Previous thread: We discuss minecraft, minecraft packs, projects, seeds, building ideas... Share server stories and keep the screenshots coming, we want to see more builds! If you develop mods or anything Minecraft related, keep us updated so we can give feedback. Don't spam your server or discord here; use the list from the link below to advertise it.
>dont even play minecraft anymore >just farm and look at my old progress > have a pet pig ive had for years called Baconater, had a saddle and occasionally ride him around >he keeps me entertained since he reminds me of my childhood dog I used to have, always wandering and finding places to get out of the property >looking for Baconater and find him in a side of a cliff, laugh because that's such a thing for him to do >go and mount him, bring him back to the house >slip and push Baconater off cliff, i fall with him and we both die from the fall I legit felt sad for this virtual pig, I know it seems childish and I could've made another but it honestly felt like a pet died in front of me...i think I'm quitting minecraft lads.
Jason Morris
>keep my pig locked in the power room safe from harm >heart still skips a beat every time I notice I forgot to close the gate dicks out for baconator
Owen Foster
>leddit memes Out.
Owen Cruz
if it's a reddit meme how did you hear about it?
Mason Reyes
Anthony Ward
Your mother and I monitor your browsing history. Get a job.
Charles Russell
Evan Adams
Name a mod that desperately needs an update, but is hindered by its creator.
Carter Diaz
Jacob Martin
>bored of 1.7.10
Any interdasting mods for 1.10.2 I should look for?
what are some good addons to thaumcraft for 1.7.10 except thaumic tinkerer ?
Caleb Miller
You forget that FyberOptic doesn't care. He, in the scope of a year, made mods for alpha 1.2.6, beta 1.7.3, 1.2.5, 1.4.7, 1.7.10 and everything from 1.9 to 1.11 snapshots inclusive. He, unlike us, still enjoys it just for the challenge and fun.
Aaron Thomas
you'd have an easier time listing the ones that aren't
Jackson Gonzalez
I haven't really been into minecraft in a while and forgot about everything about mods recently I started to rewatch direwolf Should I get back into it?
tainted magic, thaumic bases and thaumic exploration are "meh" tier
thaumic tinkerer was never a good addon, and it certainly isn't now that there's actual good addons to compare to
Gavin Garcia
wiped my pc lads kinda sucks having a small storage ssd
Jaxon Miller
nice blog liked and subscribed
Landon Cook
not entirely sure what you are saying..
Nolan Nelson
why is that whore cooking up some dank as normal maps?
Anthony Young
James White
nobody knows
Nathan Cook
Isaac Clark
Empty library ready for filling.
Owen Jackson
Resonant Rise 3 or YCP? If RR3, what texture packs are available?
Henry Gutierrez
Wyatt Robinson
super ded
Juan Sanchez
why is there no way to disable waypoint teleporting in journeymap? it's cheap
Alexander Phillips
>Using journeymap. Voxelmap or bust.
Christian Hughes
>not just using rei's
Jace Martinez
nah i'm good
Landon Rodriguez
>finds it too hard to just dump another jar in the mods folder.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
>people actually use mod managers
Kayden Scott
Jackson Barnes
Not Antique Atlas >MAWPC
Isaac Powell
this is so cool looking. do you actually play with it? is it okay? having the thing in your inventory all the time could be a drag
Jack Cooper
Are there any torus world mods that make the world finite and wrap to the opposite side?
Andrew Carter
This almost sort of works. It doesn't seem to break even on corpus. Maybe i'll set up some general spawning area for pigmen for rotten flesh? seems like that might work...
Ian Edwards
does anyone know how to fix the lexica botania scaling with the gui scale? it's unreadable at small, readable but difficult at normal, the font is fucked up at large, and it only looks right at normal
I've seen people suggest updating the dragonapi, but I have the newest one and that didn't help. I'm on the newest botania version as well. I also tried turning off custom fonts with optofine, but that wasn't the issue.
Luke Allen
I usually keep it in my inventory (off the hotbar). Since I usually don't go on massive exploration missions, I don't need a really detailed map mod. Just something that gives me enough details of the land to plan my routes and add waypoints. As and added bonus antique atlas, it helps with immersion.
I would say use antique atlas if all you need is a quick and simple reference of the landscape in your world and use journeymap or another major map mod if you need/expect more.
Leo Howard
you're beyond help
Joseph Scott
stop playing with shit mods
this applies to both botania and reikashit
Adrian Smith
so edgy
Matthew Perez
>that >edge ??????? what made up definition of edgy do you use?
Christopher Turner
and people wonder why this thread is ded
Jonathan Bailey
>"i fucked your mum" joke >edgy You must be 18 or older to post on this website.
Levi Long
Oh? Why do you think it's so dead.
Camden Martin
it's not in my comfy safe space
Mason Allen
Black Nether Brick and Brown Bears.
Jonathan Cooper
Disable chat. I did that and thought it was a glitch when I reloaded 1.7.10.
Tyler Powell
thanks, but playing without cheats enabled also works (i have em on in case a mod breaks shit)
Nathan Butler
How small? I use an old ass 120g and still have plenty of space to work with. Now days a small or cheap ssd is like 240g.
Xavier Cruz
Is there any lore for Minecraft? Like where the fuck the Guardians and Enderman came from?
Connor Wright
>lore >in a sandbox game >designed by a depressed swede and retards who just added stuff cause it was cool
Tyler Young
Enderman come from the End (duh).
