League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
She's a pure plush QT who lactates ice cream!
old:>He doesn't put pineapple on his pizza

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Baby factories.


What a day to be alive :"D

>tfw failed promo
im never getting gud at this rate guys

what elo bruv?

I might be able to help you improve!



post ranks and songs you relate to when you are not playing your main


worst guyyy

>Yasuo afk'd and fed

Seriously, fuck this mindset it wastes my time that I could be doing on either a new game or something else.

Are there any one-tricking autists who are around plat on euw and want to play together?

best guyyy

I officially give zero fucks about my rank

I play this game for fun not to impress white knight virgins that live in there moms basement

Fight me irl faggots

t. silver 3 yasuo main

I always play my mains

>I officially give zero fucks about my rank

Stop fucking around and become a singed main

Then why play ranked if you actually don't care.
Your logic is inherently flawed. Anyone who chooses to queue up for ranked instead of normals cares about the competitive environment in some way, even if its small.

Stop lying to yourself just because you can't get out of silver

g4 > g3

My first account ever.

ignore the gold three made a new account so I just fuck around on this acc.

i can't get out of silver because of assholes who throw intentionally, three assholes who que'd together who just fucks around

> why play ranked if you actually don't care
Cause ranked has better matchmaking. Some people don't care about improving or climbing, but they still want to play with people their level that won't troll with ultimate bravery "cause it's just a normal".

>be jungler
>fuck up early gank
>chase too far
>give up first blood
>typed "/mute all" at start of match so I don't get tilted by the well-deserved flaming from my teammates
>proceed to farm champions
>steamroll enemy team
>they surrender at 20

Feels good. What a solid fucking feature.

If he plays for fun he wouldn't care about memers in normals
>inb4 losing isn't fun

sona build finished any suggestions?


>not doing /mute all

I wonder how the person with the summoner name "All" feels.

>no biscuits on first buy
>no locket

le angry viking of never dying is truly the benevolent elo god who rules over elo heaven


My games kinda look like that which is weird since according to the settings, my monitor is at 60hz while the game says its running at 119-120 fps

Gonna try tweaking my settings a bit.

Nice! 2 more for my lvl7 sona ;~;

So you do care about your rank. Got it.

Who in the hell are you and why should anyone care that you're nickchan?


>I'll go to sleep in like 15 mins and still open my eyes next morning
League of Legends

If you consider Diamond 5 elo heaven then yeah I guess
Thats about the place where it'll stop working consistently

He is just some cancer tripfag from /g/ nothing to see here.

Is nickchan a new trip or I'm getting old for 4chinz?

I play AP Ekko.

> So you do care about your rank.
Look, it's not a binary "care/don't care". I do care about my rank somewhat and I do play ranked trying to win games. However, there are different levels of tryharding. For instance, I always pick my main champion regardless of the matchup. From the point of view where only winning matters that's a mistake and I should pick fotm broken champions based on the matchup.
I play ranked to have fun and fun for me is having close games where everyone is trying. I don't enjoy wins I get because of the trolls on the enemy team, even though they improve my rank I care about.

Please do not acknowledge it
Just ignore/filter

that shit won't even work in plat, lol

protip: if it works in plat, it works in dia5

>bandle doesn't draw herself enough for me to make one of these

You need a very good reason to go refillable over 3biscuit, and saving 150g isn't a good enough one.

You get 250hp from Refillable and 480hp from Biscuits. You basically need to base twice before it becomes clearly better than biscuits. Sure you save a bit if you need more pots later, but it's not worth the risk of spotting the enemy an easy lead (that can be a lot more than 150g).

I've been out of the loop for a while and I'm coming back.

What's the overall meta? Popular picks for top? Mid? Jungle? ADC?


s'cuz Bandle is THICC

whatever happened to low-quality drawfriend

his artstyle was really cute

good question

he vanished from DA and Skype


ashe, jhin, kog
gangplank, irelia
gangplank, ahri
Khazix, Nidalee, hecarim, zac, kog
Sona, Soraka, Janna

As an aside, kat is good now.

In the pro scene?

Top - Irelia Gnar Hecarim Gangplank
Jungle - Rek'sai Elise Gragas
Mid - Malzahar Vlad Cass Viktor
ADC - Ashe Sivir Jhin

Cassio/Vlad (Syndra becoming a meta pick)
Jhin (May fall after coming nerfs)

I'm not sure what elo you are/were, but those champions are strong diamond+
So if you can learn them they can be strong at any elo

>You get 250hp from Refillable and 480hp from Biscuits.

540 hp from Biscuits and 275 hp from refillable.

You have to include the extra heal duration from secret stash.

oh, and illaoi

illaoi is really fucking good right now.

Who's the best support lolg and why is it Sion?


Why is __Jinx_ the most perfect woman is League of Legends?

Because sona has a heal. I think that justifies the 150G


post em and rate em

why is this allowed

I would be slightly upset if I was on their team
infact I am slightly upset

>tfw im learning


Does Kled drop tower aggro when dismounting?
If so hes actually broken as fuck

lel if u go refillable on a support in any non trash elo enemy ad will make sure you are the center of the trades and you will most likely lose from that ;DDDD

but if u're in baddie elo or you have a rly strong lange it probably works, ye, but if I see any of my supps with refillable as first item bot is open

why is she so perfect, anons?

Braum is a better tank support

yes he does, and yes it's bullshit

Where does one begin with perfection?

Leona is more a man than Braum will ever be

>approach enemy under tower
>start hitting them
>tank hits obnoxiously
>enemy dies
>skaarl runs away and you get away scott-free
I hope he isn't enabled for worlds, because the early towerdives are gonna be s3 Aatrox tier

Build is awful but if you just take ignite and red smite you'll have a lot more success


you really think so?

I dunno I'd rather just breed her 2bh.

>soraka reaching a 55% win rate and climbing
Jesus fucking christ /lolg/ when does the cancer end?

New client when?

hopefully soon

I have no idea what "mynoots" even are

>tfw no real girls with body like that
why live ffs

I've failed that promo twice its okay friend if you're on NA maybe we can play together my ign is Ishygigity

I'm going to fuck Lulu silly!

Soon. It's currently doing bug testing on 5 vs 5 ranked queue so I assume all that's left it gets moved to the pbe for bug testing on game mode queues and etc.


calm down, Reese.

they tried though

they really tried

yasuo was awful too


Guess champ

How are my runsies looking?

(obv all not tier three yet)

That's easy. It's Udyr

are you joking

compare waist, tits, and thighs

what an insult.

my point stands.

That's a good shop

>Tyler1's first time playing GTAV

slutty foxes.

any other freelo yi mains here? gonna see how far i can get maining him on one acc, currently 6 wins 1 loss with him and 2 losses on other champs got gold V o well

but GTA 5 is shit?


right here senpai

I wasn't saying to go refillable, I was just correcting your numbers.

What elo is your main? I tried a similar thing with Eve and I went like 32-0 in ranked before dropping a single game.

high gold low plat is usually when people learn.