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CURRENT UPDATE: Specters of the Rail
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/wfg/ - Warframe General
first for update the pastebin, faggot
2nd for femframes.
Frame or weapon that fires nukes and giant lasers not named Opticor
third for thighs prime
> your threadly reminder that Ducat Value Indication for Fissure Rewards STILL ISN'T A THING.
> S T I L L
> T
> I
> L
> L
Can you tell what Kavat you have before its done cooking?
kill yourself
>Reminder if you are not using GemFX, you're a shitter.
Wow lot of questions to answer at once, even for a Guide such as myself, but I'll do my best. The Orokin Derelict is a location and tileset similar to Orokin Void, with the respective missions taking place on an ancient Orokin vessel that has succumbed to long-term exposure to the Infested. To access, single-use keys must be crafted from blueprints purchasable from the Market. The blueprints themselves are fully reusable. These blueprints use Nav Coordinates, which are found in storage containers and lockers on all missions, including missions in the Orokin Void. Playing solo is basically what you have been doing your whole life, so just keep that up and you will be fine. Void traces are a resource found in void fissure missions that can be used to upgrade relics or make dragon keys. Which brings me to your last question. Dragon keys are keys that can be used to unlock vaults in the missions described in the answer to your previous question.
It's not implemented into the game which means it's still not a thing. Fuck off Steve and fatfuck. Get off your asaes and fucking implement it, then I'll stop giving you shit you Kike Niggers.
>STILL haven't dropped Nyx Prime Chassis
>Do sortie 3
>Take limbo to avoid obnoxious fire attack
>Low rank clannie brings rhino
>dies alot
>clannie uses stomp so much that he bugs out and stops firing all together
>have to restart
>pick up a pub hek wielding chroma
>Ruk's arm pops
Welp, time to max out my chroma, bois
>tfw, not enough rule63 art or fapfics
Autism filter
pretty close, I was hoping it'd be a bit more one sided
looks like meetups will be
>Every other week, when baro arrives
>Orcus, Pluto, MR8 and up
>South America server
nice mash up, nezha have a permanent raging boner tho
I dont really care about the time, just announce it here in the thread if you can.
I think there was something about the WarframeTM app showing you which kat it was before the incubation process is done.
>reminder that needing shitty filters makes you a stupid autist
u wanna FUGG or something?
thanks senpai too bad its an Adarza
>playing Warframe with Spotify open
>listening to American Pie while doing Sands of Inaros
>at "the coat he borrowed from James Dean"
>game freezes on "he borrow"
>loops so many times it sounds like a Mexican saying "kill Baro"
>computer blue screens soon after
What do I do in this situation?
picked up the game again, been away for a long while (literally ~2 years) and feeling super lost. Last I played was U14 or so
it looks like...there's basically no point in playing void missions now? All the prime stuff comes from relics I guess, and they've added more grind with this void trace stuff
where are the go-to places to farm affinity? Credits? Syndicate standing? Google tells me Draco interception but the wiki says Draco is a survival so.
I don't want to be that shitter who fucks everything up, are there established setups/procedures for farming specific maps?
Used to be I could just faceroll 60min+ T4 survivals with any frame in a group of pubshitters, and carry to 90+ if I took disarm loki or bastille booben as long as I had a good weapon but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore
am assuming that powercreep has made my 3-5 forma Boltor P / Burston P / Penta / Ogris / Supra non-meta, can I still use em while trying to grind the new stuff, or am I stuck doing low level shit?
Windows 10?
install gentoo
Yes. Also this begs the question, why the FUCK is Draco a 15-17 Survival?
Why did that Gundam go super saiyan?
Someone at DE was bored and wanted to kill the game
They even changed shit like Apollodorus for no reason
Not the guy you were talking to but holy fuck man calm down, are you on steroid?
draco was the go-to for farming until the charged the star chart again
still havent found a reliable place to farm rep and focus yet
I need to get me a qt petite filipina girl man, thanks for the reminder.
>qt petite filipina girl man
That's GAY
>Sargas Ruk on sortie 3
well that was a lot of fire
now I have all four meme lens
Shut up Megan.
Because you can make any Gundam go SSJ if you got the right part
>girl, man
>girl man
Bad grammar is gonna be the death of me.
Yeah, I know, but I thought it was funnier that way
jesus fuck, how do you get argon? Should I just run the lowest level void whatever and run around opening all containers with masterthief?
its a bug, i was farming argon and got 1 confirmed piece
the next day i had 5 more in my inv
>where are the go-to places to farm affinity? Credits? Syndicate standing?
at Rec in your chat ig
>killing sortie ruk
>MR 17,18, 8 join
>all three pull out melee and proceed to batter uselessly at him
>mfw i had 63% of damage dealt
>Get Affinity Booster.
>No one at AW shit
I just want to lvl shit up real quick.
I go to Heirarcon for affinity, and Seimeni for credits. You can use your current weapons for most missions. They are fine but not the current OP meme weapons. Probably want to look into something else for the higher end sorties.
