>Where does Veeky Forums play? Create or find a Gathering Hall Passcode: 7243 / Search In Generations, Objective: Gathering In 4U, Target: Fishing
Tags: MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHFU, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/
Previous thread
Mason Russell
I have BECOME Meowstress!
Dominic Robinson
xth for bully your local huntresses
Owen Flores
Brody Gray
Alright, so Ive decided on apples and HBG The OP pasta doesn't have much by way of ranged weapon pro tips
Noah Perry
That's a Meowdown though.
Asher Russell
You've made us all very proud I'm sure.
Jack Cooper
Hey /mhg/ does you guys use anything special to make your armor sets? I've seen screencaps from some application that shows the armors and there stats. What is that thing called?
Jaxson Morales
Ethan Roberts
Why not have a peek inside the pastebin and find out?
Joseph Martinez
We pull all our sets out of Athena's ass.
Wyatt Rogers
Thanks user, didnt think it had that kinda info.
Grayson Bailey
>still no rooms
Aiden Brooks
lostboy.exe, google it
Dominic Myers
55-0615-6015-8212 Unlocked turns 1 slot
Camden Watson
Yeah, Lance got more fluid as you can now do things like lunge mid thrust and then thrust after your lunge and after a counter stab goes off you can pretty much follow it up with anything now as it'll reset your 3 hit combo Fuck that new 3rd stab under anything not striker though. Takes forever, eats up sharpness for 3 weak ass hits, and is just a useless move.. GL needs more of that, sadly as it stands it only gets to do that kind of stuff after it shells, and even then you only get so many shells before you need to reload and go back to slugging it around. Also it's guarding shouldn't feel worse then lance, including that GL can't counter stab like lance can, slowing it down even more.
John Morris
What gives, hombre?
Carter Rivera
>Do the quest with Hyper Ludroth, Duramboros, and Zinogre >Prepare for intense fight with Hyper Dog after my last experience with him >Kill him in 6 minutes and barely take any damage so this.. is the power.. of striker SA
Jace Brooks
Why do they insist on bringing back the shitty parts of FU, but not the good parts, like the training school and
Well, I liked it when getting hit would cause your health bar to drain instead of a chunk just vanishing.
Kevin Butler
The question was about motion values. Everything under striker tends to get 'something' that gives it a damage boost for a tradeoff of utility, but Lance and Gunlance seem to be the only two that directly see motion value boost towards their attacks. While CB's red shield mode does give an extra 5% extra damage, that's only in red shield, and that's not a general damage boost you see for it's attacks outside of that like Lance and Gunlance get. Lance is the one that becomes the most silly though: >70 MV on lunges end stab >50 MV on each rapid hit of the lunge >Because you can now lunge after a 3rd stab without delay, instead of sidestepping/backhopping, lance is better off lunging and thrusting right after starting it, getting a ton of HA charge and damage in turn. Add in the fact that Lance has a fucking 180 MV HA on command and can charge it towards full in a minute or less, and you can see why it's kinda the current TA king.
Jaxson Diaz
Carter Cook
Fuck the Nargacuga. Prowler stance is literally a 50/50 for aerial roll. He flies every which way off the camera and bitch slaps you offscreen. Runs away between the TWO SAME FUCKING LOCATIONS within 30 seconds of fighting it. And hitting his paw doesn't count as hitting its wing. Why the fuck do people like this piece of shit? I don't have fun hunting it.
Asher Hill
Good DB skills?
Angel Jackson
Put a few more miles between Rathalos and the hunter.
Hudson Nelson
I've reached HR5 and I can't beat anything except the easymode droems and malfestio, I have less than 190 defense on my armor set so I think it might be time to upgrade.
What's a good set I can make in HR5?
Noah Ramirez
>Generations is my first minster Hunter since one of the psp ones, what's all this about it being shit? Seems like a lot of improvements so far, especially the lack of claw grip. It's a marked improvement from the PSP era, definitely. It's just sort of noticeably a step in the wrong direction from 4U, which for me personally is actually a first for the series. It's still a good game by all means and I appreciate the quality of life improvements but there's a lot of rushed or poorly implemented design choices in Gens.
>Also, aerial style seems really broken at least for a beginner It is, but you'll probably also get bored of it really quickly. There's really not much involvement beyond vaulting off monsters and spamming your aerial attack. Adept is in the same boat as far as making the game piss easy too.
Hudson Young
late night unlocked turns
ID: 66-0008-4196-0364
Alexander Parker
When do you ever use CB without a red shield...?
