League of Legends General - /lolg/


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lulu best girl

Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.

I want a mummy champ who isn't a fucking faggot.

>Never surrender mentality

Sure we can turn around a game while we have no objectives and we have an int feeding Yasuo!

>no links
>not a single word
>just this low tier garbage waifu pick
1/10 thread atleast the topic is right.

gonna do your dirty work for you

Previous thread: Useful sites:

I want an user who isn't a fucking shitposter

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Xth for Vlad is love, Vlad is life

tfw cute metal guy started calling me "my dear" and "babe"

I wanna work out in Poppy.

Vayne, Draven, LeBlanc (even has Le in name to further hammer in how meme she is), Riven, Yasuo and Zed have the shittiest, most retarded playerbase among all champions and anyone who mains them should be permabanned for toxicity.

>flat slav

>in charge of degeneracy

checks out

Is B/C considered flat in fatmerica?

>Do nothing
>Get carried and win anyway
I didn't expect my last game to go this smoothly.
Damn, I've been a silver garbage since s3. I started bronze this season and I might make it to plat even though I don't feel I've improved one bit. Is the game really dying?

Whats b/c??

you probably did improve alot but you fail to notice.

>winrate starts getting a little too high for riot's liking
>suddenly getting nothing but shit retarded teammates

haha every time

why do i bother when this game is so obviously rigged

>infinite plant harass
>infinite zoning
>likely to make your opponents want to kill themselves or ragequit due to the sheer amount of unfun
>do nothing

>ywn suck Alles dick
why live?

NA login servers down?

user, surely you can't be this retarded.

>tfw you did shitposting for Vladfag

Perfectly fine here.

> be a Diana one-trick
> a silver III friend asks you how to build her
> say "morellos, ludens, void, don't forget your ignite" out of spite
> a week later he hits gold V and attributes it to my advice
Makes me feel slightly uncomfortable. Should I tell him?


Checks out.
Cup sizes are primarily dictated by their numbers, not letters you fucking twit.
Saying that you're a b/c doesn't mean jack shit.

If you're going to fake being a girl online, be better at it.

? :(

i dont know but i love this picture and this filename and i hate riven

i think because its cute

>jinxfag will never post ass
why live?

They only become annoying once you get liandry/rilay.
The plants themselves don't do much early if you don't land your spells or proc thunderlord.
I admit she was pure cancer before the last couple of nerfs though.

nope vladfag is defo a girl, its just a shame shes mental

pretty good kench tho

bra size user, vlad fag is mentioning bra size

gp nerfs are a complete joke

when will he get meaningfully nerfed?
his E is a joke

down in florida with comcast

What's wrong with ignite on Diana?


Anyone got eve tips?

So far im going echo > memebelt >abyssal

mejai in between if im vs some squishy team i can feast on

should i use flat ap or magic pen?

also does ad eve work

>cool stuff happens in preseason and some of the most important patches
>buffed uncommon champions, etc, etc
>cool as shit stuff
>two months after
>reksai, gragas nerfed
>azir gutted
>more reksai nerfs
>ryze VU
>kindred nerfs
>kalista gutting
Yet TI5 gets more heroes picked in a single worlds tournament than what Riot touches in balance in two seasons together.

hold the fuck up
you're saying that's NOT what i'm supposed to build on diana?

> What's wrong with ignite on Diana?
In silver - nothing, it's better than TP there. In any decent elo you have to go TP to not lose pressure mid early and split later. It's not like anyone is dumb enough to get solokilled anyway.

fuck you faggot, leave me alone.
>ywn see junkfag boiipucci
pic related

just rape ur Q button and ure fine

>its just a shame shes mental
Haven't even seen her face, can't make any judgements yet.


never heard about Vlad the impaler?

Nah, they're fine. He has a much weaker laning phase now, and his ult is much weaker in the early game.

This will weed out the fotm shitters who'll get fucked in lane because W has a much higher mana cost now. You either use your q to safely farm, or your w to sustain, can't do both.

Going Meijai on Eve is a bad idea.
If you don't die in tf, you ain't playing her right.

I love Lissandra!
Shouldn't you be fapping to jinx being fucked you cuck?
He's going to surpass you f a m
diana is pretty QT m8

What do you shitters not understand


Kill yourself, you are what's ruining this game you fucking casual

Why does Riot pretend Riven in any way or shape needs buffs?

