/lozg/ - The Legend of Zelda General

Welcome to the Legend of Zelda general. Talk about Zelda games old and new, and all discussions related to the entire franchise in its various forms. Share and discuss art, music, news developments, timeline theories, speedrunning strats, etc.

/lozg/ #38 - Beach episode edition

Previous thread: >Link CompilationThe Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild InfobinSheikah LoreThe Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Video PlaylistNews/Developments

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don't forget the tetrafroce


That sand blower was such a random item to get.
Was it ever used outside of its dungeon?

It's used to satisfy Pipit's mother.

If you feel like posting NSFW images, head to these threads.

>Hentai thread - Japanise vanilla and yuri only
>Western porn thread - Western art, vanilla straight, fetishes, /d/, gay, SFM


Reminder that Sheik is MALE

Sheikah has a very manly vagina.


Interesting. This symbol isn't the usual Hyrule symbol.