Benjamin Flores
just use adept if he gives you that much trouble, faggot
Michael Powell
question i'm trying to get an ukanlos shoveljaw+. kiranico says that there is a 10% chance of it appearing in the sub quest reward box but it's a 78% chance if you break his face and finish the quest. if i break his face and then end via subquest, is it still 10%? or is it the 78% chance im playing 4u
Andrew King
lord have mercy on my dick for it is time
Isaiah Jones
I want to murder every single rath that has ever lived, ever.
Hunter Cooper
78% then 10% for each loot roll
Landon King
>still no breast slider
Brandon White
cant wait to see the neutered western release
Justin Young
Obituary is a good set, you can easily get AuL with a 2 slot charm of some kind. The hardest bit is scoring the bugs from the mewster hunters, and then the sacs, but that's just killing the dome's + Kut-ku each a few times, so it's the stuff you said you can hunt fine and well.
Jayden Bennett
so is adept the go to for every weapon ?
also what does motion value mean ?
Xavier Sanchez
He's just a fucking bitch. It's not giving me trouble it's just annoying the shit out of me. I don't get why it keeps running away from me.
Isaac Morgan
hr 6 here, cannot find a good bow armorset/weapon, halp
Jace Gutierrez
so i'm just better off breaking his face and then ending via subquest, yeah?
Carter Scott
When you start off a hunt and need to charge your phails. It's also for Axe mode, not Sword, so over half of your attacks don't even get the bonus.
Owen Anderson
>Why the fuck do people like this piece of shit? I don't have fun hunting it.
It's covered in fur and its armor is really easy to make and generally gives really clutch skills bad players use to trivialise the game.
That's literally it
Alexander Cruz
Shoulda superman
Jack Brooks
>When you start off a hunt and need to charge your phails.
So for those precious 7 seconds your shield is not red.
Julian Sanchez
here we go boys
Julian Stewart
yes if you just need jaws
Colton Ward
She's clearly displeased with your actions user.
Dylan Wright
alright thanks man i'll suck your dick if i see you irl
Joseph Foster
>so is adept the go to for every weapon ? It's the easiest style by far but it's not always the best in terms of pure efficiency or speed at killing monsters.
Motion values are sort of like the "base damage" of any given attack, before modifiers are applied to that value.
Nolan Peterson
Guys, I wanna play Bow but I don't wanna die in one hit What do
Cooper Hall
upgrade your armor so you die in two hits
Adam Perry
Can we get this level of graphics with slightly refined and more balanced regular MH gameplay? If you gave us this, with all weapons being viable it would be perfect.
Jaxson Fisher
You're also missing the extension towards the statement, but yes. It's put onto the mechanic, instead of the motion values itself, though you're right on the subject that if you're playing CB right, you should always have said mechanic at full optimization. Saying it directly boosts it's attack though would be incorrect, though saying it strengthens the effect of red shield is correct.
Gabriel Gutierrez
Use a Blademaster helmet.
Carter Hughes
That is mighty pedantic user. However I hadn't thought too hard about the absence of a sword mode boost.
Luke Rogers
dont die in one hit
Jeremiah Barnes
But muh skills mutha fucka I don't really care about Haphazard or like Power Shots, so that's fine
Angel Morgan
those are some thick thighs
Joshua Scott
Thanks for the tip, this seems decent enough and I just need to get more bugs and hunt another Royal Ludroth/Khezu to get enough materials to make the whole thing
Eli Rivera
I have no idea what's going on....I just want to fap anons...
Nicholas Hernandez
Just play adept and never get hit.
Isaac Parker
What is this thing called??
Connor Adams
>It's name is at the top left of the screenshot At this point you're just doing this to try to make a meme. mhg doesn't need memes as we've already got more then we care to use.
Aaron Johnson
Element or Impact Phial for CB? Not sure what to go with this time.
Also Is there any weapons with 3 slots besides joke weapons?
Grayson Brown
You can never have too many memes.
Jason Smith
These hitboxes are such fucking bullshit.
Christopher Cooper
>tfw no rathalos cloaca to crawl inside of and feel like you're in a sauna >tfw no hemipenis that intertwines around your loins and caresses your body from within it's body
why live
Henry Myers
if you don't mind building at least 4 different CBs at the same time and exploiting weaknesses, elements not a bad choice this time
I would recommend you start with an impact CB (the petrified one) and then you can fuck off and build whatever you want
Andrew Wood
So *jumps back and deals damage and knockdown*
So watchu sayin *spams right hook in circles*
Watchu sayin is *leaves area twice in a row*
We wuz blangs??? *steals quest reward*
Jack Johnson
Impact can still KO though right? I know it's been nerfed, but is it still useful for KO?
