League of Legends General - /lolg/

old Stay Sharp edition

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I love Lissandra!
Cuddling her is like cuddling with a cool plush pillow on a warm summer night, that sometimes makes lewd noises!

Lulu is the cutest!

>There are people that use icon other than this one


TF x Graves

Gragas support is busted. Fucking broken


SKT skins when

I use the msi one because clg are my boys

That's one scary bottom lane gank, user.

Best girl.
Best hips.
Best wife.

>ywn gag on Vlad's fingers as he prepares your mouth for his cock

Graves ganks TFs bottom every night.

>tfw I had to AFK in fountain for the first time ever because retards
>top lane feeding
>ADC can't dodge thresh hooks to save his life
>Kindred keeps fail invading and feeding and blaming everyone else
>Their Tristana is 10/0 at 14 minutes


fuckyou too user ;;

>let your top tier korean duo leave
>let your senior coach leave
>hang on to your washed up shitters
>being fnatic



Is he from Finland?

How did best adc of EU do?

who remember this shitshow of a team?

>people genuinely thought they would do well

he got to farm lane for 30 minutes until his team lost

nothing he could've done desu

why is this guy's stupid face all over the client? fuck off

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

How do I unlock secret ending?

>mfw watching fnatic vs h2k bot lane stream
What team will be mad enough to take yellowstar next?

she's mine, buttface!

shouldn't be too hard, lulu is a huuuuuge slut

What does /lolg/ do between games?

That's not a portrait of our lord and savior Lizard Elder, user.

kill yourself. lulu is pure.

>tfw this shitposter will never suffer a massive heart attack and die

Just filter it if you don't like it dude.


Deja vu! I've just swam in this place before


feed hard in other games

Ihad a dream tonight where zyra and me were roomates and we had the idea to go dingdongditch on the doorbell on the people a few floors so we went down a few floors and smashed the door with a sledgehammer then ran really fast back up and almost past our door because inour autism we left the door open and we didnot recognize the door when it was open because we could not see all the stuff that was pasted onto it

This shit made my day. jax was already raging from when i solo invaded him and got first blood(he even started on red in the hopes i wouldnt catch him out),

love making people rage quit when i play eve.(he raged to the sion and his team then instantly left game directly after this)

jesus fuck user scale your webms down

>ancestor was a slave owner
>black friend finds out
>demands apology
>stop boosting his dumb ass to diamond
stay in plat you victim-complexified cuck.

Where's the best place to quickly sell my low elo OCE account? I barely play anymore and I want some money so I can buy Overwatch

You're either on a laptop or have a small monitor, that webm is fine.


When is the Assasins rework suppoused to happen?

The announcement happened about 2 months ago, right?

The struggle with feeding animals was real, but I finally made it to Gold.

Everyone plays better here than in Silver, r-right?

Things that didn't happen for 500, Alex.


>that feel when you finally start winning games

The V of any league is always worse than the I, it's always always filled with shitters who scraped their way to the next tier when they didn't deserve it.

And gold players are fucking terrible too

you are in hell, welcome

not any worse than you


I honestly dont know whats so hard to believe about that.

Hes an alright guy but he pulls the "black people have it so much harder than whites do" even though his family made 150kish a year living in a rich low crime rate neighborhood.

He wasnt even that mad when I said no but it pissed me off to a huge extent.
if I was from /pol/ and/or lying I wouldn't have had a black friend at all.


Rate my LCS team

you have no front line

>not frontline

4/5 archer throws at baron but you have solid kill potential

Is ronald built tank?

Shaco isn't viable for LCS

What happened to Yellowpete anyway?
Goddamn, that guy was garbage.

Team is gonna fall apart when mid and adc start trying to boss around the rest of the team

>russian prosecutors are

>not using multiple summoner icons so that you can find ones that match and/or color-code with your splash art on the waiting screen

plebbiest of plebs

Ronald makes himself and his team tanky my making them fatter

Ronald McDonald is a tank, not an assassin.

>Zacs passive

Do people buy this shit or is that why she's closing?

game doesn't get fun until high plat

Sometimes, when I feel like a worthless piece of shit and I don't want to continue living, I look deep into Jinx's eyes and I'm suddenly filled with the will to live. The will to carry on in her name. The will to do the impossible.

Right before worlds so we get #sickplays and 3 100% ban rate champions.

They're a pretty good ship and one of the handful that are or could be seen as canon down the line.

Vel'koz is a filthy slut!

Initial D champion when

Jesus christ utility comps are so fucking cancer, i almost threw my computer out of the window because of this aids champ karma grr

How good is Kassadin right now

Literally Sion.

>Raping Kled in top lane for first blood and several kills
>But the enemy team has a good Lee Sin who focuses on objectives and ganks constantly while we have a Graves that's just afk farming

I really, really should just keep playing jungle.

You don't have a tank and sans support, they're all ADC.

You aren't gold until you get Gold IV.

It's after worlds silly
Pre-season 7


good point

>don't pick your main role
>get triggered when retards play it


I'm trying to get used to laning somewhere since Riot in their fair wisdom decided that you're always going to have to choose two roles, but this shit is just frustrating.

>mid doesn't connect until anivia is level 6
>apparently time warner cable is shit
>lose game

>Not hitting "/remake"

I have experienced true cancer

she dc'd at 2:40 so we couldn't

bugged mechanics

>mid doesn't connect until anivia is level 6
>not typing "/remake"
100% you and your retarded team's fault.

>japan client
fucking weaboos

I know lol.

I play ADC and Mid a lot. Sometimes support.

I cringe hard when the ADC plays like shit.

hes in gold elo now

Holy shit, also had a game were a jinx was fed as fk, but good thing she doesnt melt tanks as fast as fucking kog maw. pic related

Whenever I see "Kog'maw is cancer" all I can think of is two conditions where their asses got kicked:

"Protect the Kog'maw comps" where Kog'maw is practically 100% of their damage

Letting Kog'maw hit late-game where he is at his strongest like other Hypercarries

>zilean + karma
I am so sorry user

Kog jungle with a Lulu is the most cancerous combo possible.

Best supports in silver?

Blitz Zyra Brand Karma


Nani? His ult is good but other than that he does fuck all and trying to harass with Q will drain his mana.

>Katarina will no longer Shunpo onto wards

>riot took a week to finally enable TF

please be indicative of lee sin nerf
please oh god please remove ward hopping entirely