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Season 1 ends on 17th of August
The Last Bastion on 18th of August
Summer games end on 22th of August
Blizzcon on 4th-5th in September

Previous thread

Devil and Imp (Mercy) are trans characters.

Can you derank from silver to bronze or are you set once you achieve a new tier?

So I'm going to get Overwatch for console soon, some advices? Especially with the aiming, how can I get the best even with the joystick? Should I always try aiming the head? Should I keep an high controller sensibility to aim faster?

Will a mod please delete my thread? We have another one.

You can fall to bronze levels, but you keep silver.

You can delete it yourself. Check the box on it, and then hit the delete button on the bottom right of the page.

You can only fall out of the top 3 ranks

>I'm going to get Overwatch for console soon
Advice? Don't get it on console.

So it only happens from diamond+ ranks where you can't derank below it then?

Why were people upset about people boosting to diamond then if they're just going to derank

You can't delete your own threads newcuck

Tracer is a qt

When does the next season begin?

How the fuck am I supposed to practice in quickplay... I want to get top 500 sooner or later.

Sorry but It's really the only way I have to play it

>tfw get genuinely upset every time people shit on Shadman

He's not that bad but he's overrated, his style is too cartoonish, there are a lot of better porn artists

>genji went from complete shit troll pick according to /owg/ to MUST NERF OMG SO OP
you cant make this shit up, complete shitter general no one over rank 60 is in here.

>tfw 1600dpi and 32 in-game sens

Rank 68, my stubbornness to adjust to a lower sens is probably the reason I can't go higher.

To many years playing online shooters with retarded high sens, I feel like no matter how hard I try I'll never adapt.

Jesus lad, I'm at 1600 and 6.9 and I'd go fucking crazy if every little twitch sent me doing 360s.

>too cartoonish
This is legitimate criticism, nothing to be angry about. Just the assholes that say it's "utter garbage".
I didn't realize he was so vocally praised, though; that probably explains why I see posts that get so angry about his style.

Angryposting about Shadman is born from the money he makes with doubtly adequate amount of effort put in drawing.

I've been wondering about that, I guess he just has a Patreon? I'll go check, because I've been thinking he seems to just draw whatever the fuck he wants and so often (compared to Dmitrys and ModeSeven (before dumping his procrastinated list)) that I couldn't figure out where he makes money.

If you are suggesting Genji nerfs that aren't about his ultimate or his cancel animation, you are a pure, untainted shitter.

Post healslut


>implying his hitboxes don't desperately deserve to be looked at

t. genji main

in game when I open the net stats
can I see if I'm playing at 60 tickrate?


Why do you say that, friend?

>draws whatever he wants
>when he only draws sameface futa raping people

yeah nah

pro genji main with 40 hours here

i agree, but i still hope they don't touch his cancels. i'm too shit to reliably take out healers without the rightclick->melee->SS combo

his reflect hitbox could probably be toned down, but i don't think it'll have a significant effect on his balance. people are bitching about it a lot, but what would it really change? there's no reason to shoot a reflecting genji in the first place. it'll reduce times where his reflect hitbox will overlap where you're trying to shoot one of his teammates for 2 seconds, but that doesn't even happen that often

and i assume by hitboxes (plural) you're including his ult range, but i'm pretty sure if you reduce that it risks neutering his ult completely, especially if the enemy team has a lucio. if you've used genji for any length of time, you know his ult mobility is fueled by kills, and if he can't consistently reach targets, he literally can't do shit. i can agree with it needing a longer charge time or reducing the ult time, but you can't just nerf his sword range without also increasing his movement speed or something to balance it

"desperately need to be looked at" sounds like you don't really know what you're talking about

where does it say if it's 60 or 20? none of the abbreviations made sense to me

Wow only a couple of months since release and the general is fucking dead. Is the game seriously that bad?

>tfw came to Shadman's Reaper drawings at least 3 times


Shadman literally cant draw to save his life. Its the same boring shit

I know. I still cum to it though.

So not counting end of season rewards will you still need 300 wins in competitive for a golden weapon?

I remember when he first drew Reaper.
>"What?! This isn't sexy! What made him think to draw such an edgy character with soft soles and a bubble booty"
>"B-But why boner"

It's the piercing in his asshole that does it for me.

tumblr is a great place for fun overwatch art :)

Please delete this.

>Playing a losing round - enemy team leads us 0 to 73%
>We group up and push them off, and then somehow hold them off the point for 2 minutes straight - it is now 99 to 73%
>We gon win.jpg
>Suddenly "Overtime"
>They kick our asses back off and then win
I fucking... I'm SO SICK of this overtime bullshit. In what way was that fair? They kicked our asses through THE ENTIRE MATCH, and we buckled up and got the tides in our favor, then we had our win taken by fucking overtime.

Yes, more or less.

So I just finished my placement matches and got Rank 57. Is that good anons?

Can this game be even worthy of a competitive value when games like CSGO exist? Or is game too 'casual' to be competitive.

>Logo not tilted
What's it say now then? Infinity? It's supposed to be an S. Fuck.

Eh, as it is it's got some competitive value. The way the system is set up it's definitely got merit, the idea of having to change tactics as a team on the fly, switching to different characters/roles to do different things, etc.

The problem is there's really only a few characters that are truly viable competitively which really limits how diverse the "meta" can get right now. Even then though, it's not as competitive as CS:GO, but that's a tough feat to achieve considering how many people just play that anyway.

tfw got rank 54 instanly lost my first to matches while my team mates where moslty screaming in french at everything and everyone.
Down to 52, feels like shit. Taking a break.

Also how to deal with Genji? Ninja dicks entire team over and over. No one seem to be able to handle him.

It could be some day, if/when Blizz finds a way to properly balance it, while fixing issues like the massive hitboxes. Comp right now is a joke.

