Is college a waste of time if your primary goal in life is to make enough money to have a nice life (i.e. at least a few hundred thousand dollars per year)?
Is college a waste of time if your primary goal in life is to make enough money to have a nice life (i.e...
>at least a few hundred thousand dollars per year
Tell me how you plan to do this without playing the higher education game
Well, you make money by providing goods and services which create value for others, and capturing some of that value for yourself as profit. There are plenty of ways to do this which do not require a four-year BA or BS to do.
Suppose, for example, that you decide to create and sell mass-market software. Why would you want to spend four years getting a degree in computer science from Stanford and then maybe an MBA from Wharton when you could just learn to program in 3 to 6 months, learn enough about the basic principles of accounting, marketing and running a company and then start working?
Why waste years and years getting an unnecessary credential when you can just learn the specific skills you need in a small fraction of that time, and for virtually nothing compared to the cost of an undergraduate degree (tuition + room and board)?
Absolutely. If you think you can learn everything college can teach on your own by yourself (many can), then do it. AFAIC college is done just for the experience/making connections. If you already know what you want to do and how to get about doing it, college is a terribly inefficient way to get you there.
It felt like it. Very little is related to real life, other than the bullshit.
My accounting courses did not prepare me properly for the cpa exam.
>few hundred thousand per year
That's medfag or CEO-tier.
>learn to program in 3 to 6 months
I bet.
You never know what you might learn that would benefit you enormously later.
no - you know whats really a waste of time, high school. college should be one of the greatest parts of your life.
You'd better start a business, then. It's really the only way. At the end of the day, the guys who really made big without a degree from universitiy giving them a job with an employer, started businesses either from a product they created or a service they were able to provide in some way.
You really don't have to go to university. You can learn online(to the point that someone could self-learn something). You just need an idea that makes sense. That's it. It sounds simple and people say "oh well yeah buh buh buh" but it really is simple. You just need a product or a service where the idea makes sense. Those guys like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, they thought that computers were to our brains as bicycles were to how fast we can transport ourselves. You need to think of some head-spacey shit like that, something totally abstract that, when you bring it down to reality, is genius that nobody else sees coming.
Shut up. You are not a programmer. Stop telling these lies. You cannot learn to program well in 6 months. You can learn to code in one language in six months. There is a huge difference. Any legitimate programmer will tell you the same.
> src: I'm a real programmer.
college will fuck you up financially most likely
>"college will fuck you up financially most likely"
This is probably the most true sentence Veeky Forums has ever written.
this is also the only real alternative that isn't just going to the trades and getting health problems
self employment >>>> wage cuck
you'll be suprised how easy it is to make 10-30k a month while barely working 20 hours a week.
You can make a single product in your fucking garage, and as long as its better than the competitors, you could make more than you'd ever make as an engineer working at some company or whatever other bullshit people shill on a daily basis about university. All it takes is you coming up with the idea.
>why go to Stanford and Wharton
jesus fuck biz
hsw is a corporate meme desu. yeah they're great schools but it's still 90% branding.
>Is college a waste of time if your primary goal in life is to make enough money to have a nice life
No, that's a Red Tribe meme designed to slur the Blue Tribe.
>implying medicine is a way of earning money, not sinking yourself into eternal debt and working yourself to an early grave
>implying doctors and ceo's incomes are even in the same ballpark
>make enough money to have a nice life
>i.e. at least a few hundred thousand dollars per year
Nigga I make 28,000 euro a year and make more than enough to live a nice life.
Its about where you live and who you know, not what you buy.
No, you don't need a degree. Just try finding a job that doesn't require a bachelor's, and come back to me when you find it.
>not getting a full-ride
lol, plebs --- all of you.
I got quite a few full rides. They really aren't hard to get if you're either smart or diligent.
>Suppose, for example, that you decide to create and sell mass-market software.
Just invent the next SnapChat! What's wrong with you?
>Why waste years and years getting an unnecessary credential when you can just learn the specific skills you need in a small fraction of that time, and for virtually nothing compared to the cost of an undergraduate degree (tuition + room and board)?
You don't even know what those skills are. Also, assuming you don't win the market lottery and invent Facebook and your shitty startup goes nowhere like 99.9% of startups do, then you need to get a job at an established business and they won't hire you without credentials. Pajeet has a masters degree. What do you have?
I only make ~$50K a year and have a nice life. I have a house ~15 miles from the beach. Mortgage and utilities only adds up to ~$1,250 and I have a roommate in the military that is hardly ever here paying $400/month. I have a truck I paid cash for, a 21' bay boat I paid cash for, go fishing every weekend, take my family camping, etc. You don't nee a ton of money to have fun. Just need enough money to do what you enjoy.
College is a Marxist feminist anti white male shit show these days
Though when I went ten yrs ago it was fun taking advantage of all the drunk college whores
That's what happens when there are too many people and not enough higher paying jobs to go around. You need a system to weed people out and to give businesses a justifiable reason to deny you. That's why we have exams. That's why gpa matters so much, that's why the same exams get more difficult and become set up to trick you as years go by. People in America were just smart enough to turn college in to a money making business this way rich people are more likely to get a job.
>at least a few hundred thousand dollars per year
If want to make over ten times the average US wage then you need to start your own business or become an investment banker or a surgeon. The latter requires college.
I studied law and tax law/accounting. And I do nothing with it because I started my own biz.
The studies really developed me as a person and made me think differently. It helps that I can now identify business risks more easily, manage (legal) problems, know employment laws and can read the numbers. It has given me control. I'm not the same person I was before it. But if I had to do it again I would have started my business at 16. And just read some books and follow some courses at the side.
If you can afford it, no.
I can't afford to finish it and don't want to start of 25 grand in debt, even if that's like a year's salary, and three years behind my peers.
lol wat
Is physics/mathematics and architecture a good double major? I want to design buildings and shit.
He can learn to program in 6 months as much as he would be taught during 4 years university.
He'll still be a bad programmer, but a good starting point.
Having said that, I have BA at software engineering, and I regret wasting all those years on it.
medfags and ceos have shitty lives, dad is a boring medfag
> I regret my degree
All this says to me is that you're to autistic to find a good job.
> he can learn as much on his own in 6 months than he can 4 years of college
You dumb shit. College is a waste of time IF you waste your time at college. If you actually put in effort you can learn much more with instruction.
And again, you don't learn good coding practices or algorithms from the Internet, mostly just syntax. You can learn a language in 4 months, but if you understand coding with a four year degree, you can learn a language in one week. Now stop role-playing, or go get a job. Education is not a meme of you use it to the fullest and get a non-meme degree.
Eh, it all depends on why you're doing it. My dad went entrepreneur -> founder-ceo -> board of his multibillion dollar company. He sunk his late 20's, 30's, 40's and early 50's into it but had a lot of fun doing it. The guy fucking loves working and the challenges of business. Still, sometimes he expresses remorse on not exiting earlier (late 30's/early 40's) because those careers take up your whole life. He had no hobbies and only a handful of friends (none he met earlier than early 40's) upon retiring.
All I'm saying is that you should never devote your career or life to something solely for money. Even the guys who genuinely love the work find it hard to reconcile.
It depends on the degree. I found the highly theoretical programming subjects to be useful, the practical ones to be just work with no special learning, and the mathematical ones to be dull & largely useless.
University tends to be more about sorting yourself out instead of slaving over a perfect 4.0 when you could do half the work for a 3.7.
Thats what im trying to say user but you summed it up perfectly