why were hyltols the race everyone decided had big titties
Owen Taylor
>start game >be in the middle of nowhere >all teleport locations gone uh... tardbounders?
Alexander Roberts
What is happening to my outpost Why is everything closed ARGHHHH
Ethan Perez
>implying it wasn't BIRD TITS
Jayden Brown
reminder to always backup your player AND shipworld files
the chucklefuck meme is more than just a mere meme
Chase Rivera
You know what irks me? That we can't assign job-specific outfits. My medic oughtta wear a medic uniform, and my soldiers shouldn't.
Adam Rodriguez
xth for Glitch are the most powerful race in the world
Jason Ramirez
Owen Mitchell
i believe there's a mod for that in the workshop
Brody Davis
Alas, the dumbfucks don't listen to warnings in time. Anyone criticizing their precious game must be wrong.
Luis Morales
Google didn't help me very much, unfortunately.
Tyler Edwards
Uhm, what's this about backing up? How is it done?
Carson Cruz
best i could find: steamcommunity com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=741308162 but it seems to not have any customization, i'd test it but i'm not on my PC
Adam Martinez
just navigate to your starbound folder \Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\storage\player and copy/paste everything in it to a different file location outside your starbound folder
good practice to also copy/paste your whole damn starbound folder before installing mods so you can join vanilla servers without hassle
Logan Ortiz
Jonathan Young
This is probably gonna clash with Earth's Finest, isn't it. And I don't have the Steam version, anyway.
Ah, well, thanks for looking.
Owen Brooks
what did he mean by this
Jeremiah Smith
Now that I have finally something resembling a crew and can focus on aesthetics, what material should I use to cover up the hole in the room I'm currently standing in? I'd rather not have a Captain's Quarters with a trapdoor installed.
Brayden Kelly
Are we finally be getting Novakid settlements?
Wyatt Stewart
nth for I want to marry Leadhead so that he may protect my smile! I will bear with the bullying if I have to!
Michael Jackson
Thanks. I'm using the GoG version but i think i found the evuivalent folder (it has a file called "metadata"). Also, i don't think i'll be joining any server soon. It looks like a real hassle and i'm pretty dumb so i don't think i'll be able to.
Easton Moore
Post ships. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do.
Also my penguins are fucked. There is only supposed to be four but they multiplied to become twenty.
Levi Evans
Forgot to include.
David Turner
sounds like it. it has .player and .shipworld files in it also don't say i didnt warn when down the line as if this game will last that long you want to join a server with your over 100 mod big jugs lopunny vore fetishist and end up crashing it
Dominic Thompson
Is it me or are guns so fucking useless
Owen Bailey
High-level sniper rifles, grenade and rocket launchers are remarkably potent. As in, "one-shot nearly anything" potent.
Jonathan Garcia
Men can't marry men.
Luis Barnes
Just you.
Lucas Powell
Yeah, they're a work in progress in the nightlies
Hunter Bennett
Can I download mods from the steam workshop if I don't have the steam version of the game?
Cameron Martin
Just let /sbg/ die, its over.
Eli Ramirez
Not until I know why the fuck toilets I'm trying to place keep rotating to face the wall.
Cooper Howard
/sbg/ will live and die in conformity with my will.
Hudson Ramirez
Matthew Parker
Requesting this gun as a mod
John Anderson
Adrian Butler
Does this Glitch have a socket or a plug?
Gabriel Stewart
Socket AND a plug.
Matthew Gomez
I'm trying to connect to the ERP server, but it says 'join failed'. I downloaded the mod pack, and installed it (correctly, I think), so what might be the problem?
Joseph Diaz
make sure you don't have any midi files mixed in with your abc files and that asset mismatch is off
Ayden Evans
I don't even know what the first part means, I just downloaded the pack, and installed it to a clean mods folder. I even created a new character to test it out.
It says: cannot connect to A
Matthew Gomez
iunno then, use the discord link and ask people there
Brandon Collins
>cannot connect to A thanks i have you ip address now prepare for the storm, the storm that will wipe away the pathetic etc
Sebastian Scott
Ok. ok. i¿ll give it a try. What is it you do in a server, anyway? How do you progress?
Nathaniel Richardson
Christopher Lewis
The exact same thing you do in singleplayer, but with other people.
Sebastian Robinson
T-that's the server ip, o-of course pls no hack
Grayson Kelly
fish are breddy good
Ian Bennett
>T-that's the server ip, o-of course but who was server? ;^)
Benjamin Hill
Are we posting fishies in this thread? Rate my drawing plz
Gabriel Barnes
This game needs space drugs not even a lot just like how ES has skooma So I can roleplay as a brilliant fish space explorer with crippling heroin addiction
Mason Smith
>Monster Spawner is currently disabled from the game. Assets for this exist within the game files, but will not be encountered through normal gameplay. >find glitch ruined cathedral thing >follow wires chucklefuck in charge of disabling their own assets, the one thing they have the most experience in.
Kayden Reyes
>that feel when people can draw their characters and you cant
Aaron Nguyen
Aiden Perez
Why do you enjoy stomping me when im already beaten?
Joseph Turner
It's important to do things that tripfags don't like.
Evan White
Jace James
Does anyone know from which crafting station thorn grenades are made? I remember getting the recipe, but I can't seem to find where they're made from.
Hunter Rodriguez
Mod to kill granny when?
Adam Lewis
Now I'm curious what large meteors will do to the ruin.
