General Resources: (use this to determine what realm you want to make a new character on)
looking for colleges/universities to go to cause i'm sick of my shitty uneducated life
Jack Kelly
can he recover???
Jose Ward
>Maining shadow priest
Enjoy not doing any content past lfr
John Diaz
>turn sound on for new questline >it isnt out yet >whatever just do firelands instead >hear shannox's voice for the first time
Jayden Murphy
It's competing for top dps in beta with fire mage
Josiah Scott
Yeah, what the other user said. Shadow Priests are super strong.
Also Xalatath is arguably one of the coolest Artifacts.
Lucas Bennett
Now I see how this stuff works
Ayden Ortiz
>That voice >That inspiration for that Hunter set
God damn that guy sucked ass. Though he wasn't the first time Hunters got a "Cut off the enemy's head and put it on like Buffalo fucking Bill" tier.
Levi Scott
>Spriests and Arcane mages get sentient weapons that talk to you >Every other class gets a stat stick I'm platinum mad, not saying I want every weapon to have it but man does it blow to have it on the most boring mage spec, and on a character that will be permanently pestered to heal instead.
Josiah Butler
Hows my mog boys
Aaron Scott
>shannox heroic died day 1 because we was the worst boss in the game
Carter Parker
welcome to /wowg/
Tyler Williams
Vanilla Servers > powergap > retail
Austin Perez
demo lock dumbass
Lucas Rogers
Demo's floating skull also talks
Liam Smith
are Enhancement shamans clunky as FUCK or is just me?the entire kit feels like an unfinished mess
Andrew Hill
very cute :3
James Nguyen
Listening to some random music I found and playing the occasion game of Overwatch.
Xalatath only talks to you in the Void language. And since Shadow Priests can understand Void language while in Voidform, that means you can only understand it while you're in Voidform.
Also it says some REALLY spooky things that pretty much point directly at an Old Gods expansion following Legion. Stuff like " The God of the Deep writhes in his prison, breaking free ever so slowly. You should hurry and defeat the fallen titan... there are greater battles yet to fight." and "There is something underneath this place that the Legion won't like" (in Vash'jir)
Michael Reyes
even after the STM nerf?
Grayson Perry
I can't think of a single tier baring Tier 1 and Tier 4 (Because people had to level and gear up in dungeons, not that it mattered in Wrath because Tier 7 was the easiest tier in the game) that the first boss didn't die on day 1
James Bailey
>warrior artifacts
Alexander Cooper
Watching agents of shield on netflix
this show is fucking awful though, I need something else to watch. I thought it would be campy fun, but it's just horrible
Carter White
okay 3 then, woo crazy guys that changes EVERYTHING!
Demo is a garbage spec now anyway >summon demon >empower demon WOO
Nicholas Robinson
My gang of pirates turned out to be pretty incompetent. But none the less the beast fell to my blade, as expected.
Austin Kelly
> added special dialogue for revisiting fucking Vash
Elijah Myers
>m-muh lore weapon that already belongs to someone else
Owen Carter
s1 is really weak until like more than half the season
Mason Phillips
UNCORRUPTED TOP TIER >Male Human >Male Dwarf >Male Undead >Male Goblin >Female Undead
SMALL DICK IRL TIER >Male Orc >Male Tauren >Male Draenei
>>PLAYING FEMALE TOON TIER >Female Human >Female Night Elf
no HEROIC shannox died day one heroic was locked because you had to do normal once first to get it but a guild faction changed to reset the lock
Gabriel Young
w-what nerfs?
Dylan Campbell
Thanks :3
Nathaniel Hernandez
Oh wow, Firelands was one of the tiers I sat out of prog
That's a pretty big fuck up on blizz's part
I assume they got their kill removed and their lockout deleted?
Jackson Parker
>25H Shannox >Be a Rogue >Can't kill Rageface fast enough, aka the only thing that makes me die in that stupid fucking fight Being stunned for half a minute is a fucking joke.
>gender/race combo isn't even listed Let's not keep elder god tier a secret, now
Camden Nguyen
Me and my new friends are off to go "recruit" some members into our ranks.
Kevin Sullivan
>Outlaw >DoTs
Kayden Davis
>Immolate no longer has a chance to generate a shard on its direct damage.
Nolan James
This comes from Reddit, but it's pretty well informed and relevant.
Xal'atath, the Shadow Priest artifact, thinks even the Legion is cowering in fear at what's coming for us next. Xal'atath thinks that thing is coming soon. >Xal'atath whispers: The God of the Deep writhes in his prison, breaking free ever so slowly. You should hurry and defeat the fallen titan... there are greater battles yet to fight. >Xal'atath whispers: This city of the elves pales in comparison to the sleeping city... (near Suramar city) >Xal'atath whispers: The walls between realms are thin here, so easy to tear open. Do you know what would happen if true shadow and light would meet here? (in Netherlight Temple) >Xal'atath whispers: Do not be impressed by tall icons of the titans which stand here. The towers of sacrifice in Ny'alotha dwarf these pathetic temples. (in Stormheim) >Xal'atath whispers: The Legion burrows deep here. If they burrow deeper, they may not like what they find. (in Azsuna)
It is repeatedly clearly implied that the "God of the Deeps" and his "sleeping city" are deep under the sea. N'zoth is reportedly "imprisoned in a location halfway between the Well of Eternity and the location where Uldaman was later built." If you check your map, you will see that Vashj'ir is almost exactly halfway between the Maelstrom and Uldaman. In Vashj'ir, there is an ancient named L'ghorek. It is discovered while questing that "something immense" is beneath him, siphoning his power. When you descend into L'ghorek's Undershell, you see an Old God's massive tentacle.
