Wtf i'm voting trump now?

wtf i'm voting trump now?

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Who cares? You're dead

You know the estate tax only kicks in at over $3mm right? And that you can bypass an initial investment of $6mm that can grow to any amount through a dynasty trust tax free, right?

>fucking Red Tribe plebs
>fucking Blue Tribe plebs

only cucks do not understand the concept of legacy

Unless your dad is a literal multimillionaire, you shouldn't care.


Or your grandfather. Or your uncle. Or yourself.

muh muh ctr!!!!

read bitch

>fell for the bait in [current year]

>If you aren't personally being buttfucked at the moment then you shouldn't care about people being picked out for casual rape.
I have never understood this mindset. It's okay for the government to take a massive shit on some people as long as those people aren't you?