Cameron Gonzalez
Disabled. Can sometimes still find them though.
Justin King
You do realize wikis are not written by the devs, right.
Juan Nelson
Is it normal for this game to drain over 6 gigs of RAM?
Liam Perez
No, that's a memory leak. Restart your client.
Chucklefish :^)
Gabriel Jackson
Ah, damnit. Why still have the recipe pop up when you first pick one up, then? Chucklefish puzzles me sometimes. :/
Anthony Powell
It's just sheer incompetence.
Tyler Perez
weeeeeeeeeee my exploration for rare fishes is now much more efficient. i should make a submarine base and go full Abyss
David Jackson
I don't have 6 gb ram on my system and I run everything on max setting while having 30 tabs in 3 browsers in the background, while streaming and running fraps, encoding professional grade videos, having 3 instances of photoshop 7 open and running windows vista 32 bit using a dynamo powered by a colony of starved hamsters.
Zachary Gray
>there will never be challenging sea monsters Largest waste of potential IMO.
John Ross
im scared /v/ its too spooky down here
Caleb Murphy
Go play Subnautica, faggot.
Logan Clark
nah, forgottenworlds is a SJW company. i pledged never to buy their games after they pulled that female space marine pandering shit for natural selection. there is a underwater game that was realeased recently tho by the journey people, supposed to be really amazing.
oh! i found a sunken ruin! there are always lots of rare fishes in here to catch!
Joseph Russell
I'm still pretty shit. Just got started on a fresh character after over a year away from Starbound.
I went with the Accelerator Tier 5 Apex armor, but I have the two other add-ons as well. Is there a meaningful difference in quality between them?
Also I've been using this gun since Tier 1, I can't seem to stumble on a better assault rifle.
Charles Russell
>sjw company Literally nothing of that is visible in Subnautica, matter of fact I didn't even know until you told me. Even if, what should I care if they keep making decent games?
Robert Clark
>trying to consume ethically under late capitalism all ur politics are shit
Jaxon Diaz
We need Floran feet
Jordan Myers
When are we going to see Florans in Apex labs, that are more plant than biped, and are essentially a mass of vines?
I want to see more Apex tests on various races.
Henry Watson
do whatever you want, user, but i wont support SJW companies. also ABZU is apparently a really good game, so i will probably get that instead.
>communist retard shocking
David Diaz
Give SJW's money, you give them clout. Give them clout, they'll use it to bully smaller studios who don't share their politics and refuse to convert, doing shit like having them blackballed from events or poisoning the well of reviewers for them.
If you like their games but the devs are SJWs, pirate the games, but don't feed those people.
Christian Perry
Please tell me there's a guide to aesthetics.
Oliver White
>>that shower I don't think you need a guide, you obviously already have the knack for improvising some neat stuff.
Josiah Carter
>caring about the market more than you care about yourself Not only is this retarded in and of itself, this philosophy is made even more ridiculous by the fact that your wallet's influence is laughably microscopic, no insult intended. Do yourself a favor, buy what you want, don't buy what you don't want.
Xavier Hill
T-thanks user. Self-esteem boosted for today.
Kinda feel like swapping out the executive bed for a titanium one, though. I don't quite like this one, but I fear it might clash.
Also, there's still a lot of empty space in that room and I wonder what to fill it with.
Jackson Jackson
its a shame too, i played NS back in the HL mod days and it was really fun. i would like to believe that unknownworlds was just trying to game the SJW media instead of being SJW themselves. hopefully, with the gawker bankruptcy we will find out if thats true or not.
youre doing pretty good user. #1 change the default background #2 makethings compact or tiny for comfyness #3 rooms should have a purpose #4 blocks are often better than decor
youre doing all those automatically, mostly.
John Bailey
Oh, right, another specific. Lose the executive door for an ordinary human one, or keep it?
>We’re still working away on Starbound version 1.1, which will include fishing, collections, world improvements, and more!
Charles Parker
>improve Funny way to spell "remove".
Levi Turner
>>Hey everyone! :) ^_^
Jackson Davis
there is enough selection in the market that we have the luxury of choosing the games we want based on ethics. there have been what... a half dozen underwater game released in the last few years?
abzu subnautica depth soma song of the deep
all of them are fun. some of them are outstandingly amazing (soma). and their are choices that dont include the spectre of failed continental philosophies
i personally love the impervium doors. unfortunately they fucked up the sound they make for 1.0. keep it.
Gavin Butler
Can they even remove stuff (as much as before) now that the game is officially out?
Gabriel Thompson
It's their game, user. I think they can do whatever the fuck they want.
Gavin Edwards
But wouldn't that make the fans (even more) mad? I mean sure changing small things after release is ok, but if they suddenly remove huge chunks of content because they suddenly "don't feel like it" will just rub the fans the wrong way. The reason why no one is complaining AS MUCH was because the game was in beta until recently
Jeremiah Brooks
They already have their shekels, don't they? Now all they have to do is milk the game for all it's worth, and pretend to be intelligent about it.
Lincoln Rogers
sandbox games like this(terraria, garrys mod, minecraft) make a ton of money by being constantly updated and getting more players w ith each update.
Nolan Long
What did they sound like?
Connor Miller
it used to be a plastic/metallic clicking noise with a smooth sliding noise. almost like the sound of a metal button being clicked together.
way better than the sound now
Nathan Campbell
I have two glasses now, but apparently they removed any mention of alcohol from the game because muh kids.