Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Daily reminder that sfv is shit.
I taunt Juri players by saying when I win I will force their Juri to wear shoes
Am I a monster?
Were all just pretending to like kof so capcom take notice and fix sfv right haha?
I wanna FUC too
is this roleplay? i don't get it
haha great!
all of juris moves look the same to me
idk what is punishable
Skullgirls >>>>>>>> SF5
Who should I main in Yatagarasu?
I still cant believe that a ryu player said he was hard to play in these very threads
its insane to me that people could delude themselves like that
everything is -2 or greater except for shit like jab/mp
50 on PC and 50 on Xbone. Got some good summer games stuff from them. Also saw starcraft II on sale so I picked up the first two campaigns.
whoever stinks the most
Better pick 2 mains so you have someone to play against.
post fighting game sluts
I would like to take her shoes off and give her a foot massage if you know what I mean
my favorite character saber from the fate zero fighting game..?
that's lewd
who's this stink sage
how is he hitting everyone with that delay cr.lp xx dp
is this some secret tech or somehting
How is your crusade against capcom going skullgirls autist?
>yfw no one thanks rashid for saving the world
Is there a way to deal with fireballs as Alex without using meter or V-Trigger? Sometimes I find myself at the mercy of people who spams fireballs, especially Guile players.
>Hit me up! I am 18 and love to play with everyone~!
I think the fundamental difference between uniel and xrd oki is that xrd oki leads to the same setup more often than not, causing it to be very oppressive. While in uniel the oki that you can get off a throw vs a knock from a combo is vastly different, and combined with the powerful rewards for defense this ends up with uniels oki being less dangerous and "tod" feeling.
flash chop
when did chaika get blacked
Anyone up for some TTT2 PSN
EX Stomp has fireball invincibility starting on frame 3, all chops have projectile hitboxes to break through fireballs and EX Elbow can blow through them. Flying Cross Chop can also be a way to get over fireballs
dark elves are not black
It's the only Tekken that matters if you're not in Asia
is urien going to be shit too?
alex is the only good DLC character because they had the most time to work on him first
>alex is the only good DLC character
What exactly do you mean by good? Do you mean strong, or fun to play as? Because all of the DLC characters, with maybe the exceptoin of Ibuki, are very fun, especially Guile.
I want to verbally bully Ramemthal so hard she starts to cry and Ephelt starts to defend her and we get in such a big catfight the authorities have to get involved.
I really do
So which one should i play instead according to you
TT2 is shit
>Do you mean strong, or fun to play as? Because all of the DLC characters, with maybe the exceptoin of Ibuki, are very fun, especially Guile.
All are shit but Ayylex because what they do another can do much better and Urien hasn''t been field tested yet.
>All are shit but Ayylex because what they do another can do much better
I honestly have no clue what you meant by that
but T6 has shit online
>spend like an hour pingponging through mexican theives stealing my points
>only 400 short of ultra or whatever the hell gold
is platinum 7k or 7.5k because it seems like americans are MIA the higher up in rank it gets and i dont know how much more of this i can take
Why not just play Tag 2 Solo
Why is TTT2 shit? I want to hear your opinion
DoA5 is better than TTT2
I hate TT2 but let's not get crazy
I asked why you dummy
>muh limb based combat
Fuck off with your kiddie game please.
Both are good in their own ways.
piss off combofiend
but t6 introduced bounds
>tfw dont give a shit about sfv tournaments at all
>tfw the game already feels dead
Will /fgg/ be a better place if Trump wins?
is this a joke?
>mom i posted it again
That is not only a shitty opinion, but you just said that T6 is good, and that fucking invented the bound system.
>people who unironically like four chan facebook pages
There won't be any more posts about KoF at least.
People who think going on Veeky Forums is cool and edgy. Of course they'll be /pol/turds.
I laughed at the Barack O'bama joke and I'm black.
Am I a self hating uncle Tom now?
>another meme ruined by normies
what else is new
i cant get the dp to come out
6 is straight up kusoge.
>not liking superior limb based combat
go back to your game for stupid idiots
>luvcheez steam library
yes, that's one reason why tekken 6 is shit.
why does this guy live in japan
our guy jiyuna
anyone want to play sf5
>kinda feel like playing ibuki
>cant be bothered to change buttons
fp refund when
staving off real adult life/responsibilities
Give me one reason to preorder kof xiv
>anyone want to play sf5
As a matter of fact no