I've applied for 70 jobs since I graduated. I've received 4 call backs, and 2 interviews. No job offers. I'm even applying for jobs as a teller and getting stonewalled. What is wrong? Why am I unemployable? I'm willing to work for $11/Hr...
Why can't I get a job?
Other urls found in this thread:
No idea, maybe people just don't like you? Try to be more friendly.
Shitty jobs get far more applicants than good jobs. Apply to jobs with a decent salary, even ones you barely qualify for, 5 applications per day minimum. Preferably 10.
Finding a job is a full time job.
I try my best to put on a nice front. I'm stern and don't laugh at bullshit jokes...but I do try my best to smile and be cheerful on the phone and in interviews. But, I just don't understand why I'm getting a response of 4 out of 70. I'm not applying for executive level jobs, I'm applying for entry level stuff. IE Mortgage Processor, MSR I (call center rep), Financial counselor I, Financial service Rep I, ect ect....
>I just don't understand why I'm getting a response of 4 out of 70.
Supply and demand. Everyone has a degree now, everyone is qualified. They receive 20 applicants, what are the chances you're in the top 3? Apparently 4 out of 70.
Now apply to 280 over the next month.
wtf does "capable of using any Microsoft os..." i mean fucking anyone can use fucking windows, take that shit out and replace it with something relevant to your SPECIFIC JOB skills
Will do. I felt that way myself when I put it in, but I couldn't think of much else to put that was worthwhile. I'll think of something.
cuck jobs only hire mexicans and blacks. white jobs want legit experience.
sry i didnt see ur resume. ur gpa is missing so everything u did is discredited. and u have 0 internships
lolz people must not like you, quit trying to be fake. Read more or something. I applied to 5 jobs, got 4 interviews all call backs from all interviews, turned them down for except for the 1 nice comfy 9-5pm with benefits.
The other thing - and this really is key - is to start finding people in the industry you want to work in and start making friends with them. Go to meetups, start participating in the community, do whatever you can to start networking because a) they can give you info on new jobs and b) they can refer you to HR at their own companies.
You have a degree in "Finance". What did you expect?
It takes perseverance and a bit of luck - keep going user
You consider a Finance degree a poor choice? I specifically chose a difficult subject in the hopes of actually finding a job.
I live in a rural town and have the same problem, there isn't a position I haven't applied for
Kind of my situation too. About 30-40,000 people live in my area. Not many company HQ's nearby, so very view corporate level jobs. I'm willing to relocate, but I have NO money...So I literally can even rent a room somewhere to start working.
Your resume sucks. Send me a throwaway email and I can spruce it up for you.
Why haven't you worked in basically 3 years? If you need cash take any shit grunt job and bust ass. Working construction is a shit job, but it pays the bills. I went from a good mid level sales position to being laid off for a year. During that time I took literally any job, many of them very labor intensive.
fairfax is literally the capitol of united states where people in dc live
I was working up to Aug. 2015. Check resume again.
I don't live in Fairfax though. Thats where my school is.I live 2 hours away.
What is your job application process like? Send out resume/fill out application online and wait? You will be waiting for a very long time if this is how you expect to find a real job. You need to have some kind of introduction to the hiring manager.
Does your college have a career center? If so, go make an appointment with somebody. A lot of companies recruit aggressively at local schools. Or you might be able to make an alumni connection through your school who could help you out. I was a pretty unremarkable student at a decent public university but I managed to land a $60k job with a finance degree simply by bugging people at the career center and eventually getting a meeting with the owner of a small consulting company. Just sending out resumes online and crossing your fingers isn't going to work.
You have kind of a sketch employment history because you never did an internship throughout college and even took your last 9 months off from August to May.
If you had Goldman Sachs: Analyst Intern August 2015: May 2016 you would be golden.
Coulda wooda shooda. Now you need to either get your Masters: Finance and get internships or may God have mercy on your soul or see if you can get a non-profit job.
If you will seriously work for 11hr I am sure United Way would love to take you on as a bookkeeper, possibly an accountant, then your resume will look great because you look like a good person.
I also noticed your main skill is Windows 10, that looks like a total joke. Like lol most impressive thing about me is using a computer lol
You should have already become very proficient in using Excel Pivot Tables (if not do that shit) that is a good main skill, or maybe that R programming. I would also expand on what experience handling sensitive information even means, what exactly is that to your employer?
This. Social networking got me more jobs than my actual skills and experience ever did.
OP, I have helped my hiring manager (Fortune 20 Company, don't feel like saying which) pick out applicants before. One subjective opinion is not entirely relevant, but this is what she focuses on first and foremost.
