/mggg/ - Monster Girl Games General #42

Guaranteed replies for filename Edition

This general is for the discussion of games containing Monster Girls, main game of discussion is Monster Girl Quest, but people are encouraged to introduce new games.

Monster Girl Quest (MGQ): pastebin.com/CGWN0k1u
Monster Girl Island (3D game): monstergirlisland.com/
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Online: pastebin.com/xh3u3f0Y
Mobile games with Monster Girls: pastebin.com/NFaxEGib
Zell's MG pixel game: zell999.blog.fc2.com
Quest Failed: frostworks.itch.io/quest-failed
Previous thread:

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OP double posting since the other thread is pretty much dead already.
I don't recognize the first option, anyone has any idea on what it does?

holy shit we hit bump limit
I'm so proud of you

I hope quest failed gets a second demo release soon
I need my next monmusu-without-moonrunes fix

you're a cool dude

user who was having problem, try downloading/unzipping with japanese locale as well

According to the Japanese wiki, gives you an extra detour flag for 23 hours.

Spider lives don't matter.

Edgy here, I'm not a fan of Promestein or Chrome for that matter. Can we post only good girls from here on down?
Don't post:
-Cheshire cat

Don't worry, I'll be sure to post Plansect girls and Xelvy abominations just for you faggot