ships land and takeoff like fucking crazy at space stations but you will never ONCE see an alien actually get out of or into one.
hnnnnng if you could only own more than one ship.
what u mean
>Did the devs not decide to look into actual science?
THat's specifically it. NMS isn't meant to scientifically accurate. We have SpaceEngine for that.
The climates of the planets literally have nothing to do with their distance from their star. They are also so insanely close together that gravity would be fucked.
Also the game doesn't have gravity.
everything but the transition from earth to space sucks
>actual scientifically based galaxy algorithm that few people in the world would be able to think of
>minecraft tier procedural generation set to never perfectly copy another planet.
What do you think an indie dev is going to do?
What materials should I keep on me to constantly keep upgrading my starship when I find a wrecked/abandoned one?
They're both solid 3/5s but white is right.
Anyone else being spawned extremely near each other when sharing pc, but diffrent steam accounts.
This is the kind of shit I grew up on and I used to dream about a videogame that let you do this back in a time where the closest thing we had was monochrome vector Elite
Yes the game is underwhelming and not worth the asking price, but I couldn't give a shit frankly, it hits my buttons
Fucking shit, I've scanned down three crashed ships on this planet and they've all been equal or worse than the one I'm piloting.
Just give the the upgrade you fucking game, I want to move on.
right is a cute
but i'd prolly buy left
exactly this.
I put about 10 hours into the pirated game and my friend asked if it was worth buying. I was trying to think of my favorite parts of the game, and I was shocked to find that my favorite part is how you can go from space to planets without cutscenes or anything. that shit is genuinely very cool.
Too bad it gets old after the 4th or 5th time
How can you be so inefficient with your space?
Probably because he downscaled those screenshots.
plz respond ;_;
Even No Guy's Buy has a general and the Battleborn one is dead LUL
Multiple games have realistic generated space, a simplified version of that would be enough. Instead we have 14 planet types and stars of 4 colours with no connection to real space.
you guys should totally meet up!
Crashed ships will NEVER have more than 1 extra inventory slot. I.e. if you current ship has 20 slots, it's legit impossible to find a crashed ship with more than 21 slots. The only way to really upgrade is to buy one.
It would be cool that you can buy ships off NPCs if there was also like, a spaceship garage/store. the fact that it's the ONLY way to buy ships is fucking bizarre
I feel so happy i didnt buy this game, i dodged a bullet, a really big one.
Found a planet full of docile animals, "relaxed" sentinels (can kill anything and mine anything they don't give a shit) and full of transmission towers
my computer not good enough for this game
>look up
>hold space for 5 seconds
>press back button a second later
What transition? Meanwhile going to a planet means watching different image layers peel away. This is a far cry from the smooth transitions we saw in the first trailer.
I love the game, but this really is toned down.
More aliens would be nice, but it seems like the idea is that they're just too busy to be anywhere. I wish you could find some just out on the planets away from outposts sometimes. Maybe violent ones or black market traders. This world is nearly completely void of intelligent life. No wonder history was lost. No one ever steps outside.
I thought it was a funny explaination of the game but I agree with it.
My computer is plenty good enough for it and it still runs little poorly/looks like shit even on max graphics. It's a shitty port.
It's also a shitty game, so you dodged a bullet.
For FUCKS sake the game is not meant to be realistic. It's literally meant to be an interactive version of 70's sci-fi art
could you be more vague
R8 ship
>running out toward the aperture of a space station makes this happen
how did nobody catch that in QA
was there QA
>space exploration game
That's actually my dream game as well.
This is certainly not it.
Exploration in this is fucking garbage, it's all the same.
Nothing interesting to find, just some plants and some stupid animals.
I'm still waiting for a proper space exploration game. Fucking starbound is closer.
What's worse, you won't get anything for your current ship.
Take a look a the ships. The technology. The colors used on the ships. It's retro as fuck.
Name one game with realistic generated space that isn't so limited that every player will visit every planet.
You have to be able to land on these planets and walk around them as well. Planets so large it's impossible to walk the entire surface on foot.
Always have heridium, plutonoum, and thamium9.
I also recommend holding on to a full stack of rare minerals if you're able. My current upgrade needs 600 nickel and 600 aluminium and suddenly they just don't exist anywhere.
But you bought starbound so you might as well kill yourself.
Not him, but you're right: people saying the game isn't realistic need to shut up; the game is trying to be like 70s sci-fi art. And if it was, that would be fucking AWESOME.
But it's not, it completely failed in that goal. Just look at your picture! It shows a grassy plain near a forest, with a snow mountain in the distance.
This would be completely fucking impossible to find in NMS. At best you'd find a plain planet and then a forest planet and then a snowy mountain planet. But there's no geographical variety like you see in 70s sci-fi art.
I don't think you'll get closer than space engine is term of accuracy and scale any time soon.
Pretty nice ruins setup I found. Its at the center of a hole of a floating island and you can see two other planets in the system through the hole.
Nah, you're right but if one planet had multiple biomes you'd be more inclined to just sit on it instead of jetting out. It's one of the few bits of subtle game design the game gets right.
Don't bother man it's not worth it
...but he's 100% right.
I didnt, jokes on you!
Overlook nothing. Visor out at all times. Sometimes you think you've already scanned something and you are wrong.
Also, anyone know hownmany kinds of sentinels there are? I've only seen the guilty spark clones and the robopups.
That's such a shit defense. "The planets are intentionally one-note and boring so you don't stay on them long!" Terrible, terrible argument for a game whose only selling point is "cool stuff 2 look at"
I'm kind of glad none of them are overly exciting since you'll never manage to find them again...
Need teleporters. What is this portal shit I hear about that apparently exists on every planet? Are they just unfinished and used as ruins?
Well that's the thing- I'm at 19, and the three I found, (now 4), were at 18 & 19.
Wouldn't the game just be better if there were biomes on planets though? I don't see the negative. In a free form exploration game, jet out and find another interesting planet if you want to, stick around if you don't.
Can't see how it would be worse than the current system of "all planets are boring, walk 5 minutes and you've seen the whole planet" affair. If the planets gonna be so consistent, with no biomes, like they are now, they might as well be super Mario Galaxy sized planets.
Google takes a shit on you.
Theres supposed to be a large bipedal one.
The fuck does that even mean? Post a pic to prove me wrong. You fucking can't.
Land on a planet, walk 5 minutes, you've seen the whole thing. Shit procedural generation in a shit game.
If you can prove me wrong with a screenshot that isn't from a trailer, I'd love to see it. But you can't.
I guess I just need to somehow get these things to call more reinforcements, but it's either they die, I die, or they just get bored and deactivate.
To all you retards saying "the planets are intentionally one-note and boring/no biomes so it encourages you to keep moving," they're adding base building to the game, which shits all over that weak argument
Its fucking nothing.