Why do all rich successful people have a history of drug addiction and criminal records? Is that a prerequisite to becoming successful Veeky Forums?
Why do all rich successful people have a history of drug addiction and criminal records...
i've done drugs.. why arent i rich yet?
All successful business owners, at least those who build their own companies, have become successful by taking risks and challenging authorities.
Business owners don't have to answer to anyone because they make their own money.
And people who can't get a job often become business owners.
Entrepreneurship = freedom.
bill was driving without a license which shouldn't even be a crime anyway
Is it just me or does bill's jaw seem larger on the right side here?
Because being "successful" as you see it (which I assume to you means having more money than a well-adjusted person would ever want or need) involves a large degree of dishonest and unethical behavior in order to amass such an amount of wealth. And in order to do that, you need to be at least somewhat sociopathic and have a general lack of empathy for others. People who don't feel like they have to follow the laws we've developed and agreed upon as a society are going to be the same ones who have no problem behaving this way.
Yeah, i dont think u get punished severely in the USA for that anyway, unlike Germany where driving without a license is a big crime and you have to suck refugee dick as punishment
yehh, germans suck refugee dicks all the time
Two days ago I got sentenced to 6 months in prison for flipping liquor to high schoolers.
Wish me luck senpai. Getting locked up on Monday.
Nice shit pic
With high IQ comes emotional high and lows, and feelings of isolation.
For this reason many high IQ people turn to drugs.
Lol that sucks. Story?
OP, I'd challenge that thinking. I know many successful people, none of them have a history of crime and drugs.
Testosterone drives risk taking behavior of all stripes. Magnates have more T by nature.
thanks for quality pic, user. i always need to see this bill gates pic in high res so i can jack off to it. it's the only way i can get rich.
Veeky Forums
And here you are, spending your last free weekend on Veeky Forums.
Hope you have a horrible time locked up, selling alcohol to children is extremely low. Nice life you've made for yourself.
given that, he probably won't even mind prison. and least he'll be reading good books and exploring his sexuality, instead of just reading shitposts written by NEETs. your moral judgment is out of place, this is Veeky Forums after all. is a libertarian freedom fighter and political prisoner.
ID changed because posting from phone.
> bought 4 bottles of liquor
> cashier asks me what I do with them all (don't looks like an alcoholic myself, I don'tt even drink)
> tells him I drink them
> same evening police knocks on my door and asks questions
> somehow they find out I flip them instead of drinking them
I didn't sell to children. Most were 18, but some were 19. Swedecuck law says you have to be 20 to buy liquor. Even though you can smoke, have sex, drive cars and wage war when you're 18.
I don't really fear prison. I can apparently continue my college education behind bars too, so that's great. Honestly, the one most off-putting thing about this is that I will have a "criminal" stamp to my name for eternity. Still, meh.
Funnily enough, I was beggining to develop a similar theory.
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak of Apple, used to make illegal 'blue boxes' for free long-distance calls - he said his success at that convinced him he could succeed further. He realized the big corps, and the system, could be beaten.
Since the majority of the world is poor, hungry, stupid and/or ignorant, to do better than them means largely avoiding them and doing everything differently.
As Jim Rohn (Tony Robbins mentor) says - 'walk away from the 97%'
The reason the majority are not successful, is because they do what the majority won't, think differently, act differently, etc
I remember being 21, and visiting my landlord's office. He had a 14-inch tv in the corner, sound muted, usually on Bloomberg.
I wondered why his TV is half the size of mine. That should have been a sign. It's because he doesn't watch TV all day, or play vidya.
I still remember him asking me who Mariah Carey is, at the peak of her career. He doesn't listen to music while driving, he makes phonecalls.
Fast forward a years later, his property empire had doubled, and I was still renting. Get the picture?
I hardly watch TV now.
I don't have a property empire, but I am way more successful than I was then. I could make my weekly wage then, in a couple of hours now, with a few emails. At this point, I hardly even know what to say to 'regular people' anymore.
So yeah, it's kind of isolating, but it's hard to reconcile what I was like then with how most people are now.
