Be American

>be American
>no RS6 estate to cruise at full throttle on autobahn

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Not like yuropoors can afford an RS6 Avant.

>thinking you have to follow speed limits

i don't get it, we have a autobahn in America, it's located in Jacksonville.

But there's no C7 RS6's in Jacksonville or anywhere in Freedomland.


>as long as the cops aren't around

Absolutely pathetic

>full throttle
These words do not function together.

/Driving/ at full throttle on the Autobahn is not cruising. You'll be doing the closest to street racing you can do without incurring wrath of the police. "Full throttle" in a car like that means something beyond 220kmh, and at that speed your eyes better be glued to the road.

The law demands you to only overtake on the left. This means you'll be on the leftmost lane at almost all times. Unless there's some git crawling in it half asleep. If you overtake on the right, you break the law. If you tailgate, you break the law. If you flash your high beams, you break the law.

Luckily, most Autobahns are three lane or more. This, on a good day, equates to the rightmost lane being full of semi trucks, the middle lane being regular people and the leftmost lane being used for overtaking (or overtaking EVERYONE, aka full throttle). On a bad day, this means that the rightmost lane is full of semi trucks, the middle lane is also full of retarded semi trucks trying to overtake the semis in the rightmost lane with a 2 kmh speed advantage, and every normal guy in the middle lane got pushed to the leftmost lane because he didn't want to get jammed into an elephant race. Then going fast is not really possible.

>flashing your high beams is illegal
No it's not. At least not if you don't do it while tailgaiting. Other than that your post was completely true. And most of the days are 'bad days'

Well yeah, sure it's allowed to do it if you actually use it for what it's intended to do instead of blinding fuckers, but I thought that was obvious.

we have the rs7 which is believe is faster due to, lambo engine

i could be wrong, but i couldnt be bothered to google atm

RS6, RS7 and S8 share the same 4.0 V8 Biturbo, the older RS6 had a lambo V10.

>be south german
>ride the autobahn
>tfw super rich swiss assholes in super fast luxury cars race and tailgate and behave like they completely lost their mind when they crossed the border

that's because if they go 1kph over the speed limit back in their cuckland they lose their car.

>all this discussion on driving fast
>nobody is pointing out how much of a cuck the OP is for wanting a fucking estate.

Why oh why wasn't I born in Europe

>going to Germany to eat sausage
>not going to Germany to drink beer, fuck German women and go as fast as possible on the autobahn
Don't fink so m8

>be European
>get bombed

They look cool as fuck

So get an E63 S wagon and go WOT wherever.

>be European
>get cucked

german women only fuck blacks


What if I have spinner rims on my car? Does that count?

full Arab-spec chrome wrap Lambo or bust

t. delusional amerifat

ah yeah I guess that's true not that merkel cucked the country

I don't know, seems like German chicks absolutely love the BBC. Actually Germans in general love black culture. It's fuckin weird.

Really now?,U&ipc=home:searchbox&ipl=button&zipr=200

The V10 ones are getting cheaper and cheaper. American built escalade... it's big! That's means it's good right?

Iirc the Avant actually have a better drag coefficient, making them better sutied for 300kph cannonballing.

>estate cars are for women and cucks
Looks like someone doesn't do any DIY!

inb4 "I pay other people to do it because I'm a richfag and not a cuck :^)))))))))))))))"

slower than a cts-v js

>slow revving high displacement clunky American V8 from 1960
>German refined V8
You can't even compare lad

You're so bothered by the cts-v lol

>speed in the US
>get into a nationwide helicopter transmitted chase with a dozen cop cars trying to ram you to death or shooting at you

Biturbo? Nobody says that except Mercedes and they're idiots.

>he fell for the sedans are more aesthetic or prestigious meme
Only Amerifarts keep clinging onto sedans for no reason. Everyone else has realized that for four door cars a hatch is superior in every way.

ugly af

More like repulsed


It's the standard term for twin turbos in Germany. Or do you think we say Zwillingsabgasladeluftverdichter?

I'm about to inherit my grandmothers 2008 CTS with the 3.6DI. I love driving the car but are there any potential problem areas I should be worried about? Only has 68k miles

Well? Do you?


>CTS: poor lighting, poor shot, used, dirty car
>Audi: perfect stock picture
Apples, oranges, etc. Also, the RS6 only comes with an antique torque converter automatic - the CTS comes with either a 6 speed manual, or an 8L90 that can outshift VAG DCT's (which Audi didn't use on the RS6 because they're too weak).

No, we don't even say Zwillingsturbo which is the literal translation of twin turbo, we just say Biturbo.

Looks good to me minus the dirt on the rug. Then again, I'm not a retard who spends all his time raging at big bad murikan on a Nicaraguan puppet stuffing forum.
here some stance 4u bb

No. Not a single normal Person is using this Term. It's either Twin Turbo or Bi Turbo

I m not american but , it s not like in europe you go fast when cops are around .

This interior is very buttony

I lived in south Germany for 6 months and most of the locals can't drive. Every fucking day I had at least 5-10 people driving well below the speed limit and swerving to the left when they realized I was trying to overtake so I couldn't see whether a car was coming the other way. Plus none of them ever used their turn signals while leaving a roundabout which causes massive traffic jams. If any terrorists are reading this: please bomb the south first, thanks!


