Just remember we're getting a new ranking system because self entitled retards barely know how to play this game and can't admit they're shit.
David Fisher
What do after getting bored in overwatch?
Juan Campbell
Who /pol/ here?
Hunter Roberts
Don't be so hard on yourself, I'm sure you just had a bit of bad luck.
Samuel Thomas
Any consolebros?
Xbox about to be rank 58 want a backpack to 60 pls let's get a group going
Mason Wilson
>claw my way to rank 49 >one more game and ill be rank 50 >im finally winning games, maybe im actually getting better >lose >lose >lose >loseloseloseloselose >now i'm rank 38
i'm done man. 1 3rd of a level for each win, almost a whole level gone for losing. bullshit.
Aaron Scott
Why doesn't Roadhog have an Australian accent?
Ayden Clark
I'm on Xbox but I hate myself so much I can't continue playing.
Reaperbro but I lose 80% of games even though I 4+ Gold every game.
I just think I'm cursed.
Nathaniel Thomas
just hit 25 and im doing my placements.
predict my w:l
Ayden Campbell
>teammate butthurt swaps to a hero that keeps killing them >they're much better than the enemy and completely dominate the rest of the match
Nolan Gutierrez
>Play Reaper most games unless team is retarded with Torb on attack and no healers or something. >4+ golds erry game. >PoTG most games. >Lose probably 9/10 games. >Don't think I've ever won 3 games in a row. >Frustrated as fuck. >Swap over to Meme Machine even though I have no idea how to play him. >Waste Ults like a madman. >Gold medal for healing but it's like 3000+ each game. >Feel like I'm doing terrible. >Win every single game.
Fuck Overwatch if you want to win just play this piece of shit.
Leo Price
FUCK. Can I make it /owg/? I'm on a 6 win streak, will the forced 50/50 hit me when I'm so close?
Jaxon Watson
6w 4l
Lincoln Wright
>trying to transfer from console to PC controls
Anybody else done this before? How long did it take you to get comfortable?
Parker Ramirez
Aren't tuesdays patch days? Can we be expecting an update of some sort today? I noticed they have a background download going already.
Andrew Lewis
>take zen on koth >5 golds on the first map
Camden Reyes
Rank? I'm good too, I've solo played the whole way through 794 QP games 422 wins 10k kills 3,700 deaths every game is win lose win lose lose lose win. can't post on battle net for some reason we need to get a group going people
Jordan Hughes
Can a pig's dick fit inside a rat?
Dominic Morgan
I got knocked down to like 39 from 60 because of so many quitters and shit team mates.
I got 5 golds
With Widowmaker
I don't even know how
Samuel Hall
>reaperfag doesn't understand how the game works typical
Connor Diaz
Holy shit what gods do I have to suck off to get that much progression towards next rank
Jonathan Torres
>I am ready for transcendence! >Group up with me! >My ultimate is ready! >Group up here! >pop ult and get on point >my entire team is still sitting at the chokepoint
Austin Davis
Post qtmaker
Ethan Rogers
>dat 1 rank per win
I'll take, "Things in life I'll never see for $400, Alex."
Juan Hughes
My highest was 55 but I'm 49 I think now? I got de-ranked so much because literally 15 games in a row I had quitters.
Angel Ross
>30 levels and 20 dollars into Summer Games >still no qt blonde buff wife
Sebastian Phillips
I'm on the Xbone as well, but I haven't touched competitive and I'm also not good in any sense of the word..
William Nguyen
Win streaks, started getting that amount after my 4th win
Brayden Foster
she needs more love
Levi Torres
pigs have really thin cork screw shaped benises, I would presume so.
Easton Thomas
I hate this skin so much. It's edgy and retarded. >tfw play Junkrat and there's not one skin that I don't hate
Jaxon Long
>tfw the only skins I don't have yet are Torbjorn's, Tracer's, D.va's, Widowmaker,s and Lucio's >I really want Lucio's
Easton Cooper
John Thomas
You level or de-level 1 rank at a time if you keep up a win/lose streak. It's how people like me drop from 55 to 35 in a day. >eehhehe i know how to play vidya gaem I bet you play Genji.
Colton Russell
>playing widowmaker >complaining about losing
Really, it's humorous, user.
Matthew Davis
Nope, but nice try.
Ethan Jenkins
It was a 2vs6, I was playing Widowmaker because I'd given up the will to play. Don't be a fucking retarded nigger on the internet and make assumptions.
And 9/10 times someone quits it's during a game we were winning because why not ;^)
Dylan Anderson
Who is the best genderbend and why is it Junkrat?
Ryan Ortiz
All of his legendary skins are garbage
Jackson Baker
>I am ready to activate the Sound Barrier! >Group up with me! >My ultimate is ready! >Group up here! >"hey guys I'm going to speed boost us through the chokepoint and then ult" >"alright I'm doing it now" >my entire team except a Tracer is still sitting at the chokepoint
Joseph Ramirez
Liam Nelson
I don't think he has a thin corkscrew benis
Thomas Murphy
>He actually had to prove himself Anonymously over the internet.
Ryder Cooper
Josiah Ross
Because Junkrat is tall, skinny, blond haired, and has a horribly psychotic personality that we enjoy due to the fact his murderous rampages aren't depicted in a realistic sense either. Also the kind of dialogues between him and roadhog that can easily be made into double entendres.
Though D.Va as a trap is best
Hudson Morales
So does she carry the peg leg around with her and put it on for photos or what? She'd look retarded hopping around with one tucked up leg the whole time. How does a Junkrat cosplay even work?
