Cute metal bf edition
Cute metal bf edition
xth for realest otp
This fucking website is fucking bullshit. Rigged AF. Fuck everything about this website. Fucking fuck shit fucking FUCK!
xth for Vel'Koz
Fucking gross.
Stop that.
Vandal Ezreal when?
>That person drawing more kinky VxV
But qss is nerfed, it's completrly useless now.
it sure is something
C-carry harder...
Note the stolen baron.
I love league of legends
This is retarded. QSS only stops the CC, doesn't do shit against the damage. kys and stop giving stupid advice here, the shitters on lolgen are bad enough as it is.
Fuck off with that filthy ass twink bitch boy.
Forgot pic related. Someone end the suffering
>not just building Sterak's against the sick burst damage
>not putting up the proper links
>literal faggots in charge of crating new threads
Doesn't Malz continue to suppress himself if you QSS?
>the one game I win all day is first time graves jungle where me and a bronze vayne hard carry
I don't understand man every time I play adc I get a shit support that doesn't zone, takes farm, maxes puddle first, etc
I have decent draven mechanics to for a bronze should I just not play adc till silver or gold?
He's a badass fucker who doesn't afraid of anything.
Man, Soraka + Jhin combo is so good.
>Soraka's infinite poke marks enemies
>Jhin roots them
>Soraka cast silence
>Jhin's root ends, Soraka's start
>Jhin just deals his tons of damage when Soraka is doing her basic stuff
the delusion is strong in this one
Yeah because you'll sure will get away from the rest of his combo now that you're hit by half of the damage of the pool! xD
GTFO bronzord. Merc scimitar is shit, and you'll lose valuable item slot real estate for an active which won't even make an actual difference in the end since you'll probably die anyway. I honestly don't know if you're a real retard at this point or just trolling.
Best advice is to not try playing adc or support unless you've got a partner to duo with,
>middle Jhin face fucking syndra
did you even gank mid once?
Removed for being anit-fun
yeah but he can just cancel it
What's going on here?
And I'm down with the flu so expect heavy shitposting
Is this a worlds promo?
PogChamp KreyGasm
>QSS only stops the CC
>only stops you from being immobilized in the enemy team
yeah haha what a shit item lmao
>implying they could ever top the imagine dragons promo
Riot should just stop trying
let me guess you are gold and think you are good enough to call others bronze
sry to break it for you but bronze and gold are the same and if you dont see the strength in qss let alone scimitar you are beyond hope of gettting gud
Lulu is cute and adorable and i love her!
>sry to break it for you but bronze and gold are the same
that song was shit though
Last worlds was honestly boring, everyone knew from the start that skt is stomping anyone. The real fun matches where in the lower placings.
do you think Graves lets TF top sometimes?
thank god natural selection will deal with you
What item do you think should be added to the game /lolg/?
Suggest me names im a support main
Yes. Graves also likes it in the ass sometimes because deep inside he's a fucking sissy.
He's not entirely wrong.
Bronze through Gold contains the bulk of the League population.
Has anyone here tried trinity force on shen top?
How is it? Im against irelia.
build gauntlet retard
>implying i can't find myself a qt cosplayer chick
>stream dies
gg riot
Something with poppy's anti-dash ability, preferably for supports or juggernauts. Obviously with shit stats so it wouldnt be built by carry junglers and assasins.
An armor penetration one that gives a mini Jax passive and is oddly phallic shaped.
>play league
>get top
>jax says "no me top"
>I'll have to go mid
>I'm bad at mid
>Play Kayle
>Jax loses top
>Where muh ganks?
>only defensive item jax builds is frozen mallet
>Lee barely ganks anyone and keeps coming on my lane for farm and xp
>Apparently he did it on other lanes too bc my other teammates agree when I tell him to stop
>Jax also comes every now and then onto my lane to get farm
>I still do alright against akali
>Game stalls out and lee wants to do elder drag
>Sure with me, jax and kalista we shuld get it quickly
>Jax splitpushes top and dies again
>Kalista just based
>Me and Lee get it down to 3k hp
>He smites
>Enemy bot lane teemo flashes and steals elder drag
>In a teamfight we go 3 for 3 so it's alright
>Later we catch Akali and Pantheon
>Lee wants to do Baron
>Teemo steals it again
>We lose
>implying you can
is that a challenge?
because then i might actually leave my basement for once, just to prove a point.