>A recommendation from a co-worker, friend, or family member.
> Need to specifically have previous experience so that there is a general understanding of what happens in the job.
>Minimum requirements
75% of the applicants she took seriously were people that others she knew pointed the finger at, and these people got red carpet treatment (fast onboarding, she hassled HR to get them quick starting dates, etc.)
That being said, half of your resume goes on about your education. You need to tailor your points and specialities to things that will apply directly to the job responsibilities. It's a fucking pain in the ass, because there is so much shit out there it could easily be lost in the mass, but people are going to be reading these for as little time as they can get away with, and they will get halfway through your education before they stop reading anyway.
That's just my opinion.
>Bs in finance from c-tier school
George Mason is an awesome university, were there many libertarian-esk professors there?
Here's a resume question: Right now I'm in a good uni, getting good grades and working two good jobs: one as a TA at my faculty, and the other as an app developer at some construction company. The construction company really likes me, so I could get some recommendation letter from them.
However, before going to uni I took a gap year and basically worked all kinds of odd jobs/volunteered for only a couple of months/weeks each. How do I go about putting this on my resume? If I put them all on, I'll have a huge mess, if I leave some of them out, I'll have gaps in my resume.
this resume is a mess. what the fuck did i just read.
> user start over and try again because I would not hire you if i saw this on my desk
> "minimize wasted product"
> "optimize sales and reduce waste"
why repeat yourself
LOL op goes to the school that is near me, IDK how you did not do an internship...
GMU provides plenty of services to help you find one. Anyways, this is exactly the reason why college is bs.
I'm regretting my decision to go. Parents had/have no $$$ and couldn't help pay so I loaded up on loans. Sitting at ~$40k in debt now. I couldn't intern in Fairfax because I lived at home and drove to class (about 2 hour drive). I tried to find something in my local area, but nothing was available. (I really did look, even contacted places and asked them to let me do unpaid internships...)
Not sure what this is accomplishing? Are you from /b/?
>"Education" section is longer than "Experience" and "Skills" sections combines
>"Why can't I get a job"
Why do you think?
.webm saved 2 harddrive. Thanks user!
Your resume is a particularly stellar example of advanced bullshittery.
There is an old study somewhere that says the novice vastly overestimates his or her competency, and the expert may vastly underestimate their own.
You fit into the former.
The resume is divided into 5 visual focus areas.
You just graduated and you put your education at the top 2/5 b/c its your strongest bona fide. Good Job. But then you fuck it up by listing the most fundamental rudimentary shit.
No one uses excel for modeling unless they have a choice. Everyone knows the basic coursework for Finance.
You're not telling any body anything about yourself except that you're a basic bitch.
Wooo you filled out a courselist good job, banana stickers for everyone.
A Job is maybe 10% hard skills. In finance less, arguably 1% of most jobs in the field.
Those skills are a less than a dime a dozen. Any moron can do pretty good DCF modeling after watching a couple youtube videos.
You're trying to do Finance but I see 0 fucking math on your resume. You're trying to do finance but I see 0 fucking sales on your resume. 0 qualitative differentiation of yourself from any of the other fuckers in your class. How many people graduated with you in Finance? How many from other colleges in the area?
How do you think you are stacking up against them?
People look at you and some other bozo from your class and they probably couldn't tell the two resumes apart.
Newsflash the job market sucks. People will only hire someone b/c of an immediate value proposition.
People aren't rolling in at a company with more work than could possibly be handled right now and they're taking anybody remotely qualified they can and they'll fire the scrubs later.
Structurally, you've got the right idea, but your wording is shit.
Remove: Introduction to, Vague words like Learned, Adapted, duties, environment,systems,
Don't even put grocery its not relevant.
No one hires capable, moderate, familiar etc.
entitled pos/10
Slightly off topic, but I have an interview coming up. The position would be assistanting consultants in Chicago. What kind of work-life balance should I except? Should I say goodbye to my friends now biz?
Also, you're descriptions of yourself are fucking whack.
>Capable of using Microsoft Operations systems from XP to 10
So is my grandma
>Highly proficient in Excel
What does "Highly proficient" mean? Can you do SQL queries to pull info from back-end databases and then use macros and vlookups and pivot tables to do something useful with that info? Or are you "highly proficient" at entering numbers into a cell over and over again?
>Word, Outlook, Powerpoint
Literally who cares? They teach that shit in elementary schools.
>Moderately proficient in Access
Again, what this "moderately proficient"? QUANTIFY
>Experienced in handling sensitive information including personally identifying documents and electronic records?