Lincoln Miller
>Play Mercy >Everyone runs as far away from you as possible
Love this meme!
Brayden Hill
Just like in real life, user.
Parker Clark
>now entering Numbani
when are they going to patch this shitty map? I'm so sick of the game being decided by who knows how to fight that hallway better.
Wyatt Martin
She's so perfect.
Chase Allen
>Upset by games being won by which team is better
user what
Aaron Foster
This cosplayer is not an amputee, she just puts it on for photos.
Andrew Rodriguez
>Playing comp yesterday on PS4 as a premade of 2 on Numbai >We both enter game chat and try and see if anyone will go on mic, or at the very least listen to us if we call stuff out >No response >K >Go D.Va, buff goes Zen because Lucio was already chosen >Lucio goes nowhere near the payload >Our Reinhardt keeps charging himself at people to death >Enemy Zen ultimate to save himself like a dork >Reinhardt uses his ultimate on Zen as he's ulting No, really. >We both ask what the flying fuck he was thinking Few mins pass >"I had to plug in my mic just to shit talk you guys, I've got gold for eliminations." >Politely inform him I had gold for Eliminations, objective kills and objective time >"Fuck you" >Unplugs his mic and doesn't speak again for rest of the round >Plugs it back in for next round and shit talks our Lucio and apologises for being a dick Comp's wierd.
Easton Edwards
Mercy's "fly" ability needs to be a lot more lax, allowing you to activate it even if there's a wall to increasy her escaping skills.
She needs to have a constant healing aura around her and somewhat better defence abilities (not a lot, though).
Ayden Jackson
I think i'm going to set a new record, since i have started to play today, i'm at 11 defeats and 1 victory, i wonder how far can i go
Jeremiah Gutierrez
That's the point. Would she walk around the con with her normal leg carrying the peg leg? How does she stay true to the character?
Colton Hughes
>Play comp for the first time >Lucio for every match >2/9 placement matches are wins
I'm guessing 1 more game to get a rank. How fucked am I?
Jason Sanders
True perfection
Asher Harris
>not asking your weird uncle to give you a backyard amputation to be able to put together an accurate cosplay boo
Evan Bell
Will blizzard's campaign placement (copper gold etc.) or w/e it's called for season 2 be based on our current rank or max rank?
Parker Smith
>Tracer keeps trying to 1v1 Genji even though she loses every single time
Luis King
I'm seriously fucking sick of getting team wiped by a single genji. They're nerfing him right?
Brayden Kelly
>Play Mercy >Flanked and killed because your team runs away from you and there's no one to fly to
Lucas Cox
I'm annoyed that the map has one path that is so much better than any other path. And that path happens to be one of the smallest hallways in the game.
Bentley Parker
>you will never make widow smile
why even live lads
Ayden Jackson
It'll be based on how you do in your placements next season.
Lincoln Ward
I'm not going to get the tricolore widow skin before this event ends am I
Nolan Perry
Nicholas Walker
After all these 3 greys 1 blue trash crates, I finally got a summer skin and it's the one I wanted! American Mcree boyeeeeeeeeeeee.
Hudson Bailey
You've had a gold every game for healing then (I'd hope), you won't be shafted quite as hard as others would be.
Christian Bailey
If you juke his dash he's less of an issue. Shurikens are a fucking pain in the ass to dodge though.
Josiah Mitchell
No, because Genjishitters are 13 year olds who will cry if they nerf an overpowered shit.
Matthew Edwards
>ptr patch in about 2 hours >not getting off work for another 6
Robert White
your rank never mattered because you suck
Jaxson Martin
When does it end?
Liam Torres
I just got it yesterday. I don't even play widow a ton. It also doesn't look that good honestly.
Gavin Sullivan
imp has a flat chest because the character is trans
Jeremiah Smith
>climbed back up to my peak 65 today >tfw too scared to play again cuz I don't wanna fall back into the gulag
Jonathan Robinson
Okay tumblr
Gavin Jackson
One cosplayer had the peg leg in front of the real leg which was "hidden" in a black-fabric. So when he was squatting it looked like he had a peg leg, proper enough.
Brody Lopez
what does it say anyone speaks moon here?
Ayden Richardson
Play Zarya. Cannot into gulag if part of glorious motherland.
William Gomez
but if you don't play how can you improve?
Jonathan Baker
It's nothing really, just anew ranking system
Easton Smith
>playing Mercy in 2016
You deserve what you get.
Gabriel Moore
its because all the advanced players were in the 60s and felt like 60s was a failure rank to have
(f)a c e b o o k /groups/1628711920791742/
Brayden Hall
>you'll never taste the blueberry lips
Jackson Nelson
I got a fucking russian widowmaker main on god damn ching chong tower, I'm so fucking salty holy shit.
Gavin Sanders
I just played 4 comps and my team completely destroyed the opponents everytime, they never even got a point on stopwatch. Of course I did my best as lucio but my rank 65 kinda feels undeserved now.
Evan Mitchell
>see yellow coin coming out of a loot box >manages to be a dupe of the only legendary summer skin i have
I've been solo queue for 90% of my matches so I feel like I deserve it. At the same time, when I'm matched up with 70s, I often underperfom and I just feel like I don't belong there.
Aiden Mitchell
>bee rank 60 >bee better than 94% of ranked players
how are people so shit
Luke Thompson
>get to 60 >go back to 57 after getting the same mongoloids over and over >gain to 60 by a miracle, can taste 61 >lose a few very close games and de-ranked to 58
How's your motivation going, /owg/? I'm close to losing my will to go on
Evan Scott
They're probably rolling out balance changes with it though.