Aaron Garcia
>beat urgent village glavenus >rewarded with a music video
Gavin Young
>Vouchers/tickets no longer get auto-sent to your box >Less overall item sets >No G rank >Outside of Fated Four, shit-tier monster intros >Food system changed for no good reason >No map for villages (to help find the stupid people who wanna talk to you) >Too many mundane gather-type quests >Guild Hall renamed to Hunter's Hub >You NEED to be the host for a villager request in the hub >Randomly renamed kinsect nectar >Completely shit on CB's original play style >Removed arm wrestling >Lack of backstory for Hyper monsters and Nakarkos What else am I missing?
Hudson Russell
There are a lot of problems with blangonga but I've never taken issue with his hitboxes.
Christopher Phillips
He and Plesioth are probably the closest things resembling casual filters in MHGen.
Axe Burst 2 got nerfed a bit, but that KO power is still there. It's just that you can't AED as often and ultras are worthless.
Christian Bennett
>Guild Hall renamed to Hunter's Hub >Lack of backstory for Hyper monsters and Nakarkos
The hunter's hub is a nice change of pace from the gathering halls, and Narkarkos gets more backstory than most final boss elder dragons. I'll give you the rest, though.
Samuel Flores
1 slot
Asher Lee
Get the english patch?
Lucas Williams
How does she keep stabbing after the first one?
>Guild Hall renamed to Hunter's Hub That's not even a legitimate complaint.
Adding. >Have to post the quest to unlock Hunter Arts. >No easy way to disconnect anymore.
Samuel Hughes
So don't bother using Ultra AED and it'll be fine?
Tyler Phillips
>no easy way to disconnect >press x to bring up map >go somewhere else
Connor James
Well damn, thanks for proving me wrong.
Justin Wilson
Yeah. It's not as easy to get the boost back quickly either.
Go Striker or Adept if you haven't figured already.
Alexander Perez
You can also just close and open your 3DS.
Eli Cruz
>tfw no rath gf
Thomas Barnes
How exactly does crit chain work? The only thing I could find was on gfaqs >Upon hitting the monster, you'll get a 25% affinity boost, if you make 5 consecutive hits, it will become 30%. However if you miss, there will be a cool down of 5 seconds before you can restart the 25% affinity boost.
I don't get this. How can you miss? How long does the buff last if you activate the boost? How long do you have to make those 5 consecutive hits?
Jaxon Hall
>you can't hit corpses anymore because striker would abuse it
Austin Carter
I'm gonna do the tutorial hunts and have a look, before I decide on style. Then I've gotta figure out guardpoints again, but that's a whole other story.
Logan Brooks
>no Rath gf to snuggle under her wing at night to keep you warm against her belly as you fly upon her back exploring the world
Noah Collins
use a weapon that isn't db/lbg/hbg
Brayden Nguyen
Adam Sanders
I don't know about everyone else, but not being able to AED from a GP killed CB for me. Not only that but I think it makes you go into axe mode automatically if you aren't knocked back hard enough.
Sebastian Walker
Fucking kill me now
Benjamin Edwards
I can live without the quickdial AED but the change in guardpoint behavior fucked me up real good
Brody King
It just feels so awful coming from 4U. Probably not that bad for someone who hasn't experienced it before though. Are there any good CB videos that demonstrate it's not a shit weapon now?
Evan Davis
I don't get it, you guys said GP's weren't there anymore and that the moveset changed.
Guild has all the regular stuff and guard points are about the same as before, at least the way to activate them is.
I can't seem to figure how to charge my shield to red though.
Eli Hall
The skill needs you to hit a monster 5 times within 5 seconds for it to activate and I'm assuming it fades away too if you don't hit a monster after 5 seconds
Henry Rivera
Press R during an AED when you have five phials.
Thomas Collins
Then why wouldn't I use db if the weapon is perfect for crit chain? You can constantly attack with it with no issues.
Adam Wilson
What the fuck about plesioth is a casual filter? Plesioth is online only and dies in no time, he Doesnt even do much damage. People just hate him because you literally get hit by nothing and still take damage and for some fucking reason hes bigger than jhen moran
Wyatt Gutierrez
You don't understand. Guardpoints act differently. At the very least Striker/Adept's additional GPs do compliment their new behavior.
>I can't seem to figure how to charge my shield to red though.
Axe mode or perfect guard then X with Adept in sword mode.