It'd take time though, it's always gonna be hard to balance one hero when you've got to keep in mind how they'll mesh with every other hero.

Have I gone too far guys? I like road hog a lot he's my favorite hero

I haven't played any matches yet. I'm a little afraid to because I don't wanna lose my fresh new rank.

Also pick Zarya or Mei to counter ninja man. He can't reflect their beams. Or if you're good and on defense use Symmetra because of her beam. Other than that there's not many counters that I personally know of.


kill yourself

Would be alright if it didn't look like it was inked by someone using only their elbows.

You'd be right. You get what you pay for at 75$

Is comp on console even worth it? Also, why is pharah so strong on PS4

Hello, my name is Sebastian and I'm looking to play Overwatch with 5 other highly skilled people. We are recruiting for our group known colloquially as the Uzumaki Shimada 6. I am very competitive and I will do whatever it takes to win, right now we have 2 people and we need to fill 5 more spots. Why not 4? We need a coach who will spectate our games and record them to critique our playstyles and let us know how we should improve. This is for Competitive mode ONLY so if you want to play bots or quick play try somewhere else. I main D.Va and Tracer and my friend mains Genji and Hanzo so if these are your mains be willing to switch off of them upon request from the team captain (me).
Our requirements are as folows:
>MUST be at least level 100
>MUST not use Bastion, Widowmaker, Symettra, Torbjorn, or Ana
>MUST complete 3 trial quick play matches before your accepted
>You WILL BE on probation for 1 month after joining wherein we can kick you out for whatever reason
>MUST have a mic and ability to speak English
>MUST post stats in this thread along with username, rank, level, and your mains
>If you can not attend a session you must tell me or the co-captain at least 2 days in advance
>must meet the above criteria
>must have at least 200 hours into the game
>must have recording software in 1080p respectively
>must watch every game live and give callouts in chat

We are fully expecting to reach Top 500 next season so apply now if you want to win, don't apply if you want to get absolutely shit on by us

UPDATE: still 4 spots left

PS4 has MUCH better comp than XBone and I have no answer for that why not just play Solider or Widowmaker and pick her?




What is this from?

everyone just keeps mocking us but we already recruited a member. laugh it up cucks

Widowmaker and soldier are shit now

Anyone wanna group up to grind all that lucioball xp?

I hate Mei players. I hate them even more when they're on my team. Jesus fucking christ, none of them have the situational awareness to use the ice wall correctly. Nothing like getting fucked over because your teammate is a fucking moron with that god damned wall.

I want to ERP too

>be le hookman
>enemies take reaper
>"oh no, im countered"
>hook and oneshot him

Boy, life sure is good being balanced

I think quick play is more fun than comp. Comp is too stressful and unfun as fuck.

> quick play is more fun than comp

Maybe they can rename it to Fun Play.

agreed, although I would like at least one golden before they become expensive

Comp isn't fun for me mostly because it pretty much forces you to play certain heroes when you take
>Team comp
>Enemy comp
into consideration.
So it forces you to pick the right hero, because if you don't you are the asshole that loses the game for you team.

Added to the fact that no one else seems to care about team comp at all. So while you try you best to play to help the team, that doesn't stop a hanzo and an Ana on every, single, god damn team.

for FUN

>see guy in my team named Genji
>check his profile
>94 hours on genji
>less than a minute on other heroes of not played ever

Never before was I so wrong

mashallahu ta'ala

More nameless qt

Besides, i Don't take this game too seriously because of ults existing. This game is great for casual, fun play

>aim increases when being drunk
>by at least 30%
>stopped drinking while playing
>drop 6 ranks in a row

What do I do? I dont want to become an alcoholic.

if Blizzard doesn't put all the characters from the trailer in the game I'm going to sue the shit out of them. My dad is a lawyer and he says we have a false advertising case since it was promised to us.

how the fuck do i find decent sight lines with ana

Sure sounds fun

Post JunkMei

>body armor
>no helmets

>MUST not use Bastion, Widowmaker, Symettra, Torbjorn, or Ana
>conveniently leaves hanzo off this list
>his friend mains hanzo
fucking kek

Why does mei such a plump little phat bubble booty?

I just spam that emote where she pets that thing and her jacket covering her ass flies up

Good thing QTmaker was wearing a helmet

>queue ranked
>wait a sec
>go pee
>literally less than a minute im back at my pc
>click zarya
>walk around for a second
>you've been disconnected for inactivity
>lose 80% of my rank

What was this monkey doing?

I love watching the console babies bitch on the forums. If this is how they think they I'm glad they can't post in general.

You need to drink to play well so you need to drink every day. It's not bad for you like people make it out to be your body gets used to it and when your endorphins kick in you won't be addicted to it. So the solution is actually to drink liquor every day I would start with something you like and start drinking liquor and higher proof liquor until the only thing that gets you drunk is Everclear. As a pre-med student it's not as bad as you think, humans have evolved to drink alcohol only shitskins like Indians, Chinese people and feather indians can really be alcoholics biologically speaking.

>tfw you will never be a tall ectomorph

She's an ugly short fat chink and you should feel bad for having such garbage taste.


So some people are really mad about summer games
Some people are really mad at the people mad about summer games
Are there people that legitimately like Summer Games for any reason other than because saying they like it makes the first group mad?

It seems to me like the best you can hope for is for the average player to just feel fine with it since the distribution system seems to be engineered for most people to not get anything they really want.

>just 1 week to get the zarya skin

Fuck fuck fuck. Im thinking of buying 2 boxes

Who drew it? This is the cutest shit ever

his name is John Persons

how come the better I do as Zenyatta the lower my accuracy is?

I used to get 40% accuracy but real trash actual results. Last game I had 5 golds for 90% of the match but had like 19% accuracy.