Fighting Games General /fgg/
animal ears are #1 and so is this post
Why do anime games have the best osts?
Tekken 7 please cum soon all over me.
Some nasty as tongues.
i-it's not bleached, it's natural pinky
usf4 eu?
Uniel is not an anime game.
sfv is fun desu
>love fighting against the top tiers (except necalli)
>hate fighting the low tier street ball, talent show, circus de soleil gimmicky low tiers
im really horny desu
how do you rashid players feel about daigo thinking rashid is top tier now
>Full screen unga
>Anime art styles
>Double jumps
You sure m8?
I just want Revelator to come out on PC so that I can play Guilty Gear again. There's literally no point in playing Sign now.
>a game is fun if only play ONE character
Capcucks will defend this
i've always said that he is sleeper top tier
Why are the KoFXIV trials so short? They look so easy I might be able to do them. Is now the time to finally get into KoF?
This webm makes me not miss this game whatsoever
I play xrd pretty regulary almost daily. It's a good port and I paid money for it so I don't see anything wrong with playing it if friends want to.
look at that off the wall jump arc
delete this
im suppose to block that? in 8 frames?
Does anyone in this thread stream?
If I started streaming fighting games (without facecam) would people still donate to me? I have Cyberbots, USF4. and I don't know if Mugen is allowed..
Design a a character for SFV representing :
I just played SFV after a month of hiatus.
This game fucking sucks.
sure there is
no character has been fundamentally changed just stuff like frame data and hitboxes and damage and such
if you want to get better at xrd you can still do it through sign but i guess most people dont care about getting better
The only one you got correct was anime art style.
Did you get memed to death or something?
If you can't be with 4 at it's worst then you don't deserve it at its best!!!
w-what did u mean by this?
your man
the bloke from final fight but he likes potatoes now
Just stay in /pol/ if you want to bait shit.
Mugen is allowed, saltybets still streams.
I personally tried to stream fighting games but it becomes unplayable laggy when I have to upload a video feed.
what character do you play? you can always try to dp
Ibuki vs Karin is impossible
I refuse to believe I can win in any way as Ibuki
As a Native American I must say that T.Hawk's exclusion in the latest Street Fighter is nothing short of a hate crime
What are you having trouble with
and a ooga booga to you too sir
it is really hard because karin has 20 times better buttons and does 3 times as much damage but all you gotta do is outplay her on the gorund mate
i wish chun li had a dp but i just jump after him usually if im standing
but on wake up though...
Why doesn't /fgg/ have a default filter list in the OP'
Most other generals have collective lists of cancerous comments, tripcodes, filenames, md5 etc ready to be imported and it's linked and improved every thread.
>Winning against a Karin
Don't disrespect the churn
Tactical churning is a real strategy
My normals are complete shit and she has the best normals in the game
If she doesnt jump im fucked
I'd be willing to get back on as long as I can get frequent matches.
I use a shitty Xbox 360 controller that has a semi-broken cord while playing on pic-related as my computer setup.
Even if my hands weren't crippling slow gitting gud is nigh impossible for me.
t.poorest fag you'll ever know.
but she does? ex SBK
I almost got the same damage from hitting him over and over while he was churning though
because filtering is for pussies and you should go somewhere else if you get your feelings hurt
Two guesses that might not be contradictionary.
First, they probably wanted them to be more of a learning tool, teaching basic cancels and juggles and such.
And secondly, there might be characters that just don't have tools for lots of long combos, so they toned everyone's trials down on the basic level.
I want to lick Rashid's tummy!
>staying on the ground vs karin
Are you saying there is no full screen unga?
youre not going to jump in with ibukis ass buttons
so? you can still play and get better.
that's haram
its fine if i have meter but the point is that its incredibly ambiguous because of the angle of which he just suddenly drops. id ideally like to have better defense to not go to ex meter but rashid is street fighters take on chip so sometimes youre going to have to guess and eat his mix ups which is not always (see: never) fun
It's not a matter of getting your feeling hurt.
Filtering improves a thread's quality by directly removing all the bad posts.
Time is too precious to be wasted looking at poor quality shitposts.
It's a bad general, look at this shit he loves wallowing in garbage
Your and are decent buttons to use against her especially if the karin likes to press things like or
Get used to whiff punishing those and start the Kunai memes, it's hard but it's definitely winnable.
His churning was not tactical
Tactical churning is like mashing demon, you must COMMIT to a HARD READ.
Back from the meme store, lads.
where the fuck is my kermit you stupid cunt
I'll never get as good as I want to be so idk why I should even try.
is her leotard vaccum sealed or somehow glued to her anus?
you can catch him with your reversal iirc and overall shutdown all of his options, chun is probably his worst matchup (most of his matchups are actually 5-5) watch Go1 play against john or gachikun
the only way i see you lose this matchup is if rashid has perfect spacing and gets crush counter cr.hp combos, there is no way you can jump on chun lately i tried to do late aerial v-skill to beat light anti-airs and it works but the risk vs reward is bad especially in late game where she can punish with CA
what region are you maybe we can play sets?
