easy money thread
Easy money thread
Lip balm
Sell your mother to prostitution.
Sell yourself as a legal qt 3.14 pretty boy for the pedos and old women.
easy money = illegal / luck / connections
pick at least 2
1-Find some one with it and take it from him
2-Sell your grandparents meds
3-drugged your mom and sell
4-drug self sell yourself
5-kidnap dogs wait for bounties and return
6-start your own bottled water
7-cam whore
8-eat things for money
9-become trap sell dirty panties
10-become most wanted man
Turn yourself in for reward
11-kill everyone then you can take what you want
You mus choose
Illegal connections.
Buy a boy dog and a girl dog
Put them in a room forever
Sell the babies
Here's the first legit response OP. I did homework for lazy college kids a few years back. Sometimes I did an entire module for them, and other times I helped them write their thesis. I learned a lot (didn't care about the subject, just learned it and did it) and I made about 5 figures. Pretty good if you're just doing homework, eh? Too bad I can't put any of it on a resume.
Illegal luck?
Redbubble and Teespring.
Teespring you have to sell your soul to produce graphics that appeal to the lowest common denom.
Redbubble you just copy and paste graphics that appeal to urban indie hipster faggots.
I made $46k from this in about 16-18 months and it took 0 effort and minimal brains. Just download VectorMagic and use GIMP or equivalent. RedBubble eventually banned me (only because I uploaded graphics belonging to Sam Hyde and he personally reported me. ANYONE can target you and report you on RedBubble and claim your graphics belong to them and the staff will never help you out or properly review it. The sites moderation is completely broken. I had 50 or so copypasta graphics e.g. album covers, but not a single one of these was ever removed) but I still use Teespring for a huge boost in disposable income.
My neighbor has been trying to do this for years and has lost thousands and not sold a single dog. Shes got like 10 dogs she needs to feed now.
Are there any penalties or anything if shirts don't sell or can you just throw whatever up there and hope people buy it?
No, it would be you're lucky to get in on something profitable and illegal
On Teespring you have to make an investment, but the most I ever lost on a design was $200 and it was abysmal. (it's also pretty much essential that you buy ~$20 worth of ads per tshirt.) I have heard of people going broke on there and losing $2000+ though.
On Redbubble, there is nothing to lose at all, you're just uploading images. No limit to how much you can post- they print it for you and by default you get 20% profit per sale, but you can set it to any amount.
If you upload copyright works, they will threaten you with legal action after many repeat strikes but ultimately do nothing, it's Redbubble that is considered responsible in the end. A friend of mine who started using the site on my advice uploaded a copy+paste of another t-shirt design and sold about 150 units which is exceptional. He had two others from the same designer that sold about 50 between them. The original designer (I think it was Sandbag Ltd) contacted him and so did Redbubble, but all they could do was remove the works. You get paid monthly (min payment is $12 I believe) and he still got paid for the sales after those uploads were removed.
Oh, and Teespring is wildly more lucrative if you succeed. Many of the top designs (essentially lolcats and dad jokes) will make 6 figures just from one design. This is rare but it's far from unheard of. People who put in the effort on Teespring make absurd money, it's still in something of a golden era and the luck factor is not very big considering the amount of users who make 6 figures a year.
You also don't need to be a graphic designer. You can look at the top selling works on the site, they're all clip-art tier.
Where did you find kids willing to pay that much for that?
It's just because teespring is bigger, more advertised and gives you a far bigger margin of profit per sale. Some designs will sell thousands of copies yielding $10 per sale.
yo how do you find a niche of tshirts
teespring actually pays you less out of all of the companies. And you advertise them yourself. In fact, learning FB ads is far more important than the tee stuff.
oh oops I thought I saw a "(You)" in the post I replied to here. my bad
>kidnap dogs wait for bounties and return
this is actually a really good idea, provided you don't get caught kidnapping the dog.
>btc shill
worst passive income advice ever
> Not exploiting society for personal gain
>tfw saw one of those "clip art" tier shirts with some stupid slogan which sold enough shirts to make the seller high 5 figures
>make a similar shirt with an identical slogan, but since I have some design experience, I make it look really good
>0 sales
and if you think my ads were shit it was a shirt that had to do with age, so i simply targetted FB users born in that year as well as some other settings like credit cards users/online buyers
do you have any tips for FB ads since mine failed miserably? should I choose cost per click or cost per action?
It's over, OP.
Per conversion. That's the data you want for the pixel for retargeting later.