N'zoth is beneath Vashj'ir. We'll meet him soon.
None of this information is new, or even very hidden. But I'm a sucker for Old Gods and I read about them a lot, so I figured I'd share some tasty lore with anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
Joshua Russell
>Bone Shield now reduces damage taken by 16% (was 20%). But why? Death Knights are already the squishiest tank.
Nicholas Murphy
I really hate the leader of the agents, but maybe I'll stick with the rest of the first season, it just seems so bad
Aaron Roberts
doesn't even work anymore. have to kill with your dots up because the shit doesn't break
Landon Torres
Model update one day maybe "we don't have the resources"
Daniel Scott
Warlocks clearly needed more rampup time.
Jonathan Ross
it was a dps gain to use immolate over incinerate before talents/artifact since it could generate a shard on hit now it'll be worse as filler no matter what
Camden Ramirez
>Like 6 years later >Still only ever think of old Tanaris whenever I come here, same with old Thousand Needles
Julian Sanchez
Anyone know the name of the music that plays in Stormwind directly after finishing the Broken Shore?
I wanna listen to it again.
Zachary Brooks
yeah they all got 3 day bans for giving blizzard money too
Brody Allen
>Check out the game after not playing since the launch of WoD >Sylvanas is warchief Why is this allowed?
Aiden Bailey
Anduin Theme ?
Henry Moore
>Jennifer Hale voices random Demon Hunters
Sebastian Baker
i forgot about the giant shell dudes you visited in vashjir they were pretty cool
Ryan Watson
It's Anduin's Legion theme. And I know that feel, it's really good. You could also check out Canticle of Sacrifice.
Evan Jones
that's literally the default model with some extra hair on it lmao
Daniel Carter
well he will keep being the director, but s1 felt weak and without identity until hydra started to really fuck shit up
Alexander Carter
Aaron Fisher
There were five old gods mentioned long ago, yet only four have been heard from >four old gods ruled the land >one old god ruled the sea
Carson James
You need to hang out more at Lion's Rest
Jaxson Rivera
>He didnt sell his pocket fel spreader the moment he got it
Jackson Gonzalez
I could honestly see them pulling the rug out from under us halfway through and opening up the sunken city as the final raid of Legion.
Aiden Diaz
>Surrender to Madness now provides +150% Insanity (was +200%). Welp, way to kill that talent entirely.
Ryan Watson
>Undead >Top Tier
Jackson Phillips
why does blizzard randomly bug old dungeons
Hunter Jackson
the 5th got retconned out
>literally BC 2.0 >final boss anything but Kil'jaeden round 2
Chase Lee
So as a newbie how should I be choosing my first realm? I made a horde character so I'm assuming I should make select a server that's all horde, however I've also read that I should join a server with an even split? Thing is, wouldn't it be better to just create a new Alliance character on an alliance realm?
Really not sure on what the wisest way to handle this is and would really appreciate any help.
Ian Ramirez
Cataclysm really ruined some zones. Thousand Needles is complete shit now. The speedbarge stuff is alright but making it a water zone sucks when it was a comfy as hell desert area before.
Jaxson Morris
Fucking shit ass hunters turn growl off during invasions. Turns every fel reaver into war stomp roulette
Ryder Edwards
Illidan is good for horde and there are two /wowg/ guilds there you can join if you want
Brody Anderson
The fifth old god that hides under the surface is
Elijah Sullivan
>Implying Kil'jaeden round 2 can't be in the middle of the patch
Carter King
It's wise to have all of your characters be on the same realm, so I would advise you to decide whether you want to play mostly Horde, or Alliance. Then decide if you are interested in PVPing mostly or PVEing mostly. Then just choose the largest appropriate server.
Adrian Campbell
Do not listen to this person. Rolling on a high pop server before launch is insanity, and doubly so if it's a PvP server. If you roll on Illidan your experience is basically going to be utter shit for the first month of Legion
Thomas Lee
Choose a faction dominated server. Going on servers with even splits is completely pointless now because of server phasing. You will still see plenty of alliance on a horde dominated realm, and vice versa.
The only real choice is if you want to play on PvE or PvP. These days world PvP is just sort of stupid because of the way the game works so fundamentally different to vanilla, but some people still enjoy it.
Ayden Price
yes its better to have your toons on a well populated server for that faction
Isaiah Gutierrez
rolling on anything but a high pop server is a fucking mistake
enjoy your dead realm
Andrew Parker
>No Death Knight Axe that calls you a pussy for not sating its blade in the vitae of mortal beings every minute of every day >No twin death knight blades with female voices that seduce you into drawing your cold steel across warm flesh
Gavin Clark
Guess no one will see the fifth old god then.
Nolan Evans
I should also mention I'm in East Bay Area CA. I also don't give a shit whatsoever about PVP and never have for any game, I plan on playing 100% of WoW in PVE and raiding.
Mason White
Jacob Perry
Hey losers, why don't you get a life? Or are you too busy playing Homocraft? Heh... that's nice.
Nathan Fisher
The cinematic model used is the one people are hoping for, though there's not a lot of good screenshots of it floating around yet
Juan Parker
I don't know why, I just haven't adjusted to a couple of zones that Cataclysm's changed. >Tanaris >Thousand Needles >Dun Morogh >Badlands I also really hate how they split up Barrens and Stranglethorn, all it does is make them feel tiny.
Jackson Ortiz
check realmpop, also theres loads of raiding on pvp realms too