And the tragic thing is, if you try and share it, everyone thinks you're trying to pull a fast one, 'it's a scam, it's a get-rich-quick scheme' and if you try doing it for free, they don’t wanna listen, make the same excuses, or think you're trying to get their trust to upsell them, or pull off a 'long con' later.
I smoke at least triple the weed I used to smoke then, but much less alcohol. When I quit weed for 10 years, my earnings stalled.
What exactly do you do to make money?
A lot of things, but copywriting and business consulting is my main bread and butter.
Most of my income is passive at this point, but I still enjoy the hustle, and honestly, not working can get boring and leads to me shopping, mental masturbation, or getting rusty.
My last project was a boring as shit business, a metals company. Trying to make a metals fabricator sound sexy was a headfuck.
I didn't enjoy the work, but enjoyed the challenge, if that makes sense.
I was getting lazy, so I had to prospect, and that's what came up. Doing some tedious work now and then keeps me humble. Because honestly, even my worse days are still better than the shit I did from the age of 16-35, which was shit tier. Construction, security, kitchen work, warehouse, factories, etc
I always wondered why bosses seem like weirdos or psychos, but I kinda get it now. 'weird' is doing something that is extraordinary, which is out of the ordinary. That is frowned upon, but unusual results require unusual behaviour.
Is it 'normal' to buy secondhand computer parts and fuck around in your garage with a friend? Nope, but that's how Apple got built. Who's doing that as a youth, instead of partying and chasing pussy, and/or studying or trying to get promoted?
If there's a narrow doorway and a wide doorway, the crowds head for the narrow doorway, the loner can slip through the narrow doorway. There's less competition.
It can be lonely though, hence my rambling here. Losing the 'common touch' can be a price. I struggled to find that balance. If it wasn’t for chansites, I wouldn't have 'talked' to anyone not related to my business or family for years.
6 months for selling liquor to 18/19 year olds? fuuuuuuuuck dude. At least the prisons in Sweden are not so bad I heard
Its a trait often associated with successful business owners.
Thinking outside the box is essential and going against societal norms. Society tells you drugs are bad, which they are not in most cases. The key is moderation.
Personally i smoke weed on average once a week, drink a little alcohol (maybe once or twice a month), MDMA every 3 months and LSD 3-6 months. I like having different perspectives on things and all 4 of these are safe to consume in moderation with relatively low to non existent side effect with the proper precautions. Of all, MDMA is my favourite but can only be taken every 3 months unfortunately.
Anything else like Heroin, Cocaine, Meth and Barbs have a much higher risk to reward ratio plus due to their addictive nature, very risky. You might be able to take it every once in a while, but personally I wouldn't risk it.
Also ALWAYS test your MDMA and LSD, buy a test kit.
The prisons aren't bad. What's bad is how Swedes treat people with a criminal record. If you've been in prison once, employers tend to not care what you were in for.
But fuck it, my goal isn't to be "employed" by anyone so fuck them.
Found a poor.
Don't listen to this hippie. People got rich after they quit that bullshit.
>has never had a deep spiritual experience
>brainwashed by nothing but laws
You clearly haven't done research on what psychedelic drugs do to your brain and creative thought.
That being said, MDMA is trash and will destroy your brain, while Marijuana should only be ingested through edibles on a monthly basis, smoking it causes cancer and decrease in testosterone.
I guess it helps to have a great backstory.
think of how stupid most people are
>i will convert hours of my life into money. i will the wait for the day when my financial authority deposits this money to my bank, at which point ill spend all of it on trifling avenues of sensory gratification. i will base my social life around legal drugs and restaurant meals (which cost 10x what i could spend producing food at home). if i have any money left over, i will relinquish it to a wall street sociopath to fuck about in the stock market and charge a 3% fee regardless of the returns.
the momeny you realise that working a 9-5 wagie gig for 50 years to consume luxury crap, you distance yourself from regular people. Tbh financial savviness correlates with social isolation
Most people have a history of drug addiction and a criminal record. The rich are no exception.
how do i into productive potsmoking a convincing my straight edge girlfriend who got me off the streets, off selling drugs and ultimately off of doing them to allow me to do this one drug i happen to enjoy and happens to have minimal consequences all around?
