General Resources: (use this to determine what realm you want to make a new character on)
Man, there's barely anyone even doing these invasions anymore.
Carter Jenkins
Holy !@#$. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the invasion nerf. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the %^-*ing !@#$ are they making me play the game? This can't be happening. I'm having a %^-*ing breakdown. I don't want to actually have to level. I want a easy afk'd level 100. I want every class maxed out with no effort. I cannot !@#$ing deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought we were supposed to afk in the air till 100???? This is so %^-*ed.
Jose Kelly
>instead of just using the whole set that match perfectily lets just put some random pieces on that will make me special!!
Christopher Diaz
i activated my account again and i wake up to all this shit in my inventory is there anything i can sell for good money
Jeremiah Gray
>damn it Jerry, why did we hire underqualified mechanics for our ship
Eli Allen
NA /wowg/ guilds:
No Fun Allowed (Illidan, Horde) RIP in Peace (Sargeras, Alliance)
Whisper anyone online for an invite.
Jackson Russell
>Waahhh why did you make it so I cant get 10 level 100's by afk hovering over an invasion? I was having so much fun and you ruined it!
Chase Cooper
is there any difference in run speed on the different foot enchants?
Because the textures are outdated as fucking hell. I really wish Blizzard would go back and touch up a lot of the old sets, or at least the tiers.
Blizzard also needs to quit leaving sets unfinished. >No matching belt or boots for the Kirin Tor Battle Mage garb
Jordan James
>no voicelines >didnt even bother getting a generic human model for young khadgar >ends abruptly
They're really just going through the motions with this quest arent they
Adam Gonzalez
''my face went from smile to wtf in a second once I saw how much exp I got from stage 1.
Seriously.. I was actually having fun as low level and leveling at the same time. Now it's back to the same thing over and over.. dungeons and quests.
Thanks.. no thanks blizz.''
Julian Moore
Fuck the exp nerf And fuck you people for defending this
Jayden Sanchez
90k (22%) XP from completing a whole invasion at level 78
too much effort for such a small reward now
Lucas Lopez
Aiden Myers
did they patch it?
Mason Sanchez
>those welfare bags
kill yourself
Matthew Young
Buy mounts for halaa marks if you don't have them or transmog pieces from the same vendor. Open crates and sell armor that doesn't come from BC/LK/Cata
Put stat runes on AH, it's mythic dungeon event
Adrian Martinez
>Streamer, podcaster, esports commentator, WoW Community Manager, narcissistic clown. Generally oblivious. Opinions here do not represent Blizzard Entertainment.
Isaac Martin
>AFking in the sky >"effort"
top lel
Benjamin Anderson
>tailor fag triggered no one is buying his overpriced bags
Logan Gray
>everyone in invasions afks and doesn't help
Jayden Murphy
>gloves are only 685 when invasions provide minimum 700
Christian Ward
Fuck you, I actually participated.
This. Fuck you nigger kikes who are defending this. It's 3x the amount of work for the same pay out. The jews have oy vey'd us again!
Connor Miller
alright thanks
Carson Garcia
Maining assassination rogue in Legion ; ()
Easton Russell
Half the people in them before didn't do shit.
Leo Perry
Literally how do you contribute if you weren't even 100 shut the fuck up
Cameron Rivera
>he didn't get the EPIC upgrade to i695 I'm sorry user...
Joshua Torres
Reminder that blood elves should be and should have been titty monsters
Anthony Davis
>hexweave bags >overpriced Oh yeah we will have to deal with opinions from returning poor people for a while
Levi Howard
traveling to the zone takes time waiting for the invasion to be finished is boring might as well do dungeons tbqh bbq
Aaron Hernandez
because the mobs scale down to your level
David Allen
>all these negros crying about afk people aslong as you don't tap the boss adding hp to it, then go afk then it's all good
Noah Ross
unfinished sets is the most upsetting thing because its always the best colors that are incomplete >red/blue truesteel only has 3 pieces >yellow hunter t8 is missing over half the set >priest lookalike for firelands has no helms or shoulders >priest tier for firelands looks best on femorcs, who cannot be priests >dk t7 10m has no boots or belt >dk t8 10m has no boots or belt >green dk t10 was never even added >if you weren't around in 5.3 there's no replacement for boots for the blue/gold dk starter gear
Bentley Diaz
Is this bait? Invasions scale. A level 10 can do as much as a level 100.
Gabriel Gutierrez
Luis Parker
You get scaled to match the mobs. Actually the problem is that mobs hp scales to number of people in proximity. As long as people AFK in some far corner, it's no problem.
Bentley Campbell
>literally the most souless looking whore how shallow do you have to be to find this attractive?
Chase Fisher
I want to FUCK Khadg-
I mean, Yrel
Chase Sullivan
literally easiest (you's) of my life
Dylan Robinson
>Two weeks to go still
Dylan Gutierrez
>"I-I-I was only pretending to be retarded!" XDD Fuck off retard
Robert Hall
>Pretending to be a retard
Newflash sport, you are retarded.
Wyatt Turner
>A matching set of boots for the red Warrior T10 is being added in one of the dungeons or raids in Legion >A matching white belt for Paladin T8 was added in WoD Blizzards needs to be a lot more consistent in adding this kind of stuff. >Still no matching belt for Rogue T6
Ethan Hall
Dos EU has new quest yet?