What the fuck does that even mean and why should I care that you can do it?
>Familiar with R and macros/scripting to automate tasks
What tasks? Where's your link to Github with shit you've written?
Your experience is pretty much the same. Bland descriptions that don't tell any kind of story about what value you can bring me as an employer.
You're resume reads like it was written by someone who knows absolutely nothing useful and just wrote random shit and abused whitespace to fill up a page.
top section is very very poorly formatted. this is probably biggest issue.
market comparables isn't a model. DDM isn't a financial model really and is used for quick and dirty not in depth. description of relevant projects sounds like fluff/BS.
rework the description of relevant projects it's bad. don't have a keyboard to help you out with this at the moment.
nix familiar with R thats very obviously BS from your coursework and experience.
It could be worse
You should put your skin color on the top. If you're black, you'll get hired right away for diversity, or if you're white you'll get hired because no one trusts a nigger.
Lol I go to Mason too, Government major here.
You didn't list your GPA so I take it as a bad sign.
Only microsoft suites worth mentioning on your resume are Excel and Access, and you need to be more specific in what capacity you utilized them in.
Take advantage of HireMason and the resources b-school alumni offer you.
Company I work for is hiring a business development intern and its paid, 16 an hour, located in Tysons Corner.
Hobbies? Notable achievements? Charity work?
I mean, cvs aren't supposed to be enthralling to read but yours is particularly dull. I'm not sure if it's the font, the layout, the perfunctory run-on cliche-filled sentences of corporate-speak, or all or none of the above. But ye gads, you come across as so joyless that I could imagine an employer passing you over even if you were the most qualified candidate.
Iunno, I don't work in hr. But I think you could profit from somebody giving you professional advice on your cv.
>no name or contact info
well there's your fucking problem dipshit
china man so based.
>Download resume shit from links
>Read over and take notes
>Find people with shit resumes on craigslist
>Message them and spend 15 minutes making their shit better
>Collect money now or later
So easy a neet could do it.
I'd guess give a brief summary exactly as you just did; e.g. "Aug 2015 - Aug 2016: Gap year; various roles including [mention 2 or 3 best ones], references available on request"
OP here, very much regretting making this thread.
>Don't even put grocery its not relevant.
So Should I remove those jobs all together? That would leave me with very little work experience. Just 2.5 years as a teller.
If you're not going to offer constructive criticism or advice...Just take a hike. I'm here for people to explain why my resume sucks, not why I suck in general. (I already know all about that from my ex-wife)
Yeah...I regret going to GMU. I had guaranteed admission to William & Mary and UVA. But couldn't afford them.
you went to an institution that reviles the government with crackpot theories, and yet they're your only hope since you might end up as an unemployed FA
you can cry all you want, but the door is open.
Skills go first, education last.
You need more skills too.
dont just say what you did, quantify that shit. expedited orders/sales? how did you do so? handled product accounts? what products or industry, how much of an incentiry or cash did you handle, and how many customers you regularly dealt with. were they local? were they consumers or other large businesses??? shit like that man. youre a finance major thats what these fucking people want to hear. and if your job experience has nothing to do with the job youre appmyong for, scrap it and fill that soace with something else
Strength goes first.
Whatever is most relevant and impressive goes at the top because most employers won't read past the first three things.
My resume provides more experience/relevant knowledge and utility. I'm not even finished with an associates at a community college. Your working from the top down. Not having an internship and/or a degree in finance from a top 5-10 school with qualified recommendations makes you useless. Go get a CPA or something equivalent and try again. You have to have far more ambition to succeed with that sort of degree. Working produce doesn't cut it.
Not so much a poor choice, so much as lots of others have your same degree.
A lot.
>I've applied for 70 jobs since I graduated
>since i graduated
nigga i applied to like 200-500 jobs, starting over a year before I was gonna graduate. I only got like 5 phone interviews, 2 in person interviews, and 2 job offers. I studied engr not business though
Are you black?
Not for a fresh grad who only has his education to offer really. If I see some 22 year old Im going to know he doesnt have much experience, Im going to hire him based on what potential I think he has.
Consider using a headhunter, they have good connections and only get paid if you like the job and the job likes you.
After I got laid off in my last job I was applying to probably a dozen jobs a day for 2 months straight. Only had interviews at a few companies that I didnt like. Then a headhunter set me up on like 4 interviews in a week, all a good salary. Had a job 2 weeks later a CFO of a small company, 65k a year with my own office at age 24.
