Stupid sexy karma edition
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Stupid sexy karma edition
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xth for Jinxfagging being the only thing that keeps me going.
>Wait a month for people to learn him and build him right.
*races in from another room*
*sweating profusely*
*coughs, clears throat*
*color starts flushing out of his face*
*gets faint, grabs nearby fedora*
*tips fedora*
*passes out*
>lose against premade with organised ganks from their premade jungler
>call out that premade is unfair against randoms
>lol your just bad
Literal 12 year old children playing this game
Can we all just agree that Kled is decent and could use a few tweaks, but good players can still handle him well?
>someone on enemy team fails to connect, have to remake
>people still say gg
how is kalista right now? decent?
It's a joke dude.
im pretty sure the only game she win is because of people forgetting what she does
After the first rework of Cass where they gave her the deathcap passive, why did they then rework it again to give her arguably the game's worst passive?
Holy shit nidalee french maid is so fucking ugly.
Learn to redraw a skin
Just check
no he's not decent, he's gimmicky and his kit is overloaded as fuck
>people start apologizing
xth for cute foxes
I want to worship her feet
It's actually a good passive, because she's gets a whole extra item on her opponents, as well as not having to waste money on boots, and can spend that on actual stats.
Do karma tattoos glow during snu snu?
neither of those things make him inherently good or bad
Cass's passive is really good especially lategame.
Ah, didn't think of it like that.
>thresh leaves the game at 4 fucking minutes in
>you have been demoted to platinum 2
>"its a direct convo with river"
>regi was the one who started it
>no one was talking about vibration but phreak said it doesnt matter because vibration are not blocked by booth
i cant decide if he is dodging those problem because he is a dumbass or because he is shilling
Accommodate his lizard's low health early-game by negating his damage early-game.
Also it takes way too fucking long for the courage bar to recharge. And his q should have a longer range so that it can be used an adequate escape tool.
i keep saying that a pure soloQ needs to be created. or a "match me with premades" box that can be ticked/unticked.
you know why they don't do this? because premades will never fucking get to play again, or they will get 30 minute queue times even for normals. everyone hates them and everything associated with them.
Riot, make Pantheon's W able to be used without Target
If he's slow as a turtle, has no scape mechanic, his passive just blocks basic attacks and doesn't even block Dragon breath, his sustain is fucking garbage and the CD is long af at least given him a way to get in or out the battles ala Jax or Jarvan
The dude can leap to a place at the other side of the map ffs, his W should be much more easier to pull off
anyone got that 0-28-0 teemo pic?
Daily reminder lolg
That's what I'm saying, tweeks. Give him a longer Q and more courage on last hits (as well as adding it to JG camps, like wtf Riot) and he's perfect
Jackie Chan is a communist bastard who supports the corrupt CCP.
kill. your. fucking. self.
>being that guy
Just wondering.
But I got the Project Fiora shard which you unlock by fusing it with 11 of the Project Cores
Thing is I already own Project Fiora.
Does anyone know what happens if I try to go through with it?
Does it just eat both the mats?
No I was supposed to be looking for a job after losing my last one a few months ago, but I just did more degenerate shit today.
I don't even care anymore, I just want to die and I've already planned a date to do so.
Is Savagery a crutch?
How do we fix midlane so it involves any skill whatsoever?
Only if you pleasure her
git gud
good. give me your steam account/games.
i know you faggots love this shit
>I can't look past my autistic obsession with politics long enough to connect with people who dont agree with me
Okay user how is high school going?
does muay thai lee has flying knee on his q???
First schoolgirl Sneaky and now this
When will it continue
Sorry I didn't know you guys supported oppression and genocide my bad I guess you can join Jackie Chan.
in english this time
I'll probably hand it out a year/year and a half from now.
I knew Box Box would be a better girl than boy!
fuck you burn in hell
No, I'm not actually a faggot.
wow, you aren't just being that guy, you ARE that guy.
Do you hate Mr.Rodgers too?
That's not too far away user, hell I'll post my LoL account too.
I swear to god
Sneaky looks like the kind of boy who was molested by his uncle when he was a kid
>teammate flames me after he feeds and tells me to afk
>actually do it and spectate him and comment on his every fuckup in allchat
>he gets even more buttblasted
>get 5x honorable opponent
Why is being toxic so fucking fun?
