New RoI info (8/10/2016):
Year 2 Moments of Triumph are out. Go to the Postmaster to receive your booklet. PS3/X360 players have until 8/16/2016 to complete it.
>>>RESET INFO 8/16/2016LINKS
New RoI info (8/10/2016):
Year 2 Moments of Triumph are out. Go to the Postmaster to receive your booklet. PS3/X360 players have until 8/16/2016 to complete it.
>>>RESET INFO 8/16/2016LINKS
Other urls found in this thread:
are you cute
Mira what the fuck happened to you?
Probably some pale white fat slag that loves the Big black meat
hell yeah.
first for new Titan IB armor looks like ass
what a coincidence
Just shot you a message, dude
What is the better class/subclass for playing aggressive in 3s? Striker or Stormcaller/Voidwalker?
a little
>who loves big black meat
I enjoy steak, but not the meat you're thinking of chap
yo zippy are you going to be raiding later? need Oryx CM fragment.
Striker, Titans are the most aggressive class in the game thanks to Titan skating
1/3 NF on PS4
Umm probably after the bungie stream which is in 3 hours something something minutes.
Eh. I've seen it before, Skyrim had an armor set just like that.
Here we go.
>A little
No thanks coalburner.
Warlocks are top tier in 3's, stormcaller probably takes the crown because of that ridiculous melee
Did zippy send you from the Skype group?
>there's not one dindu in my town or area.
>all white and like one indian family
can you make a vocaroo?
Have you secured your doll yet?
If you think i'm a woman, you'd be mistaken chap. sorry to burst your bubble
someone got creative with a poison/decay/weaker nuclear force subclasses and exotics, looks p sweet imo
Why you gotta be like this, man?
You fucking Xbox slag why are you posting with a name no one gives a shit
thanks reddit, I'll be buying you gold shortly
>Stickied Enemies take 50% more damage
Fucking dropped.
Looks cool though.
a year ago
God damn it, I want to play bloodborne again now.
Titans, they're the most aggressive class in the game. I don't know why the other guy thinks Warlocks would be better.
play bb m8ty it's good for you, also visit ps4 /dg/ers we get lonely
What is the time for the stream again so I can set up my alarm? 23h30 here.
I own a PS4 too, mate, but I play xbox for destiny because I know more people on xbox who play destiny. Completed blood-borne and stopped at orphan of kos, that thing still gives me PTSD
Armament or Twilight?
I want edgelords to go
3 hours and 28 minutes from now
Stick to Xbox then you shitter
Twilight if you're good with it
>being unconditionally mad that I play on xbox.
I mainly play games on PC though, I use consoles for exclusives.
thanks mate
Twilight is a waste, you look ugly as fuck and all it takes for me to kill you is to aim left of right from where you activated it.
use visceral attacks for ezpz win
Why are you posting with a name fuck off you attention whoring piece of shit literally no one cares
I haven't played since the first raid came out. I loved the game, but there was absolutely nothing to do besides like 3 strikes at the time.
I saw that if I pre-order the new DLC, I'll get all the DLC leading up to it to tide me over. What's the current state of endgame? Have classes changed much? Is PVP more balanced or do titans still shit on everyone else?
thanks senpai
Zippy if you've not finished can you save an Oryx CP?
This type of behaviour just makes me want to post with my name more though.
>titans ever being goood in vanilla
We didn't play the same game m8
You don't get all the DLC for pre-ordering Rise of Iron.
Yes there's more content in the game now.
I'll hop on later and give it a try, cheers.
>>It's EDGE because he doesn't have the best shader in the game himself.
at the end of the NF, still 1/3.
what are the modifiers this week senpai?
I must have imagined people getting one shot by their running attacks then
>Cheesing one of the best fights in the game behind Lady Maria
Sure parrying isn't actually a bad thing as it's part of the game but it just makes boss fights like him, Gherman and Maria trivialised.
you don't get all previous DLC if you pre order Rise of Iron.
there is a separate newly announced Destiny Collection that includes all previous DLC + the new DLC that comes out next month. the Destiny Collection is what you want
check the OP
It's handled.
I assume for multiple CM Oryx runs?
How long until maintenance? And what are the chances nightfall is going to change after it?
Shoulder charge isn't OP at all, they run at you in a straight line. You have to be shit to complain about it
"Viscerals were a mistake" - Swolemeatmonster (RIP)
At least one I should think.
Did you beat laurence yet? If not stream it
I thought that if you pre-order the collection, you can get all the DLC now and ROI when it releases?
The collection, yeah. Not If you just pre-order Rise of Iron.
Is Stormcaller the best class for aggression in Trials? Or is it Voidwalker or Striker?
>Y3 Trials gear and weapons will be new models. No more re-colors
Took them long enough
Only thing stormcaller has going for it is its long-range melee for UR users, the super itself is meh in Trials
Anyone doing nightfall on ps4?
Stormcaller is THE best class for cqc
Except 90% of the Trials armor, especially on Titans, is just a reskin
I love the bandage gauntlets on this gear, shame that they're changing them.
Donno man, these look mostly like new models
... and a week later.
new models so they can reskin new shit zing!
>Titan set is new helmet, rest of armor is the same with some spikes
>Hunter is same pants and gauntlets, new chest and helmet
>Warlock is same pants and gauntlets, new chest and helmet
Same shit, different year
I really like the bastet gear but the vanilla stuff looks better than the rest
>tfw have to work instead of watching stream
raid warlock gangsta extravaganza is sick though
Liking the look of the new titan raid gear, hope bungie show's off a little more of the gear etc. later this afternoon. Hoping to see some of the newer exotics.
>primary kill bonus
>specialist reduces damage of primary and heavy weapons
what the fuck, bungo
looks like a bastard of Terminus Armor from ME2 and ADVENT armors from XCOM 2.
modifiers are random now
I really like the look of that Warlock armor
Laurence is a fucking 'mare
So this is the last IB prior to RoI right?
that warlock is lovely
Considering the theme of RoI, expect there to be an IB leading up to or during launch week.
Finally upgraded to PS4 after 10 years on the 3 and am considering getting back into the game. Can I still transfer my Guardian I had on ps3?