Also, nobody cares about your irrelevant experience. Make up some freelance experience if you have to. Say you did personal financial advising for others (friends, families).
Say you volunteer, say you taught yourself website design, etc.
Ive gotten myself jobs about over exaggerating skills but the issue is that eventually they will catch on you are pretty knowledgeable and lay you off.
But two things can happen
>they lay you off (like me) because they didnt offer very good training and the job was complex. But now you have that for your resume and real experiance! Use that money you saved for a next big move. I think I saved 10k in busy season living super frugally and was able to make a big move to my next job. Just hope they dont ask you to calrify dates too much and say you left during big layoffs (they happen all the time)
> They actually train you and they job isnt wicked complex allowing you to learn and keep the job. This is more common at big companies where roles are small and they have to assume people are retarded. Not everybody at a big company will be a great employee and they know this.
>Fell for the finance meme
Should have gone for accounting
>You didn't list your GPA so I take it as a bad sign.
I only graduated with a 2.5 also. Its going to be a killer as a new grad.
I lucked out and its never asked at this point in my career. Hopefully my story of fuckups will help others out there struggling.
>Be total shitbag in college, studying accounting, get 2.5 GPA.
>However, was smart in that I started looking into military options
>Always was a PT stud, get accepted into Marine Corps officer candidate school due to my strong personality and being able to crush the PFT (which all that matters in the marines more than smarts desu, at no point at OCS did I wish I studied harder in college but I did wish I had done more practice runs).
>Graduate from OCS by skin of my teeth and it taught me what a hard life really is. Completely changed my work ethic.
>Got super weak and a injury week 9/10 at OCS though and decide I cant maintain this lifestyle. Decide to DOR week 10 and leave marines.
>Sign up for Masters of accountancy program at local state school back home and take 3 classes, get 3.7 gpa in them.
>Now I have military officer experience and another gpa to put on my resume.
>Get an offer at a regional public accounting firm. They dont even ask for any proof of documentation and dont ask GPA.
>They lay me off after busy season after 6 months because I largley just wasnt very knowledgeable and I fucked up on some of my work frequently.
>Go through headhunter for next job, get a 15k pay raise as a CFO position at small company.
>NOW: Working as CFO and applying to FBI special agent program.
Age 24: Military officer experience, public accounting exp, Corporate accounting and CFO exp.
Hasnt been a straight line but I made it work.
Hang in there other bros.
I work for a professional resume writing service. Our rule of thumb is that you never include GPA on a resume. We always take it off of resumes.
any tips for finding headhunters?
are you black?
No. I'm white as that peace of paper I slaughtered with irrelevant skills, work experience, and useless degrees.
Conflicting opinions on this subject.
I have a 3.04 on my Finance degree and a 3.57 on my Business Administration degree.
Put it on the resume or leave it off?
I have eight years of full-time work experience and have never applied for a job (other than as a HR formality after getting an informal offer) - I've always been offered one. I've had three job interviews which were largely formalities and they all concluded with a job offer.
Whenever people bitch about applications and interviews I feel like I've been somehow left out of an important shared body of experience common to our society.
Any advice you could share? Or did you just feel like letting everyone know how awesome you are? PS congrats on your success!
Just put 3.57.
Once you bait someone into giving you a fulltime job, you can leave the GPA off the resume.
>Any advice you could share?
git gud
Also know people who might offer you a job, networking is absolutely vital.
>PS congrats on your success!
Get some temp jobs. They are always in need of people and will hire you unless you're absolute shit. Sometimes the jobs can last like a month or two but at least it's money. You can also use them for personal references.
Change the font on your resume. I don't know why but reading it with that font annoys me.
Gj having daddy get you that first job btw
You have years at college to get some contacts via internships, conferences, the faculty, career fairs...
Not my fault if you wasted YOUR time there.
take off some of that specific coureswork bullshit. take off one of the food associate jobs. noone cares that you know how to use windows xp and mirosoft office suite, if you're "highly proficient" in excel tell me how you used it in a useful way. say i'm the guy getting a bunch of resumes saying highly proficient in excel, word etc. how do i know what that means? can you program vba macros? or are you just really good at putting numbers in cells.
gj having daddy pay for your college too
You have absolutely no post-grad experience yet you filled up an entire resume. The jobs on your application are completely irrelevant to your degree or any profession. Your resume is basically 95% fluff and BS. The only meaningful part of your resume is your education. You make a job like teller seem a lot more complicated than it really is. This is all part of the problem. Also you only just graduated a few months ago.
>Your resume is basically 95% fluff and BS.