As for void traces, if you upgrade your relics and do them with other ppl who have upgraded relics as well ive found I generally have to do less grinding to get the parts i wanted. This was just a necessary change imo since the number of prime weapons and frames has gone up and up.
Sooo.. should I spend the rest of the day farming cores or just let it happen
I fear that they will fuck up the drop rates of the new fusion energy thingy
whats your ign senpai
What are we supposed to do? MR12 I just summoned my Titanic Rumbler and watched like an idiot while it tanked Ruk and the rest of the squad was just hammering at it until it died like a minute later.
Too late mang, I already got a pub.
Amesha users are good.
Watch it be like relics where you have to farm for the cores, then use the cores to get core juice to make other cores better.
shoot the fucking glowing spots when his armor opens up
The chinks are behind all of this grindy shit, aren't they? Fuck them!
I'm PST and too fucking lazy to convert, let's just announce when we're doing it.
its like 7 hours behind I think
midnight gmt is like 5pm for you
>Dark Split Sword
>Swirling Tiger
>Crit Buid with 300% crit chance at 3.0x combo
>Slam combo from ST causes knockdown
>Armor ignore finisher with guarenteed slash proc even though no slash on weapon
>slash proc for 3.4k damage per tick
im actually finding fun stuff to do for once
>Nezha still not impregnated
>Archwang Squad.
>Was lvling Odanata Prime cause it was there while they lvl their weapons
>Squad had Itzals, so I was pretty much being carried
>Take out scanner to scan enemies in the meantime
>They are killing faster with their Itzals before I can scan everything, so I'm here mashing a High range Dissarry to scan everything as much as I can. Missed some Eximus units as I said they are spamming Cosmic Crush.
At least I got most of AW codex out of the way.
>Two Vauban alerts
Don't worry, see He's injected with some stuff to help.
Thanks, famalampai
Got a couple of buddies to reinstall; standard speed nova / vauban and/or WoF ember should be fine right?
Guessing that with the way the reward rotations work, we just gotta get in and out every 15 waves/minutes/however the excavation rewards cycle
Finally vauban non-prime
Did you try talking to them at least?
>hey guys, I'm trying to get some scanning done, mind holding off on clearing these mobs while I get some scans
>wp the enemies you're trying to scan
is jupiter really the first place you can get neural sensors? someone suggested I build the rhino frame as a newbie but jupiter seems pretty far off
You might have a corrupted segment on your hard drive, happened to my wife when she was using spotify on her old laptop that we knew had a fucked up sector that would keep getting corrupted even after diskcheck.
you can wait untill the invasion rotates to jupiter and spam the Phorid assassinate mission , he has no shields/invul phases or weakspots so its just run and gun
1-2 neurals every 2-3 mins if you can speedrun the mission
So I like flamethrowers and hate myself so I've been trying to get the most out of the Ignis, any tips? I'm trying to build for status but I see people equipping Firestorm in their builds, is it actually useful or should I be focusing on things like reach or fire speed?
I try
But I didn't want to feel like I was slowing and ruining their fast grind
Jupiter used to be one of the early planet you unlocked but Spectres of the Rail messed up the order. So you're gonna be in a tough spot to actually build Rhino or hell any warframe, DE did not think this through.
But that's exactly what you were doing in the first place.
Not really, Mobile Defense AW makes enemies spawn like a Beehive.
serration, heavy caliber, split chamber
firestorm useful but not mandatory
combination of elemental mods for corrosive+heat or viral+heat (- polarity or the dual status ones, your choice, depending on # of forma you've put on)
bane of x mods are also useful if you don't mind swapping shit around
ignis is good. Don't bother with range or RoF or utility. Switch to a high dmg secondary when faced with a heavy unit.
I've got two forma so far and am going S+HC+SC and three dual status mods, is the status good enough to replace with some regular elemental mods or should I just slap on Firestorm? I have no clue how many times the flames hit for chances to proc.
This is the build I use, its pretty good for raping low to mid tier missions pretty easily. If you want to something like 40+ you will need some type of buffer frame.
Id recommend having firestorm over sinister reach, as firestorm makes the hitbox wider so you have better crowd control, tho if you combine both of them together you get like 60m of beam range on it which is insane honestly.
Also you can fire while rolling
You can also just look at your map and fire in the direction of enemies and hit them rooms over through walls. Basically just walk thru missions holding left click in the direction of enemies.
finally got ivara blueprint
still need neuro though
why do you hate me, RNGesus?
I'm getting a lot of neural sensors just doing fissures on Corpus maps.
[Ivara Neuroptics], not Neural Sensors
pretty sure he means neuroptics?
Well call me Nezha and fuck my ass, my bad
IGN: DapperDolphin
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I want to smell Saryn's farts
And so should you
>tfw grinding for MR12
One day I will reach the mountaintop
but I dont want to fuck Nezha's ass
Welcome to Spectrum ;^)
Sure sure.
Guis, im super cereal
>next run
>another Ivara blueprint
good thing Rosalind is so comfy or i'd be getting sick of spy missions
Everyone's gay for Nezha
>forgot to link to the OP
Wow, you are fucking retarded
try again next thread
>100 posts in
see you guys next week when theres a new thread