Ryder Jackson
guys he baited you
Owen Sanchez
give me more afk shits lol
Julian Thomas
I just found out who this cunt was today and she triggers me. Someone linked one video in another thread and she thinks Vol'jin is a fucking shaman. Kill me now
Jacob Watson
>shit i got baited >better call him a retard!
Grayson Bell
Nathan Williams
where are all my crafting materials?
Dylan Thompson
Andrew Russell
Mason Sullivan
Should I level in Duskwood or Wetlands?
Matthew Hughes
Do NOT bully wowg's queen
Brody Nguyen
>us nerds huh xD
Jayden Nelson
Still sucking Blizzard's gay dick, huh losers? Heh... that's nice.
Charles Diaz
I'm not a raging homosexual
Austin Walker
Nope, he is a retard and I'll call him out for it. You should also go kill yourself.
Elijah Walker
Adrian Sanchez
>Have all the prepatch sets >almost 1000 shards >nothing to use my shards on >have 4 upgrade shards sitting in my bags >still no staff
Lucas Ross
Why exactly arcane mages STILL don't have arcane golem pet? Seeing all those arcane servants in kara scenario really makes you think.
Joshua Wilson
The nigger Lore is in full meltdown on twitter.
>Reality is, the goal with Invasions is for them to be a fun thing while we wait for Legion. NOT "get every class to 100 before launch."
The other day Muffinus called it a great way to level and even encouraged doing it. Now it seems it never part of the plan, so they changed it?
>"TLDR if you just want to AFK near some invasions for free levels, you'll have to run around a little more. I think that's perfectly fair."
He's just joking, right? Right?
Jacob Campbell
got a sauce for me my man?
Oliver Roberts
>you will never play a shadow hunter >you get to play edgy retconned demon hunters instead
Dominic Howard
he's right though
Camden Diaz
user... staff and offhands weren't added at all
Brayden Nguyen
Quality post(s)
Isaiah Hill
>altaholics btfo
Get fucked. The ease of leveling and altfags have contributed heavily to this game becoming a pile of shit.
>Oh, we need a Holy Priest? Nah brah don't bother recruiting that aspiring raider looking for a guild let me just hop over to my alt :) >Oh, looks like I need this Alchemy potion, maybe I should look for an Alchem- Oh wait, lemme just log over to my alt :)
There is no class identity anymore. In vanilla when leveling actually took time it was common for there to be "That one good and reliable (insert class here)" on your server you could add to your friends list or count on. Having a maxed profession made you actually feel like you were a master of that profession. People required your services.
Tyler Davis
no you're just a shallow waste of space
Ayden Reyes
is there a list of similar items being added in legion?
Blake Hughes
Do you want another butchered class that barely has spells for one spec. Not to mention they would strip skills from shaman, priest, hunter
Adam Johnson
A+ blizzard quality
Liam Edwards
This nigga's in full denial mode. With this change, people are just gonna do nothing as they wait for Legion. The quests and invasion rewards on my main were done in a day and I've been playing alts the last week, now I will probably just play WoW as a whole less.
Fucking idiot.
Luis Reyes
Is there a level requirement for invasions now? Invasion %bar doesn't trigger on my level 8 warrior what the fuck
Benjamin Watson
Vanilla had so many problems don't even pretend it was anywhere near as good as you say it is
t. player for 11 years
Elijah Cruz
>you will never play a Tinker/Mech class
Adrian Wright
this sea turtle mount feels so fucking useless, you cannot tell the difference in swim speed at all
Camden Turner
If you are near SW go to Duskwood. Its spooky and fun. Dunno if Wetlands is any decent after Catalysm revamp.
Asher Rodriguez
kronos is this way sir
Lucas Lopez
>he probably purposefully glitched out of the map >muh blizzard quality guys xDD kys
Ayden Davis
ok Cloud Strife no need to be upset
Aiden Myers
Lore, more like Bore - as in, invasions are a fucking BORE now that theres no fucking reason to do them. Or perhaps even Chore - as in, invasions are a fucking CHORE to do now because the rewards suck ass and dick.
Someone fire this fucking faggot
Grayson Rogers
>Saw that she put a video of herself reacting to the Broken Shores cutscene I bet it's just her fake crying over Who'jin and Varian's death.
She's just a GAMR GRRRL
Luke Ward
>it literally took a bit over two weeks to level to 60 >a raiding guild would carry you through shit on your alt and organise alt runs
Cameron Green
Okay, will do.
Logan Ward
>forums are even posting it was likely due to drop in boost sales SHUT IT DOWN
Cooper Johnson
Wetlands is Dark Irons being shits, night elves investigating the swamp, semi-spoopy boat ghosts
Dylan Cox
Joseph Cook
>you guild switches to DKP for legion
Henry Jones
>he thinks having modest standards of beauty is edgy kek lmao my dude
Gavin Thomas
Jeez, people sure are lazy. How long does it take to slay a few hundred demons?
Zachary Scott
>Jaina still using her old model
Evan Lewis
>2004+12 >DKP
Andrew Powell
They literally copied and pasted the same buildings that were easy enough to just fly through in old dalaran, that's pretty quality