PlayStation Vita General 2725 - Another Delta Edition

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>Macross Delta Scramble New TVCM

>Trails of Cold Steel II launches September 6 in NA

>PlayStation Store Sales in North America: August 16 to 22, 2016

>Attack on Titan Gets Launch Trailer and Long Gameplay Video

>Fate/Extella adds playable Cu Chulainn, Li Shuwen

>Reco Session introduces baby-faced sensei Kokomi Isuzu

>SD Gundam G Generation Genesis adds Mobile Suits

>World of Final Fantasy adds Bartz, Boco, and Terra

>Entergram announces visual novel id: Rebirth Session

>Akiba’s Beat ‘Mizuki Aihara’ character trailer

>Idol Death Game TV trailer



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She's better than jannu


First for Gust girls

Can't argue with that, you win.


Thanks user.
Kaname a best

Always nice

When are the memory cards getting cheaper, I've been waiting for years, I'm tempted to switch to n3ds now

Why didn't vitagen tell me fate/extra was a fun game and only $10

So Vitagen, who is your favorite character out of all the Vita games you have played? What do you like about them?

I definitely did

Marika Tachibana from nisekoi, unfortunately still no localization. She never gives up even though she's ill and obviously she's 10/10

I never understand what you are saying to me number user
I'm glad you liked


i miss you guys

Since when?

Luka from Refrain
Her gasps and cries.



The way he keeps his promises. The way he faces adversity. The way he just he says you should be proud of what you do, even when he was a meaningless as a Prinny Instructor.
Also. Tyran Valvatorez was so retardly broken yet he had the same exact values regular Valvatorez had. That made me appreciate him way more.

Weren't we supposed to get news about Gust's 2nd game from the Festival thing they're doing

Post a screenshot of what you're currently playing vitagen!

Have any of you actually fapped to a vita game? I honestly can't see how.

I had a few moments with moechron.
Some of those monmusu were super lewd.

CCC never ;_;

Jerk off to the voices.

Uh, that wasn't what I posted? What the hell?

how likely is having that game gonna land you in jail? srs question

First time experiencing Purple Heart greatness rest of the game was pretty shit
I went to Sadpanda and got the first doujin with her It was rape, yet I enjoyed immensely... I changed. I only fap to vanilla now.

sure it wasn't you freak


>rest of the game was pretty shit
Let me guess you don't like the battle system?

Is really that good?

I love my wife Firis so much

And the dungeon, yeah.
Character interaction was nice an all, but I guess it didn't do it for me. I'm gonna get IF game to give it another try. Also, IF is awesome and wouldn't dare to fap to her cuteness.

Aside for U and HDN1 I don't really like the character interaction in the series
And please CH bring back NIS and Gust

Just started Odin Sphere.

We got it it was those weird girl pictures and weird fetish poll. Look like it will be a new IP or i simply don't get it.


Time to get some sleep
good night vitagen

Good night beautiful

hope you like it



Supposed to be today for the update, yeah.

demon gaze
bullet girls
bullet girls 2
moe chronicle***
senran kagura shinovi vs
senran kagura bon appetit
Valkyrie Drive
Atelier Meruru
To Love Ru
corpse party
project diva f2

Still need to play Dungeon Travelers 2, but I'm afraid I'd never be able to finish the game.

man,that took me over an hour but the feeling of satisfaction i got after finishing it was great. 4 down,a lot more to go.

i'm already very scared of hard mode,though.

>corpse party
Have you tried Deception IV?

>corpse party
Which part?

Photokano photo sessions turned out to be quite stimulating. I can't help starting to imagine extended scenarios.

Death scenes in the first PSP game. Book of Shadows had some sexy scenes too, but not much sexy gore. Mostly just black images with lots of screams.

Should I?

Pick one
Seriously though user, good job, I still haven't practiced Miku enough to get perfects in any difficulty.

Congratz user. The only way to get better at that game is to play it over and over again, so you're doing it the way it shoud be done.


It's pretty fun. I definitely need to go back to it though. I still have a long way to go. Also the screenshot doesn't do the game justice. It looks a lot better when it's running.

>Should I?
May be worth looking into



thanks. i figured it would be best not to go directly from normal to hard after i made that mistake in the first game.

but to be fair,Project Diva F 2nd also feels much better to me than the first one.

I'm kinda hype

>Should I?

If you like playing the role of a trap master then yes. Only reason I don't like it more than I do is because I'm bad at it but conceptually it's pretty neat.

>just beat Venus
>head back to the inn and save
>Could not save the file. (C1-11843-7)
>haven't made a backup since Hermes

Oh man, user. You really should know better and save whenever possible. I feel for you since things like these have happened to almost everyone but please user, save more often.

>Taking a screenshot of a dude named Hiroshima
>No explosions going around him
You missed a good chance user.

I prefer beating off to Venus

Anyone wanna do a GER hunt for the dyous pita?? im fighting it for the first time +urgent mission

I can in about 2 weeks if the online isn't region locked.

What difficulty is that?

7 story

Sure I'll help.

I will make a room, my name is Maxcannoner and the pass will be Vgen

Sorry, I got disconnected. If you remake it I'll rejoin.

>load backup onto other memory card
>The file is corrupt. (C0-11471-4)

Would rebuilding or formatting help alleviate some of this shit or is it time for a new memory card? part 3 is up, now poll and more pictures continuing from last week.

Don't die on me vitagen


Everything will be okay.


amazon pls

I think the third portal is the same as when it opened on 10th.

According to @GustSocialPR or the site update info it seems like the update should be for the 2nd portal website, but it had been the same since 30 mins ago. I guess it's not really up yet. Maybe in a bit.

Why is Veeky Forums on my newspapers?


The great greetings vitagen. Of the tissue strike ejaculate much, but of the girl to which mind create, you dig?

Most of this post doesn't even make sense.

Should it be taking me 25-30 minutes to do level 6-7 missions in Freedom Wars? Or am I doing something wrong?

Fucking what

It's not. It's not 3D IRL lolis in the nude so you're fine.

You probably haven't been save scumming your weapons.

what game

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!


Maaya Sakamoto is voicing Jannu.

It took me that long the first time too. It's time to start upgrading your weapons. Power up XL and L help a whole lot.

does the armour trooper in EDF (the green guy with sentry guns) get any better? seems pretty shit at the moment

they're not in the nude at all, neither are they engaging in sexual activity; are both more pursuant arguments in US law

Oh you fucking idiot. You can dominate the whole goddamn game if you just bothered to have Power Up XL and Power Up L components. Which requires what? A Rarity 2 weapon at worst?

The problem is people are perfectionists and don't want to spent resources upgrading their junk until they are certain they have Rarity 8 Latebloom equipment.

loli is only illegal if it's 3D

At least in California. We have laws protecting artists. :^)

Alright, that makes me feel a bit better. Thanks user.

Play online with me if you need help.

Which Atelier is this?

Calm down there, kiddo. It will be alright.

A better set of weapons is going to lower completion times, which was my point.