Like forgetting about the fact Riven is a gigantic flag of hypocrisy for Riot, why the fuck are they buffing a champion that still sees huge success among autistic mains who are exactly the only people Riot wants her to play?

I usually finish with 15+ kills and 1-5 deaths

its stacked most of the time


>the most overloaded and ridiculous skill in the game is his IDENTITY GUYS YOU CAN'T TOUCH HIS IDENTITYYYYYYY

fuck off

lets not pretend gp has any mana problems whatsoever, 20 more mana on W isn't going to do shit

his ult is still a global thunderlord procs + slow and it's still ridiculous with upgrades
-40 HP is kind of big but still hardly gamebreaking since his lane is stupidly safe

he's going to be just as big of a problem as before, these nerfs don't do shit


>Shouldn't you be fapping to jinx being fucked you cuck?
And not spend time with you? Why would I ever leave you, my dear?

>defending this hoe online

Are you some sort of faggot white knight?
What I said was 100% true, and any female would know that bra sizes go by numbers first and foremost. Only by letters once the numbers cap out.


Ok lolbabs, consider this:

>tried to improve as Soraka in normals about a month ago
>suprisingly Jhin ADC is not and idiot
>won match
>he friendlisted me
>played some more normals with about 50% winrate
>turns out he is a fucking 10 yo Greek kid
>last few days
>we are now both mastery 7 on our mains
>still autistically spamming normals with these two champs
>now we just demolish everyone in lane, games are lost only if other lanes fucks up a lot
>constantly get S rank
>two days ago we tried something new
>he goes Thresh supp, I am Amumu jungle
>lvl4 is botlane gank
>picked a kill or two
>reach lvl6
>we now both roam on all lanes and kill people with our CC combo
>nearly all objectives are ours
>also in this case games are lost only by turbofeeders on mid or top

>finally feel confident with my skills to play ranked
>suprisingly he invited his two friends
>well, we will see
>we go both full autist mode with our mains on botlane
>mid and jng builds visage on Vlad and Zac
>Zac also camps mid and checks bot from time to time
>we of course win lane
>but a fucking random Teemo on top feeds a Garen to the point that he has nearly infinite bulk
>teamfights start
>dies instantly
>we are chunked, because my team cannot break engaging Garen's cosmic resists
>he just charges at me all the time and executes
>team is fucking 3vs5 now yest stil they somehow pick 3 kills
> then enemies steps on shrooms
>Teemo gets a kill
> repeat about 4 times
>lost match
>Teemo badmouths the entire team altrough he has 0 experience with his champion (not even a lvl4 crest) claiming that he does the most damage (which came from enemies just tanking them all the time)

I knew that I shouldn't play more than 3 premade. What should I do? Should I play with this Jhin and tell him to go only duo? He plays better than 80% of ADC's with which I am matched (despite him being 10 yo) in my games.

I got banana captcha.

how do i find someone cute to duo with

you can touch his E without touching its damage retard

you can remove any of the arbitrary bullshit the skill have, like the movespeed buff / passive reset / gold generation / cooldown / ease of comboing

i want to bully you two until you cry

>cup size
Oh nice. B/c cups are best cups, along with a


quality fucking writing Riot

Stop using hyperboles to back up your argument you colossal shitter

Maybe you should stop copying what streamers/pros say because GP is not the reason you're silver

>30 lines of greentext
>never says his rank

>His burst is his defining factor
GP mains everyone.

If you kill his barrels, you actually balance GP, because armor pen, enhanced damage, AoE, criting skills are in no way balanced.

>If you don't die in tf, you ain't playing her right.
This is entirely incorrect, and you should be ashamed for saying this.

First off, you have to become gay.

i'm not silver though, very far from it actually

also i like how your only arguments have been the good old "MUH IDENTITY" and then a "ur le silver" one, what's next buddy, calling me a cuck?


>Toooo too toooooooo!
Here comes KLED

Silver Shitters V

> that's NOT what i'm supposed to build on diana?
Void is a must have 3rd or 4th. Ludens is an ok first item if you are going for le assassin meme but there's no reason to get it later into the game cause lichbane does the same with better scaling. Morello is a meme that you should only consider when the enemy team has 3 healers and still buy something else.

