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Keep casualizing the game. Keep destroying high skill heroes. Keep listening to idiots on these forums who can't hit a static target (turret).

Thank you for destroying my main. Thank you for destroying my 300 hours on Genji. Thank you for making my golden shurikens useless. I don't even care that I got to 73 solo queing and will be getting 300 CP, this game is dead for me.

Hopefully Blizzard goes down one day too.

Give me one reason why a Genji nerf was necessary.

I'll wait.


Can we buy the summer event skins in PTR?
Will they soon in real game?

>literal gays



Junkrat is for _______

best op in years

because I can't kill him

Link to patch notes?

cropped porn, especially fag porn, gets threads deleted you fucking brain damaged faggot

genji was overpowered and getting teamkills every time he ulted.

Genji should have been nerfed more desu.

>need to play quick play now

"haha we're playing 4 soldiers it's really funny haha look we're losing it's really funny haha"

Wow this is great. Season 2 when?



you forgot the part about genji requiring years of practice

enjoy the meme


Because I hate fighting Genji because it's like fighting Pyro all over again. Annoying.

What gold are you guys buying with your competitive rewards?

The mean ninjaman gave babbies booboos with his ult. Just like how the smug blueberry sniper woman headshotted and denied area too well. Also how the cowboy man decided to destroy kiddies with his M2 or from afar with his M1.

none because i don't have the nigger points to do it
i'm mad

Let's see what the opinion is on the cyborg ninja after the nerfs


>not industrial or at least goth
I'll pass

Sept 6

>playing mccree
>not even doing very well in this game, average at best
>reinhardt ults me, pins me and kills me, just me
>respawn and head back
>respawn and move back
>riptire noise, move away from my team
>riptire turns away from the team and blows up only me
how do I make shit like this stop? It happens way too often to be a coincidence. Constantly getting solo ulted. I could understand if I was a mercy or something, or if I were dominating the match, or was in any way a priority target.

post ur shiny weapons

low rank babbies need not apply because they cant, unless they won at least 100 games

None, because I got placed in 56 and didn't bother playing more

i bought ana's. goes really well with her captain amari skin.

FUCK you gold fags.

It looks like shit anyway.

I don't even want your cunt shit.

>200 points till golden

>only got 80 CP points

Maybe I should've played more comp

>Winston, one of the easiest characters in the game to play, is a hard Genji counter


I'm playing a different video game until then. I can't handle "LE EPIK JOKE MODE" anymore.

Literally to appease the angry mob of summer shitters flooding their forums and demanding Genji to be nerfed and a response from the development team. I had been keeping my eye on the threads over there and it was scary how groupthink-like they became. If you tried to post any sort of constructive counterpoint to their arguments (or lack-there-of) it would get severely downvoted and hidden.

Blizzard's hands were tied

google THIS





>that smug
>dat ass
>that qt face

ptr and the main game are serparate, anything you get in ptr you won't get in the main game

The only golden gun I might want is zarya's with the champion skin, but I don't have it unlocked yet and probably never will ;_;

There isn't one, if someone tells you there is they cant fucking aim. Fuck all these shitty casual shitters.

>hard counter
>Genji could just double jump wall climb double jump dash away

play comp in the ptr

That's not what he was asking

>People afk'ing in the middle of matches to role play with the new "Infinite taunts" like sitting down and Dva stream

>Enemy mercy gets so upset at this she has a go at everyone in game then ragequits

This is the tf2 conga all over again

>Implying I have enough to buy one even after the end reward

Genji can still wipe half the team before Winston has done half his health

>come to /OWG/
>no one crying that gg ez will now be filtered

Pleasantly surprised.

If only Winston had some kind of Gorilla leap that let him follow Genji.

If only...

shitters deemed him op cause they "felt" he was too strong

I'm really torn between zarya and symmetra. They're both my mains.
On one hand, Zarya's is huge and noticeable. I can play her on attacking maps in ranked without people getting pissy and throwing the game out of spite. On the other hand, If I get symmetra's I'll be unique. Who the fuck else would get symmetra's golden gun as their first pick? I'd be one of the only ones.

