/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

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GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org/
Haxe: haxeflixel.com/
LÖVE: love2d.org/
UE4: unrealengine.com/what-is-unreal-engine-4
Unity: unity3d.com/

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>making the thread early so I couldn't get the proper thread made
You can't stop it, it's gonna happen.

>Not being a dev who still plays from time to time
How to get out of touch 101

Check muh webm pls - webmshare.com/axJ9z
Sorry I still can't make a smooth running webm

first for
today i'm gonna implement google play into my first mobile game and then i'm gonna implement unity adds into my first mobile game and then i'm gonna look at some mansions because i'm gonna be sick rich from my first mobile game

>that reload style

I remember you, I'm glad to see you're still running with that novel as hell reload mechanic

Square dev, is that you?

how do you look around in this game?

Newbie here, are those ready-to-go engines well optimized? As in, not resource hogs?

Basic sliding controls are in. The player can look around and apply movement forces.
The next step is to figure out if the sliding mechanic is fun enough to go on, since the entire game will stand on it, or if it isn't and in that case there would be no point to keep deving the game.

Thanks! Glad someone remembers my old ludum dare game
In Exploration mode you have a full mouse look+WASD controls, in Battle mode you restricted in camera rotation, but still can move with WASD

didnt realise the no mans sky devs frequented here

I haven't played no mans sky, do they use sliding mechanics too?

your game just looks like no mans sky, if you were to add some rng geometry and textures

If that's true then they are probably just as lazy as i am since that skybox is a free asset from the unity store and the terrain is from the terrain generator in blender

I'm kinda reminded of Sanicball for some reason.

is there still time for weekly update?

If you want to get into the weekly recap, then yes, there is.


yeah that terrain is definitely a noise generator

Sorry for the late responses!

It was a great idea, my dude.
Shoot me an email
[email protected]
Thanks! I'm hoping these new tree shadows add to the comfiness.

why did basement mate die?

Simple: We can't have nice things

Someone got August #1's image?

>those faint leaf shadows

You making a Tribes-like game? Sliding in those games were always fun.

Lets say I want to add particles to my models that move and rotate with them. What would be the best way to do so in Unity? I was thinking of adding special bones to the armature where I can place the particle systems but I wonder if there is a simpler way to do so.



sliding will be very similar, except it will be a race to the finish line


>researched loli anatomy
This was the guy that got arrested right

>rotate guy
>robutt game
Where did it all go wrong?


careful user, you might have the kid diddler defense squad on you.


Did rotate guy ever finish his game? I've been absent


It depends what you make. There will always be overhead and you can't optimize as far as you could with lower-level programming. But if you make something that isn't resource intensive in the engine then it won't be resource intensive.

No, he become a tranny and just shitposts now

His twitter account was suspended by twitter. Which I think is the reason he's posting here again. lmao

Yes. That's the pedo that /agdg/ defends.

You're saying "yes he got arrested".

Looks interresting, I like the reload and the camera.

What's the thing you are shooting at though? I can't make it out.

Also is it some kind of spook game?

Ok. Can't say I expected much else.

Got a link to the rotation game?

If the player holds the jump button, should the player keep jumping or should the player only jump once?

Depends on the game.

Most games, only once.
Key repeat in general should be used very carefully.

Redoing Bunny's rig, now with thumbs, index fingers and IK!
That means redoing every animation from scratch though

Repeat jump is really goddamn janky (but like the other Anons said, it has its place in certain games).

It's a pixel platformer.

It's not a spooky game, more like killer7/rail shooter battle system with enemy encounters+dark souls-like world exploration

one jump and that's it then.


My first time animating something from scratch. Obviously not finished yet but any tips?

cute but jerky

Damn son, that's a very convincing homerun swing.

You should increase the frames. Scale the animation in the action editor / dope sheet by about three.

It's 21 frames, I was scrubbing through in the webm not looping it so that might have contributed. I was hoping interpolation in UE4 would take care of it because I want it to be a pretty short animation, or is it better practice to have more frames and just up the framerate?

Thanks my man!

Looks pretty spooky to me.

Care to explain what's the story about? I guess you already have some kind of story since the number on the pistol a and the marks on his wrist have some reason right? If you want to kep it a secret that's fine too.

who cares? computers today have power to throw away so any optimizing is a waste of time

>It's not a spooky game
I'm sorry bu you dun goof'd, it IS spooky. Not that that's a bad thing.

spooky=/=jumpscares by the way

If I release a game for free on the play store, can I also release it on itch.io etc or am I bound by some kind of contract with big G or something?

needs a longer windup and a shorter swing, that will make it look more powerful. Other than that, pretty decent.

>muh deep and edgy numbers.

You can release it wherever you want

GabeN will personally knife you if you break the unwritten unspoken contract.

