Heroes of the Storm - /hotsg/

NEVER EVER 2.0 edition

>What's new?


>Starcraft maps, Alarak and Zarya:

>Where do I find you panda-loving faggots?
/join Veeky Forums

>Do you have a discord?

>What hero should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation and see what types you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked. It's not worth it.

>Links nobody visits anyway
Official Site: us.battle.net/heroes/en
General News: heroesnexus.com
Tips & Tricks: heroesofthestorm.github.io/tips
Hero Rankings and Statistics: hotslogs.com/Default
Talent Calculator: heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator

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I'm going to marry Auriel

tentacle man hype

So, another protoss?

Also, this one just looks like Palpatine.

Reminder of reddit karma-whoring sell-out rats: reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/4mh256/theres_a_guy_on_Veeky Forums_who_has_accurately_leaked/


They are in this thread RIGHT NOW!

So is this game like, alive?

I guess.

>new maps might drastically lower the chances of there ever being a Viking/Firebat hero seeing as how they've been relegated to mercenary status

it gets defibrillated every 3-4 weeks

Yeah, just like we'll never have zerg heroes and Abathur's trait will get removed...



Oh fucking good, a character with a better Grav O Bomb. Why can't Blizzard admit they just fucking hate Gazlowe already?

Spectres are great and all but that guy was such a faggot.

I haven't played since Cho'Gall was introduced. What have I missed, aside from a bunch of new heroes? And probably new maps too.

Gravtion Surge is a root that pulls enemies together over X seconds

Grav-O-Bomb is a stun that activates after X seconds

>No maps

Haha. No. Aside from Lost Cavern, which is just ARAM mode, you haven't missed anything. Just a bunch of balance patches and new heroes.

theres already too many niggers

Hellbats are not Firebats, user. Also, we have Raynor and Tychus, two marine heroes. You know what the ranged minions are?


You know how Gul'dan was shoved into "NEVER EVER" territory because of Azguldan? Yeah.

Chill yourself.

probably a ~50% drop in player population

B-but in that time, DotA, a typically slow-to-change game, has introduced dozens of entirely new mechanics. Is HotS, the newest MOBA, really being upgraded and innovated more slowly than a game that's more than a dozen years old?

That's bad, because on Oceanic it already took a long time to find a game.

Grav-O-Bomb pulls everything into the center after X seconds, if there's ANY stun to it, it's incredibly small to the point of barely existing. The stun comes from the E, which you combo together with the Grav-O. Graviton Surge pulls everything into the center immediately and holds them there.

Grav-O is EASILY escapable 70% of the time, thanks to the ramp up time it has, and even then, unless you timed it perfectly ,there's still SOME time to move after it pulls you into the center, either way, it's pretty forgiving to the victim.

Graviton is immediate, therefor much harder to escape, therefor it yields much more value.





Starcratf fan here, but i hanen't played Lotv because reasons, who is this cold steel the protoss and why he looks so edgy.


Leader of the Tal'darim. You know, the enemy protoss in the Wings of Liberty campaign.

No, Grav O bomb is a snatch. The stun part comes from the xplodium charge ability.

What does it matter? The goal is the same: pull enemies together, and Zarya 's comes out instantly.

Grav-O definitely has its own stun.

>why can't blizzard just admit they hate Rehgar when they put in morales who has his ult BUT BETTER
>why can't blizzard just admit they hate Thrall when they put in Greymane who has the same kit but does way more damage

Stukov TBD, Mengsk probably by the end of the year.

do you have the original le dying man with leoric?

>Also, we have Raynor and Tychus, two marine heroes. You know what the ranged minions are?
but that's almost a moot point since raynor and tychus were already released before getting minion counterparts, whereas it's the opposite for the viking/hellbat
though i don't doubt they'll reach into some more starcraft shit if these maps end up being popular

Oh... those guys.
All protoss are shit, anyway.

>maps for a dead RTS
>maps for a dead dungeon crawler
>no maps for the game that single handedly saved Blizzard from bankrupcy


tassadar archon ult rework when

shit taste detected

>starcraft 2 came out 6 years ago

>Hearthstone single-handedly saved Blizzard from bankruptcy [citation needed]

Their vanguard unit that replaces immortals in LotV campaign is pretty dope. 8 (+7 vs armored) 16 times per attack with minor splash melts ultralisks and hybrid.

>Overwatch was released 2 yeats ago

Raynor here, oh yeah!

>SC2 was announced almost 10 years ago

Shoulda played him in the Beta. Archon could 1v5 the enemy team and win with ease. Now it just tickles in 1v1.

We can still have Mengsk with Marauder bodyguard.

>Diablo 3 was 30 years ago

Dragoon? They were based in SC1.