What the fuck are you talking about dude I'm just saying that Jackie Chan is a horrible role model and you shouldn't look to him for inspiration because he's actually a horrible person.
Stick it in Dad!! xD
An AFK shouldn't affect promos honestly.
>Garen managing to lose to Yasuo
Literally fucking how does this happen
Press Q and watch him panic
>he's a horrible person because I disagree with him politically
alrighty senpai, enjoy /pol/
Mr.Rodgers advocated beating children btw, doesn't mean he was a horrible person you can't ever relate to.
Whatever kid you're dumb.
Can you still jungle drag them down?
>be nasus in aram
>3 creeps low hp, try to q them
>all my 3 qs cancelled by greedy teamates
>one of them dared to laugh emote
>"anyone else lagging?"
>run it down mid
>say things like "sorry im trying my best" or "i dont know why i lag :(" while going 0-15-0 and stealing heals
it was the most fun i had in league in some months
Olaf mid
>I can't agree or like anything someone says because of their political ideas!
>hitler wasn't a bad guy just because he believed in genocide
If you used the 11 cores, you'll get the skin shard, which you can dust for ess.
An AFK shouldn't affect your LP period. I find it amazing how reluctant Riot is to offer some sort of recompense when one person ruins a game for four other people. Every time I get and AFK I feel like I'm being punished
Does anyone else have an unhealthy obsession with an item? For me its phantom dancer. I build that shit on everyone I play Renekton, Fiora, Jax, Gangplank, J4. I feel like i shoe horn it in but I just cant keep myself from building it every single game.
Faker did it
It can work
But it's not particularly advised.
well they at least have remake now. I feel like there should be a thing though where if someone afks past a certain period, you should be able to do a surrender where the people who aren't afk don't get the loss, but the enemy team still gets the victory. The only person who gets the loss is the person (or multiple people) who afked.
fuck you i loved jackie chan adventures your just a pretentious teenage edgelord who discovered /r/Politics 2 days ago. kill yourself faggot.
Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.
I dont care about lcsbigplays
This is soloqueue where I have a 70% winrate with J4 mid.
Give me the downsides of Olaf
>wahh my childhood hero actually advocates the murder of falun gong practitioners and I can't take it so I'll just shitpost!
kys my man
>Hitler comparison
and thus user's argument comes to an end
runs out of mana if you're using axes a lot and you can't shit on squishy ranged mids like j4 can
no real reason to play it
>can't shit on squishy ranged
just literally outsustain them
Sure thing
you watch too much info wars and ancient aliens that your tinfoil hat is showing. your sperg levels are off the charts bro.
whats that website used to check entire teams statistics of winning
irelia mid's better unless you can get an early kill or two
It's amazing how little you get for dealing with absolute shitters. What are the ban rates who people who AFK/feed/ect anyway? I've had some nasty games where players blatantly and purposefully ruin very important games and I have only been notified of one ban in my lifetime and even then it took all nine other players reporting the guy.
Once had a Lee run down mid six times in a row because someone asked him why he didn't use a certain ability at a certain time. We where running away with a lead until then which led to a landslide loss. I fail my promos and don't hear jack shit from Riot about a player who single handed ruined the game for four other people, and I get punished for trying to push through it. That made me seriously think about how much Riot actually cares about the individual consumer
Woah there kid
Chill out fuckface
No way changes the fact that he advocates murder of innocent people and that you're supporting a murderer.
how long does it take to get chests again after a 2 week suspension?
been a fucking month and i've been playing a lot of games.
midlane is not long enough for you to run someone down by spaming q on him like you can do top
not that one
it shows like percentage chance of red team or blue team winning
midlane is longest lane
>Give me the downsides of Olaf
If your jungle and top goes ad, not only is your team all ad, but you have no fucking damage as well unless they both went carry (full ad olaf is a meme), in which case your team comp is fucked. It's not that it can't work, but it's SUPER situational, and will mostly be highly unoptimal.
Nobody knows, it's somewhat random but it takes a while
I haven't gotten a chest as my main in two months
im gonna just start jackiechan posting to trigger your autistic ass.
>TWO (2) other players leave
>my team still won't surrender
What is this stupid fucking mindset
Fuck off so I can move on to the next game, holy shit
Is syndra good right now?