> If everyones an asshole, you're the asshole.

yeah sure, it's my fault that everyone wants to drive below the speed limit.
You're also required to use your turn signals when exiting a roundabout, you learn that shit in driving school. I'd say getting annoyed by that when there are 8 roundabouts on your way to work and there's tailbacks at each one of them is fine.

There are never cops around in my country. Always hidden speed cams.
A friend of mine did 118km/h instead of 80 in a fucking forest. There was a speedcam somewhere and caught him.

He got fined 3k I think, had his licence nullified, had to go to psychiatry.
Has to start from literally new. Had to sell his car and all the procedure to get a new licence will cost him another 3k


Basically this what I said. Was in switzerland

Honest question.
Why would you literally buy any kind of audi car?
Its a fucking rebadged VW, slapped premium x5 prices on top. It doesnt have anything audi unique in it its fucking vw parts everywhere

which VW has a twin turbo V8 again?

VW's audi RS6!

where do you think those engines come from?

So you wouldn't buy a Porsche? Or a Lamborghini or a Bentley or a Bugatti? VW are the only company that is truely innovating when it comes to engines VR6, W12, W16

Anyone else notice the audi is missing a pedal. Eurocucks talk shit about the cts-v that has a manual and counter with this soccer mom excuse of a wagon
Take your autotragic garbage to /B/. Those faggots like gay shit like this.

Why use an unreliable special snowflake piece of shit when a smallblock V8 weighs the same and puts out more power and boatloads more torque?

I know that feel

its a dual clutch smg


Because I like to have a nice car that's built well with technology from this decade? American V8s are boring as fuck, sound like shit, and the cars are built with the cheapest materials in the cheapest way possible, and only go in a straight line, American cars only sell in America

*tips fedora*

>no Turbo
>shit-tier 2000s quality
not even close m8

>"Uh A-All automatics are bad, r-right guys?? Am I cool enough to join the secret club now?"

Even bentley, which Id said is the most "luxurious" and unique out of those uses vw parts. It already starts in the interior
They use less but the audi is literally Audi: VW the car.,9wZXBiewqBwG7SdGOc62dE-hrpffOkbwAAAAJ6AAAAAH-ABrdqqWYajbiC5SIdQuQS_kivargWo2Tbfps0EdJlUIfyIGZiz2n5WNnfI0uticdcsxts5I1Zv-ggqSF4b-R19Nftq6uZASjTRmEyWNAFWiqnHNxdvNY7DAiBa21nGDm-CZR4ni5R3T4zRFMWNrALX00AW5abqbD1WdTh7hTY4miqquD9pwDo1wEVvQUHhYJFQ6CyLw7pbe8KJIXSglsk5lD9WK_tgY7a1YZuZm2EbE4_YJwypglajQcuXWPS9Vty7_uaGATx_OVOg3RW-zgIrqwkyRl4Ij7q5RF4-K7udgBVh1zgrKDlTkeU0wOdLSdG-nHe0V1jc51z2q-LABXWQxAhDl2BFXzUlTkW19sIGAE4l_Uq-3VWCxrkG5KDcnn7I8RQ8U

A proper car has a manual. You want to be a lazy old fuck buy a Rolls or an S class

audi engines come exactly from what VW does

that's close enough

> paying more for something that is made from the same pieces and materials


Porsche does their own cars.

Bugatti does their own cars.

The other two use exactly the same bits and bobs that VW throws them.

No, I would not fork out any money for them and anyone who does is a mongoloid.

Singen on a friday night looks like Swiss Cheese central. Lots of Schwiizer posing with their riced out abominations next to Obi and Burger King.

Curiously enough a good portion of these mountain goat fuckers wont go above 80 on the Landstraße even though the limit is 100.

This is basically an S-Class, it's the Audi equivalent.

>be Amerifat
>get shot

That would be the A8, the RS6 is more of an E63 AMG/M5 competitor.

Comparing a parts bin car with a Mercedes.

Are you on drugs?

>outshift VAG DCT's
I did not know this. Regard question but this means dsg right?

Bit the bait

It's made by GM. I'd be worried about that part.

I'd sell it and buy a BRZ or GT86. They're incredible tuner cars.

>Bugatti makes their own cars
The Bugatti W16 is based on the VR6 tech of staggered cylinders which is VW's invention

What's to stop me from doing 60kmh in the left lane and holding up everyone on the autobahn?

>They're incredible tuner cars.

Keep right laws. Holding up traffic except in a passing manouver is just as much of an offense as tailgating or overtaking on the right.

>be American
>expressways have 2 lanes per direction or more, but still aren't crowded anywhere except near major cities

Don't forget the 80km/h minimum speed limit.

what does this even mean?

It means that Americans can drive on open roads, while the autobahn is filled to the brim with slow normies and racing autists. Learn to read.

Which is actually a 60 kmh minimum.

>open roads
With a 70 mph limit and soccer moms glued to the left lane and overtaking each other at a 1 mph difference.

Really? Huh, where I live highways have an 80km/h minimum, I expected the land of the autobahn to be similar.

same here 80 on the left lane no lower limit on the other lane however

The difference here is that eurocucks don't have any barren land with roads where the nearest single person at some spots is more than a couple miles away. We have those in the Southwestern states, along with roads in the Rockies away from the Mormons in SLC and the college kids in Denver

Forgot to add, some of the roads in rural areas around here are somewhat barren, but not nearly as clear as ones in the Southwest.

Cops let tou go if youre lighter than khaki and respectful