>spiritual experience
>claiming that smoking weed causes cancer
An honest conversation? Where am I?
a good relationship comes naturally
we have had plenty of conversations on the topics, along with fights that shouldnt have been fights. we have a great relationship, shes a great girl and helped me alot. but i dont think we will ever see eye to eye on the topic
>Why do all rich successful people have a history of drug addiction and criminal records?
They don't. No idea what the fuck you're talking about.
Are you actually productive on it though?
For me, it's not just creativity.
Pot = better sleep (I listened to the propaganda about weed and convinced myself I was better off, even though for those 10 years, my chronic amnesia returned and I gradually descended into drinking myself to sleep.) which means clearer thinking, less stress, and avoiding normie thinking in general.
Due to the stereotype of potheads, I am more determined not to fall into those associations.
Not smoking pot is a dealbreaker for me, I don't even associate with non-pot smokers. So by association, I would not be dating or fucking one.
I would simply dump her honestly, but that's your call.
My life improved dramatically after I got arrested and spent a few days in jail.
My brother never did coke until he became an executive. Most of my former bosses were alcoholics, or did coke.
Billionaire entrepreneur Chris Sacca said he spent years on Wall Street, and 'all those guys are wired, they are doing rails (of coke), they are self-medicating on prescription drugs' one reason he got out of there.
Felix Dennis, entrepreneur, dollar billionaire, said he spent a lot of money on drugs and whores. He drank a lot of wine, was often drunk, and even did crack cocaine regularly.
Richard Branson has smoked, and allegedly still smokes, a lot of weed. He is on record as saying if his son wanted to smoke weed he would get it for him.
Simon Cowell smokes weed, a lot too. Big fat joints. I know that indirectly through an associate who is an assistant to him.
That's just business. Finding artists who are straight edge is a pretty short list, and the exception to the rule. Actors, musicians, writers, etc and the more successful, the more likely the drink or drug use, and criminal behaviour.
>Smoking it causes cancer.
Lol, no.
In the longest and most comprehensive study every conducted, weed alone was not linked to cancer when smoked alone or vaped.
Only those who mixed it with tobacco, which previous studies did not differentiate, got cancer.
Weed actually makes cancer cells less aggressive, and they either regress or stall.
Living in any industrial town or city increases your cancer risk by 200%+
These are all stupid anecdotes... You sound like a sad pothead who just lives to work. I'm not trying to be a dick but I think you should see a therapist.
30% of people have a police record in the US
Rich people get more media coverage and because of that more of their history is dug up.
I got locked up, make friends with army fags and marine fags,
I'm curious, is it a good thing to have friends at all in prison? If you get friends, you have also automatically made some people your enemies I believe..
gee mouth closed vs mouth open with smiling expression, what is this scorcery?
seriously, you are fucking R E T A R D E D
If you have IQ until 120 you can live a successful life more than that and well you are too smart for the society star feeling islation and all that thus you have that kind of attitude
Oh man, three hours left before they come and pick me up for prison. ;_;
I will be using this tripcode to report back once I'm released. Hopefully I'll have some good stories for y'all.
>drug addiction and criminal records
Bored and they have the money to finance and get away with it
Why are they stupid anecdotes?
I've seen therapists, they were a waste of time.
Self-help books helped me a lot more.
Yeah, I am autistic with social anxiety, a long history of depression and suicidal thoughts, long before I touched any drugs, and weed is my medicine.
I prefer self-medication, I know what works for me.
I like my life and myself a lot more than I did.
You sound butthurt about something though,
This seems like projection.
I don't know what you expect from me?
What's your point?
>gee mouth closed vs mouth open with smiling expression, what is this scorcery?
No I mean the right half of his jaw seems larger than the left half, as viewed in the front-on image.
No it takes not only intelligence, some degree of luck, but also guts and risky behavior. People who incur in risky behavior are more likely to take drugs and break the law.
That being said, I'd guess that's only a minority of risk takers that make to the top.
Because they are Jews. Jews are successful and criminals.