Tyler Gray
Zombies are the players that died from falling from a high place. Skeletons are players that had their flesh stripped off. Everything else was just added for the sake of it. Pigmen, Goblins and the Dragon Lair would have added some more lore.
Justin Bell
What does /mcg/ think of EthosLab?
Justin Morales
I dont watch LPs because Im not an autistic 12 year old
Grayson Richardson
But you play minecraft and post on Veeky Forums?
Bentley Edwards
Which makes his autism superior. LPs are for 12 year olds who are autistic because they're twelve, not because they love autism sims.
Justin Price
You sound like bitter old virgin to me, at-least i can find enjoyment in more things then you.
Nathaniel Foster
Fun and enjoyment are buzzwords. And jewtubers are cancer.
Mason Cruz
so how are you planning on killing yourself?
Tyler Brooks
>Fun and enjoyment are buzzwords ok. >Jewtubers are cancer While i can agree, i dont think you're being very fair, have you even watched the guy im talking about?
Dylan Collins
>Fun and enjoyment are buzzwords. D-Dopamine isn't real, I swear!
Levi Howard
No, I'm just shitposting to lead the other guy on, as far as I've heard etho isn't too bad, though youtube content isn't for watching, it's for background noise. I'm not even the first guy. It's funny how assmad people get when you talk shit about some random e-celeb they like.
>taste doesn't effect dopamine release >people don't have different neurochemical landscapes okay
Jackson Parker
>Implying i was ass-mad I just think you shouldn't call people autistic when your literally playing minecraft
Andrew Parker
Different brands of autism lad. Some kinds of autism are better than others.
Jaxon Bell
>and our brand of autism is ded
Ryan Garcia
>thaumic tinkerer isnt good ?
Adrian Stewart
getting the itch to play some minecraft again, before uni starts up in a week.
>looking for server on mc forums and server list >find something wrong with everything >cant join a game first before starting to lose interest
why am i bothering
Joseph Reed
>the Modding Trials competition turned out to be a complete disaster >people are butthurt about results
This is worse than even when FTB ran it. But they wanted to distance themselves from it after everyone realized FTB was using this as a trick to encourage new mods for them to take.
Ian Green
I want to try the Baubles Minus Botania mod mentioned in the OP, but I'm not sure what to do on the Github page. Do I have to change the .zip to a .jar? Something else?
Josiah Rodriguez
Did you ever notice the pattern in the Forge issues and PRs list? Lex frequently rejects legitimately good ideas that would be beneficial to the average player, like an ore dictionary system for things like fence posts, which would be very easy to handle. But then he encourages changes that don't matter to anyone, like replacing the cloud renderer, which is likely to cause problems and is more complexity added to Forge. Think about that: you can TURN OFF CLOUDS if they actually affected your framerate, which they don't for most people, but they want to waste man hours on shit like this instead.
Forge already takes for goddamn ever to load but hey LET'S ADD MORE INTO IT.
Daniel Howard
>literally can't read Let me make you a picture instead. Might be more your speed.
Colton Davis
>things that would help the user >"Just add it as a mod, this doesn't belong in Forge."
>things that don't really help the user >"FORGE IS A TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM WE NEEDS THIS GOD SHUT UP ASIE."
Daniel Peterson
Jack Roberts
Etho is the only minecraft LP'er worth watching.
Joshua Gutierrez
end you life instead. Easier, simpler.
Caleb Garcia
Eh, I'm used to it. Got banned from a mod's IRC channel for suggesting that mod's Forge Multipart move will backfire back in the day.
Jonathan Bennett
>manage to convince friend to add projecte and exnihilio to server >40 min in pic related >his server is player economy based... Im not sorry
Ian Stewart
>tfw you realize lex uses forge to impress mojang enough to incorporate its features so that lex can put this on his resume even if he didn't write the feature
Brayden Morris
Do you plan to crash the markets immediately or wait and stockpile?
>projecte Lol why is that even still a thing.
Josiah Green
since everyone has access to it, Im just gonna build a base out of diamond blocks and see what happens
Jacob Walker
What happened to the server browser in the pc version?
I downloaded the latest version after some years hiatus and the multiplayer screen scans for games in the local area network only.
Isaiah Green
Of course.
Forge's license says that anything that goes into the patches can't be attributed to you, that you have to sign a CLA and all credit then goes to the Forge project.
Minecraft Forge is copyrighted to Forge LLC Development, which is literally LexManos's private LLC to handle his Minecraft-related income and to avoid any legal issues that could arise.
Lex is literally taking user-contributed code, making authors sign away their rights, and owning it under a legitimately registered company. And even for the code that is under the LGPL, since it's all part of the Minecraft Forge, owned by Forge Development LLC, Lex can still claim that on a resume as if he created it. Nobody's going to actually go check the PRs to see who really wrote code.
He's a common code thief, basically.
Adam Parker
>He's a common code thief, basically. Most code thieves at least pretend to know what they're doing. Most of the time, he looks at a problem and goes "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! Uh... Uh... FRY, TAKE CARE OF IT!"
Anthony Jones
>spend 30 minutes fighting biome ID conflicts >finally able to boot Kind of a pain to do manually, especially when you're trying to balance Twilight Forest and Biomes O'Houlihan. Why can't biomes have shifting IDs like blocks do?
Daniel Diaz
you wouldn't know autism if it bit your face off and shat down your throat.
Parker Carter
>there are people out there too stupid to see the benefits of using one