Are you suggesting building an item that grants copious amounts of Mana on Shen, a manaless champ?
team cumdump
Yo senpai hook us up with some of them there dota items like force staff, black king bar and glimmer cape tyty
something along the lones of "here comes the cavalry"
Refresher Orb.
eul's scepter of divinity
League of Legends the anime would be pretty neat
a new jungler enchant focused on splitpushing. stats should be rather passive. f.e. move Speed, + some health low ad and a Little cleave on minions/monsters
the active smite is usable on own minions to boost heir movementspeed up around the one that got smited or on enemy minions to slow them around the one that got hit
the past ultimate skins have had at least one thing in common: their appearance changes either based on level (sg udyr, pf ezreal) or by player commands (dj sona)
with this in mind, it is very likely that syndra will be the next ultimate skin based on the following factors:
>she is becoming fotm
>she hasn't gotten a skin for just under a year now
>her passive is the perfect opportunity for a skin that changes appearance, with levels 9, 13, 16, and 18
thoughts? what do you think the skin theme will be? If you disagree, who do you think will be getting the next ultimate skin?
is that a line from overwatch?
i don't play that, i dunno. Anyway, you could also call yourself "serial healer"
Damn that's actually a really good one.
How about something with an active that places a Pink Ward?
It would somewhat make up for not being able to use that slot late-game if your team needs Pink wards for some objective or stealth chimp.
Hello Summoner
We here at Riot Games (tm) want to provide a variety of skins for Champions so that each player can express themselves through them. I spoke to the Cosmetic Visual Enchantment Division (the Skin Team for normies) but unfortunately they do not have permission to make any new great and wonderful Cassiopia skins.
You may be asking why this is the case and to fully explain I need to let you in on a little office operation. During a skins development large amount of concept art can be found posted on walls, boards, people, and desks so that people "Synchronise" with the skin. This would require large amount of snake based imagery to be hanging around and a sizeable portion of our staff are Ophidiophobic and would be unable to go about their daily work without being exposed to this trigger due to the buildings layout and Inter-team interaction.
Thank you for understanding
See you on the Rift Summoner :^)
No, anime is shit. Legal Legends movie when?
Old ruby sight stone did that.
Corrupt small shyvana
should just bring back the yellow trinket upgrade for that
could be viktor
>model changes on core upgrades
Why didn't I just do this the whole time?
because 99% trynda is a shit pick in this meta
That's just because people build him wrong. Black cleaver second with 10% scaling cdr runes turns you into a monster
Diffusal blade
>that ahri image
>be morgana
>take shield and cast it so i can tower dive enemy low HP anivia
>game lags out and decides to damage me through black shield
>anivia survives and snowballs from there
Fuck your gay ass game lolbabs.
How can anyone defend this piece of shit coding?
>he doesn't run a page of crit damage as tryn
i want it to be swain
not the reason. ist because most champs that get played atm dont care about trynda
you just had a lucky Combo got away with it. you wont go far with trynda. try it if you dont believe me
BC on tryn sounds like fucking garbage
>Phage passive
>Stacking %armor reduction that's basically an lw
>play sona as a "real" support to stop adc whining
>they do literally nothing with the auras, die, we lose because they do 0 damage and don't kite or do literally anything other than stand still and auto
>play full ap, win because death is the best cc and it means my team actually do some fucking damage
>have to listen to whiny adcs because "waahh why dont you rush sightstone :(((("
why are adcs literally the worst
Bruh shut the fuck up I legit get sups that sit there and don't do anything or start csing
Like they don't understand u need to constantly be auto attacking with draven and hide in the bush doing nothing as a blitzcrnk with bond of stone while the enemy sona is doing more damage than the enemy adc and healing
I do fine with a support that has a clue
na senpai it's great. gives you a lot of sticking power and damage w/ the armour shred. Also lets you tank towers just that little bit longer if you're doing the split game.
What you need to do is find some Leona players.
They aren't cucks like the Janna and Blitzcrank fags.
Nigger she died to jhin solo before the 3 minute mark. i had 2 lanes to babysit and a jungle to farm. any time i left one the other would die immediately
>dont like to Play meta picks
>almost only Play Pantheon and taric
>finally got fucking Diamond
i often wonder how far i would get if i focused on meta picks from the start on
the job as support is to put wards down nigger if you cant even do that you might as well play mid
Every Leona I get is
1. Toxic af
2. Constantly goes in at literally the worst time possible
I like Namis and Threshs they literally shut the fuck up and get me fed like the good little sluts they are
what is happening at the eulcs