>muh contrarian remarks and smug anime girl faces

where's your game, sugar tits?

How do you manage different versions of your game on Itch, /agdg/?

Like you submit it to multiple Demo Days, then have a final release. Do you just refresh the game's page with the new version and alter the name of the game (I often see naming Demo Day 9 edition, Alpha version etc.), or do you set up a completely new page? I was wandering, because with the latter approach, you lose all your previous statistics, but at least you'll have a clean start and your game won't be connected to any previous jams or feedback you've received during development.

The story is about a destroyed world and a special portal which can help to rebuild the world. Player character finds special items, use them in the portal and creates a links to the fragments of the world. Different items creates links to different locations, plus you can modify them by adding a special items - to make monsters stronger, but with a better loot, or to visit a location back in time, at the exact time when the world is destroyed, something like that.
The weapons are the main NPCs - you must build a bond with them in order to talk with them. Killing enemy types that the weapon hates builds the amiability with the weapon, missing shots decreases it. The ending is based on what weapon you befriend and listen to in the dialogues.

But there is a cute slug creature in the game, picrelated. Not all the enemies are spooky skellys

I lied, the cute slug is actually a skellington too

>make friends with your guns

Holy shit, that's awesome, I hope you at least plan to make it so if a player has garbage aim throughout the game they can set things right if they spend some extra time fighting shit accurately.

What other weapons do you have planned?

>that slug creature
you have the weirdest tastes my man, keep it up

and I thought it couldn't get any worse, fug

>this isn't a horror game
Sure, friend.

How hard/time intensiv would it be to make a decent RTS game. Compared to other gernes ? (think Red Alert 2 and Warcraft 2)

I know the gerne is dead. It would be nothing but a spare time project.

in his defense, king's field and the souls games have spooky enemies and eerie shit in general, it's not really a horror game.

Killer 7 has invisible enemies that scream and explode in your face, and it's not a horror game

right here kiddo. is it edgy enough 4 u?

not edgy enough, have the character lamenting about dark and useless the world is.

>What other weapons do you have planned?

All the weapons are handguns, most of them are based on real guns, but only partially. But there will be a Mauser-K96 gun which speaks German untill you befriend it (because this is my favorite handgun and I already made a small LD game about it)
>Killer 7 has invisible enemies that scream and explode in your face, and it's not a horror game
I actually borrowed this feature from the game - some enemies are invisible untill their first attack, and some weapons can see some types, but can't see others. So you have to equip various scanners to be able to see them and attack first. I plan to add a player character build variety with such devices.

game idea

procedurally generated slice of life visual novel that never ends
its just an endless loop of generic everyday events

so I'm assuming each handgun will reload and fire differently then?

Please tell me we can go dirty harry on a motherfucker.

I'm already playing it.
There's no content

So, Groundhog Day: The VN?

I haven't updated any of my games like that yet, since they're all jam games.
But I would keep the same page and just update it as I go. You can set your page to have a discussion board instead of having just a comment section, this will allow you to make a new thread for every release you make, so if anyone gives feedback they can post it on the most recent thread. I don't know if there's a way to make it so no one can make threads except for you though.
Updating the names of the downloads is easy. And the name of your project too, although I think if you change the url name it could break any links people have posted, so try to always choose the proper url name from the start.

We already play that everyday, it just has an end.

I'm not sure, most handguns will reload via clip-mechanic. Maybe I will add barrel reload mechanic with the revolvers (and for some guns you will have to cock the hammer before shooting), but for now the weapons will differ by damage, shot speed, magazine capacity, recoil, etc.

free released 2D or 3D music


Hey, the C96 is my favorite handgun too! I tend to model my fictional guns off of it if I'm not using it outright.


Consider one of these, I love when a game gives me the buckshot option

Did you make this?

You can also make it so another jump is initiated if jump is pressed and held during a jump. This makes it a bit more of a conscious decision for the player to do it.

pretty comfy musics. Did you make these?

Is this your game? Looks good! I always love to play a good game with C96

Well, there is already an implementation of a spread shot, so I can make a shotgun-like things, but what about buckshot? I'm not a pro in these things, but isn't buckshot is just a bullet fired from a shotgun with a non-rifled barrel?

Agreed. Was thinking the same thing.

how do prevent your deformation weights for doing whatever they want?

well by buckshot I'm just talking about firing multiple projectiles. If you have a spreadshot, it's all good.

Keep up the good work.

Oh, I messed up my English, it's slug shots I meant, so yeah, I can make a buckshot already, I'm probably will.

I fix them manually after applying the automatic ones.

How do you create 2D levels in Unity? Do you use Tiled or something else?

>creating a 2D game in Unity
But Unity is good and I know C#.