I agree. But that's all I have...I suppose that is part of the problem too.
I forgot that this board was for poor people. Also, even if you don't like it, most jobs are found with some sort of networking.
Aren't those models taught in the first year of a finance course.
I'm fine with people getting jobs through networking, as long as they don't try to pretend that they earned that position
Yes. I'm not a pro. Nor am I applying for high level jobs that require me to be an expert. Here is a list of the shit I've applied for over the last week or so.
>Financial Service Rep I
>Clerical Assistant
>Member Service Rep I
>Sales Management Trainee
>Assistant Store Leader
>Mail room Specialist
>Administrative Assistant
>Executive Assistant
>Ad sales account Executive (Don't let the name fool you, its base level grunt work)
>Accounts Payable Clerk
>Executive Administrative Assistant
>Float Teller
>Accounts Payable Specialist
>Mortgage Consultant
>Global Sales Compensation Analyst
>Administrative Assistant
dude those things you have listed arent even models. it makes you come off as a moron right off the bat. yea you get some harsh criticism here but you need to remake the entire thing. its bad.
I am creating a completely new one tomorrow and hopefully it wont suck as bad. I am taking note of all of the criticism and I will use it to try to not suck as much. Feel free to offer tips or suggestions. I'm not a fucking snowflake, I'm fine with harsh criticism as long as it is trying to help.
If you didn't notice college is a scam at this point.
haha, just read this entire thread. Oldfag here, I have interviewed and hired some newgrad engineers. I agree your resume is basically shit in the way it is formatted and worded. You should camp out at the GMU career office and force them to critique your resume and rewrite it 10 times or so. Go on torrent TPB and download some dummies books on resume writing. 40k debt is not too bad. Sounds like you should be thinking about moving though, you need some advice from your GMU career office where the hiring is at in your field and go there, do some car camping. Check the craigslist listings for various cities to get a feel for which ones are hiring. good luck to you!
Hey, I'm in engineering.
I've done web dev that did some moderately challenging finance stuff (I was not taught web dev at uni), is it worth mentioning on my resume that I did solve this finance problem in my own time. I also wrote it in java but obviously the html/javascript version is the one that normies can use
I find writing extremely short case studies is the best thing to sum up a job.
>Job had no way to do X and we were wasting 10 hours per week. Made way to do this automatically by implementing Y and after we were taking only 2 hours each week.
also makes them ask about it during the interview and you can tell them a nice story. Always wins me points. best example for me is previous job somehow didn't know what computer cloning software was and I saved them a collective week between their IT department by introducing clonezilla and about 5 usb drives
Have you even invested in URRE???
>Made an automatic ****. This saved a financial advisor from manually **** and also was accurate up to 1/100th of a percent of ****
Does that sound right?
>Automated **** through making a program/website that the issue. Saving the financial advisor time and as accurate as a client whats his *data* here
fellow patriot here
>u graduated community college with magna
my guess is you put too much emphasis on grades and not networking
At least for VSE the engineering school, i am encouraged to get work experience, this is a dc area school and all
Not just grades
Whats the poiint of just sending in a plain trasncript
lol. What are you complaining about? I have 3 degrees and salaries 1.8 $ hello from russia
Sleep on the streets. Take a bag full of shit if you have too. Sleep in a swag or sleeping bag with a bed roll somehwere. Gym for showers and use your first few weeks pay checks to move in somewere by yourself or house share.
I get phone calls all the time. But they also have like 450 applications each time. So fat chance for me to be one of the three lucky guys who lands a job.
Get rid of the lines separating your headings. The space itself should provide the separation.
Choose a better font, try a sans-serif one and see how that looks. Feel free to post another picture.
Also, what grade did you get for your degree?
Live in your car. They won't tell you but this is a huge thing with recent grads. I'm a nocar /n/ faggot and my rent is killing me, I wish I had bought an SUV to live in. Rent is like 90% of my expenses.
>why haven't you worked in basically 3 years?
not OP obv but I didn't work during school, it fucked me in the ass at the end, I'm taking scrub jobs now just to get xp and a reference that isn't a professor. I don't see how this can be helped after the fact.
>Send out resume/fill out application online and wait?
Yes, is that bad? I can't use my college resources because I moved across the country after I graduated. Should I honestly go to those stupid networking events you sometimes see? I feel they're smarmy and facetious.
Well, how, what the fuck do you talk about? "hey m8 i don't know you and would probably hate or find you boring, but I need a job, can you hook me up?" How do you make friends with someone you aren't interested in just to use them for a job hookup?
Why cant I?
lets see yours then