>WoW launched 25 years before 9/11

i have all 3, well i say `all` because i think theres only those 3, but i wish there were more

Any mention of what Alarak's trait is? Judging from how he plays in the campaign and what it looks like he does in co-op, it might be either regaining health on kills or buffs with allies around.

They're in the LotV campaign. You can pick between stalkers, adepts, and dragoons for ranged infantry.

Nigga that's Starcraft's version of Darth Vader, who spends the entire campaign calling Artanis a faggot and wandering around stoned out of his fucking mind. He also happens to be one of the most powerful Protoss around, so on top of being a colossal asshole, whenever someone tries to step to him, he beats the shit out of him.

Alarak is great and you have plebian-tier taste.


beats the shit out of them*

Typing is hard and so am i

Also he has mind-control-like powers where he subtly uses them on some people that lets him tweak another person's intentions. Most people seemingly have missed this during the campaign.

He's also voiced by John "Q" Delancey.
So he has more sci-fi cred than the rest of the cast combined.


Doesn't Worf do Tassadar's voice?

>VA is swagger as fuck
>Character is one of THE most based characters in THE most based race
Is he our guy? He's certainly mine.

>who spends the entire campaign calling Artanis a faggot

This is the only part that got my attention.

Fuck, I wanted the Rak'Shir to be one of his ults, well I hope it's at least a lvl 20 talent

its spelled plebeian

i bet it will be a different voice actor for hots

they didnt spring for my cylonfu tricia helfer for kerrigan

Alarak has absolutely no respect for anyone. He allies with Artanis because it's convenient - he's mad at Red Space Cthulhu for tricking/abusing/using his people, and Artanis' forces are a means to an end. He kicks the shit out of all of the members of the Protagonist crew and joins them anyways because using the other factions of Protoss as meatshields for his revenge quest will mean less of his own guys will die.


If the Rak'Shir isn't somehow part of his kit I will mail Blizzard Gazlowe's dick in a box.

nigga who cares, for fuckin' real

At least he gets Rak'Shir as sort of an ability in co-op mode.


I just realized that Alarak is a melee assassin! That's pretty sick. I'm hype again. I thought he was ranged.

>B-but in that time, DotA, a typically slow-to-change game, has introduced dozens of entirely new mechanics

such as?

fun fact: melee heroes are twice as fun as ranged heroes.

That's why greymane is 3 times as fun

jojo is so anti fun that she brings all melee down to negative fun total

I literally just played a game as Jo and it was the most relaxing game of HOTS ever. I loved just walking around, giving no fucks and having loud as fuck basic attacks.


is gul dan fun

Muradin is based as fuck

>take perfect storm so I can spam hammers
>take dwarf launch at 16 so I can jump away from anything, never die

Greymane is the only Assassin I REALLY enjoy purely because of Worgen form. I hate that ranged bullshit. Although I do like Jimmy, ut I think that's moreso just because he's pretty simple.

>First match
>We are dominating for most of the match
>We get demolished in the last teamfight and lose

>Next match
>We are getting demolished most of the match
>We never get a good teamfight to win.

It's one of those days

Did you see the trailer? It's clearly the same VA.


I feel like I'm the only person in the world who is still in love with Ranged. I just love Inner Beast and hearing my bullets go pew pew pew pew pew pew pew and gradually picking up speed.

And honestly, a good cocktail will give me a high for the entire game. Especially when you hit the tank and it splashes the entire backline.

Melee Greymeme just instantly deletes people then escapes with his "psssh nothing personnel, kid" skills.

what would mengsk actually do other than "be human guy who was important in SC story i guess"

Is there a release date/ETA for the new battlegrounds and heroes?

Next year

Please be joking.

obviously you should start playing attack damage Zeratul and then cry when the enemy team picks stuns and stops you from killing anything during your ult

he's fun as fuck against teams that are low on disables though

September 13


Always thought He'd be a super nice hero, He won't do anything by himself but would mostly command starships or units.


Take the time to read the news for yourself and you won't get trolled.

>that terran music

When are we getting her?

I hope SC and SC2 music plays during the new maps.

Wholly shit alarak looks fucking bad ass.

Is he a warrior or ass? I'd bet the latter.


he's the melee assassin we've all been waiting for

I cannot recall a single song from SC2. I scarcely played BW and yet Terran 1, 2, and 3 still send chills down my spine.

Legit never ever.

I'm hoping Alarak will be a beefy assassin since he has so much warrior-like skills. Hopefully more utility and survivability than the typical "hurr durr i deal damage" assassin.

Good I need an assassin to play. Ever since Dehaka came out I can't stand any other role but if I get this sex machine then consider him bought.

We do need a zerg support to have a full team Zerg.

Say that to my face faggot and see what happens

A lot of them bleed into each other when played back to back like in normal play.


Psionic pussy is better.