I had 210 comp points and am rank 70 so I'm pretty close to getting another golden gun anyways

The ult nerf won't even prevent ebin team kills; 6 seconds is plenty of time to sink four squishies

Now Genji will just spam from a distance until he gets his ult. The problem people were concerned about is still there and now the character is much less mobile and interesting to play when his ult isn't up.

>he didn't win at least 100 games

Looks like you can't aim either

It's obviously not going to make it to live, since it just encourages people to say it even more

We already did two threads ago. We were trying to come up with ways around the filter.

Keep casualizing the game. Keep destroying high skill heroes. Keep listening to idiots on these forums who can't hit a static target (turret).

Thank you for destroying my main. Thank you for destroying my 300 hours on Genji. Thank you for making my golden shurikens useless. I don't even care that I got to 73 solo queing and will be getting 300 CP, this game is dead for me.

Hopefully Blizzard goes down one day too.

>le monkey face can leap once
>le balansed ninja can keep double jumping and wall climbing forever

I'm ready for all the videos of people just doing the Sit Emote on the cart the entire way

THEN it will be TF2 all over again

>people getting mad at quickplay

>tfw can't decide to get gold gun for zarya or mccree

I got 2750 rank after my placement matches
is that good? i can't tell anymore

How much is overwatch?

about tree fiddy

This image is very aesthetically pleasing.

People who still think it was meant as a serious filter are dumb. It's a joke, possibly even teasing the people who complain about it so much

>help my team get to 65+
>season high 59

>it's just a game bro

maybe i'll fuck around on ptr unless people are treating it like it's live

Bronze - 1-1499
Silver - 1500-1999
Gold - 2000-2499
Platinum - 2500-2999
Diamond - 3000-3499
Master - 3500-3999
Grandmaster - 4000-5000

Pretty good, friendo

So what percent of people actually ended up getting gold guns this season?

>decide to check Genji changes
>can't double jump another time after wall climbing
>can't use dash to ignore and break traps anymore
>nerf on his ridiculously OP nerf

With some luck, they'll buff his shurikens a bit and he'll be fine. The first two of these changes were never intended mechanics for Genji anyway.

Basically, people will be forced to actually fight as Genji instead of hoping they can get a kill on someone they blindsided then just flailing around and being impossible to hit when they fail.

Thanks famalam


The cable management on that fiber is pleasing as fuck

What rank are you and why haven't you killed yourself yet?

How does this "free gold" thing actually works? I bought mine already but why are some anons unable to do it?

>didn't play for a while because i got sick of coin flips
>decide to try the last week
>miss out on golden gun by 18 points

what a shame

Missionary while holding hands!

>there are actual people throwing a shitfit because their worthless troll baits are going to get filtered by an optional filter
>these people get to vote IRL

Is this game pay to win? Are there lolis I can play? Can I pay people to boost my rank?

probably less than 15%

what in the fuck are you talking about?

>Can I pay people to boost my rank?
You can, actually.

I lost a bet and now have to take a "Which Overwatch Character Are YOU?!" test to determine who I buy my golden weapon for. Wish me luck lads.


I need cute pictures


>people unironically praising blizz for undoing the hitbox fix

Is this the one? Also what are you guys doing until the next season

Golden gun club members check in.

>Widow had her stupid fucking hueg ponytail even when she wasn't brainwashed


I'm also hoping for shuriken buffs if this is the direction they want to take the character in
As it stands he's just not very good when he doesn't have ult up now, low DPS and low burst damage

>just a game

This is how I know someone had "EVERYBODY WINS!" teachers while growing up.

How come every time there's a dva on the other team I have this urge to play genji?

>visit Overwatch threads for the last two weeks

>visit Overwatch threads now

make up your minds

The filter is really funny and if you're trying to find a way around it you're actually retarded

When one of the messages comes up, people KNOW you said gg ez.

Its just made to look like something hilarious like "Im feeling very fragile right now, please hold me"