It's actually literally impossible for karin to anti air ibuki's unless she blows meter on ex ressenha
Cammy no!
They were all burned to ashes. Sorry m8
when I played my friends karin in that mu he had no problems jabbing it
ok then how is getting rev on pc right now going to help this situation
Then you jumped at the wrong angle
I've tried everything, jab, st.hp, and tenko, they all lose
how about you use her walk speed to make it a wrong angle you stupid bitch
maybe you should tell all the shitters from /v/ to stop posting if you want a better thread instead of complaining about something so inconsequential as a fucking filter
it's been bad for a long time, and you posting here is only making it worse. leave us alone
i rarely fight rashid but if theres one move that sticks out its the cr fp because that is seriously the button that gets spammed along with random dash cr mk. neutral isnt bad vs him but corner is death in sf5 so if youre just flipping through your book of mixups then things look better for rashid
just don't press buttons when she's in front of you
Who is your fighting game husbando?
Ignore Redblade, he's retarded.
He thinks UNiEL isn't anime for christ sake
At least you have Thunder in KI and he's pretty great now.
>elena was put into the game so that people would start to hate sf4 and move onto 5 when it was released
>it's been confirmed
Ixion just said this. Is he talking out his ass or has it actually been confirmed?
Whoever designed Ryu had brain damage
Nice image you got there mate.
I like how it's small and has the wrong colours.
>Try to keep out Thunder
>He DPs
Or I could sappo and cross under and start my offense
It's barely anime, it's far more like sf
I've been thinking, what even is the point of playing fighting games? First person shooters are so much better in every aspect. Population, recognition, career, respect, skill, fun. You see, a bad player in a competitive shooter will never, EVER win. Yet in fighting games a bad player can get away with acting totally random and in fact he is often rewarded for it. In no other game genre you have to learn how to deal with 'noobs' on top of learning the game, simply because every other genre is well designed and VS fighting is still stuck in the 90's. The saddest thing is, when a good game comes around the corner that dares to defy the common tropes that make the end product a bad game, like Skullgirls, it is coldly rejected for being "different". Gems get swept under the rug and we keep on playing the latest Crapcom game just because. That's why I decided to sell my fightpad for a pro gamer mouse and keyboard. I am going to invest time into Counter-Strike, Shootmania Storm and Battlefield, become proficient on these games, and make myself a name for myself. Maybe even integrate a team and play for real money. See you all on the other side, sooner or later, when this epiphany strikes all of you. In the meantime, go ahead, point at me, mock me. But know that I'm much happier than each and every one of the FG "C".
Because then I can try out the new characters myself and see if I'm any better with them.
Johnny, Raven and Dizzy seem real nice and to my liking.
Listen I've been playing Sign since it was released on PC and I haven't improved much, I still can't even complete the challenges on my main.
I've pretty much accepted that my skill level won't be much higher than calculated button mashing since I lose all form of cognitive thought once a match starts.
cant play that
cr.hp is spammed because the second hit only is crush counter and can lead to big damage its difficult to space but when we get better at spacing it'll be harder for you to press buttons to keep us out
also meaty fireball trades with your wakeup jab and can lead into a combo too, dont get in the corner against rashid and if you do dont quick rise all the time
UNiEL is just Melty without the fun.
not to be an asshole or anything, but no one cares
I suck at fighting games. Who should I play out of Slayer and Jack-o?
You're damn straight I fucking cheated!
If this is meant to mean favorite Male Fighting game character, then its either Robo-Ky or Dr.Doom
Melty isn't a fun game if you actually know what makes fighting games good.
>Johnny, Raven and Dizzy seem real nice and to my liking.
Yeah but then you'll see how hard (or on Raven's case how lame) they are and go back to your trusted main. Especially if you can't even finish trial mode.
Actually Raven might be for you, he's really braindead at lower levels. But luckily you don't have to practice much past fundamentals with him, so carry on.
Jack-O' obviously. Scrub material.
Funny post coming from a smashturd, SFV apologist who thinks UNiEL ain't anime.
so what was the point of this, to just contradict your own advice and simultaneously admit youre wrong
good shit redblade
Jack O is easier. In fact, with his tricky movement and longer combos, Slayer is actually sort of an advanced character. That doesnt mean you shoudlnt play him, but he's probably one of the harder characters to just pick up and play.
based sleepy twink of cr.a confirms
That's a lot of
>advice for karin mu is to just jump at her
>admits karin can just cross under to ignore the piece of advice you give
stop posting anytime