Why isn't it balanced.
Tell me exactly why it is not balanced without saying "WAAAH DAMAGE"
Why exactly is doing a lot of (avoidable) damage not balanced? Because it makes you mad?

I'll put as much effort into my argument as you do yours. Saying its the "most overloaded spell in the game" is just talking out of anger because you probably got clapped by a GP recently

>Fiora feeds Riven first blood
>Decides her mistake was not being agresive enough
>So obviously, she'll be now
>Game ends with a 19/8 Riven that can kill anyone on our team

T-Thanks Fiora.

Reminder that last night Jinx proved herself to be best girl once and for all.

Can you say that you lost to 21 Pilots today, /lolg/?

A Jhin can't deal with a fed Garen.

Poetry, really.

GP barrel in one button is

-very long range
-extra damage to enemy champions
-extra gold generation on kill
-able to crit and proc sheen
-passive reset
-movespeed buff
-80% slow
-40% penetration
-comboable to be made pretty much impossible

list me 3 skills that do half as much stuff as this
then explain to me how in the fuck this isn't overloaded

if you really want to play support play duo only.

You should play mid / top / jungle to learn the better. Don't worry about losing in ranked Grind ranked games to learn shit instead of playing lots of normals because ranked is better practice.

I'm Bronze V and my favourite champion is Azir.

Really though, what adcs can deal with a fed Garen.

It gives MS, it slows the opponent.
You can zone any melee top laner even when you are Melee.

Giving his barrels tons of utility with the rest of his kit is overkill, it's not good when the only way to stop GP is by winning the game before 20 minutes.

>don't seem to click with K6
>get the guardian of the sands skin in hextech crafting

Well shit. Can someone help me git gud with him? I'm not used to playing the squishy assassin playstyle and would like some hints




so what do you do against olaf top at level 1?
just let him do whatever he wants to the minions?

The truts is that I really dislike lashitting, because I can't focus both on farming and trading, which is easier as jungler and support, because of their playstyle. Sadly I only can play Echoes+Abyssal+Fulltank Amumu at decent level.

Don't let him pick up the Axe again.
If he goes for it, fight him in your minion wave and try to dodge as best you can.
Unless you have a weak lane phase, then you just gotta hold out.

Underage please leave this board.

i was playing darius

so basically if he hits you with one axe you're dead


>friendly person buys a skin boost for us
>get into match
>irelia proceeds to feed 6 kills before 5 minutes
>nid is afk
>liss is raging
>teemo, the one who bought the skin boost, sitting quietly in a bush
>i'm just standing there waiting to lose

reminder to NEVER buy skin boosts for people. they don't deserve it

Butthurt Azir main detected.

> I can't focus both on farming and trading
> trading in midlane in 2016
Dude just press your "oneshot the minion wave" button every 30 seconds and TP botlane.


But I max Q on Annie first...

Hey I did that. Didn't think you would save it lel.

I saved it too.

That's pretty much what you have to do.

>not being able to outrade Olaf as Darius

Bronze V must be hard for you

>lets not pretend gp has any mana problems whatsoever, 20 more mana on W isn't going to do shit
It is against unfavorable match up. In a lane where GP gets countered he'll either have to use his mana to safely farm with his q, or sustain with his w. An extra 20 mana cost in the early game is fucking huge coupled with the fact that his base health was also lowered.

Nerfing his barrels is dumb, that's his only source of damage in a team fight. His ult is usually there for the slow/easy assist while still in lane.

Loved it, even if I always died early and in the worst ways.

I am new. I like Soraka.

i've literally never played the matchup before

i think i have a bit better grasp

A) You can literally autoattack his barrels in fights and he is weak for the next 5-10 seconds
B)They are dodgeable

Stop acting like there is no counterplay. People in this community don't like to be challenged to play in different ways, so they get mad and whine for anything that goes against the braindead linear playstyle to be nerfed.

Yeah I'm mad, but I find solace in the fact that they will never nerf GP's damage directly again no matter how much people whine, because at least Riot knows that isn't his problem

If you're playing Darius, you can easily fight him lvl 1 with W.

Just kite him around with the slow it gives, and try to stay away from the Axe.

Someone has the webm of it probably, but Olaf can beat Darius lvl 1 if he positions the axe correctly.

>GP has any mana problems whatsoever
Right, because GP doesn't start doran's ring for the lane sustain?