Vindictus General

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When asking for help, trading, or applying to any guild, post your character name and specify which server you're on.

>Joining a guild
Open the guild window and search for the guild (East: 'no_fun' or West: 'pawnshop' for NA guilds)

Post in the general with your name and your server to let us know you have applied, you may also whisper a guild admin to speed up this process.
(We do this so that we know you're a huge faggit and not some filthy fucking pub.)

>The Guilds
EAST: No Fun Allowed, ch. 123
WEST: Pawnshop Ghosts, ch. 179
EU: Filthy Casuals, ch. 130
AUS: TeaChasers
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I wish 21yc would stop teasing and do straight up nudity and sex already.

Ship graveyard is honestly the worst S2 map.
Yes it's even worse than misty summit.
I'd rather fight every flying boss before I fight those fucking awful pirate bosses.

i was about to disagree with you
but then i remembered AIDS ground

Remember to assert your dominance.

d ed

I wish you were

>not AIDS water
AIDS ground is the easiest pirate zombie, mate

not if you're not host
>inb4 not host/solo
I just have bad memories, I can't bring myself to return, but I do like that phantom set

Please tell me dragons aren't gonna be part of the solo mode boss rush thing.