OT: eyosongive.us
Voting phase for the contest is on! Send your favorite suggestions to [email protected]!
OT: eyosongive.us
Voting phase for the contest is on! Send your favorite suggestions to [email protected]!
Veeky Forums v Veeky Forums where?
>First suggestion for ashe is cuck shit
I want to give Soraka an Infusion of my seed!
vote kayle 2 please
Reminder: We're going to be on a super short deadline for Nominations this time. You have until the end of tomorrow to send in your votes.
You know what's dumb? GP's barrell interaction with Shen's block.
>Shen's W is supposed to block AAs
>Can block Akali's AA and the proc from her stack
>Can block Sivir's ricochet
>Can block Teemo's poison stacks
>Can block Yasuo tornado
>Can block Ez's Q
>Can Block's Nasus's Q even if it has INF stacks
>Can block GP's AA
>Can block GP's Parrry
Now here's the kicker
>GP's barrell deals same damage as AA
>No more, no less
>Can only be triggered by AA abilities
>But Shen's W doesn't block it
What the fuck Riot? Every other thing in the game that acts like an AA or is triggered by AA's gets blocked by Shen's W except GP barrell? Fucking kill yourselves.
I miss Graves poster.
Guys, i'm playing Heroes of the Storm and i'm genuinely having fun.
Am i bad man?
If you want the tables turned, there's always Fiora 1
>just got to promos to G5
>huge thunderstorm outside
Nope nope, not going to happen
You're probably getting the base barrel damage, but not the sheen proc. I dunno, i'm not sure how the interaction works itself but it wouldn't make much sense for barrels to be blocked.
I mean, I've had a friend that got put into a mental place for a week because of depression due to his working conditions. No electronics of any kind and they kept him in structured time the whole week. Afterwards he said it was the best thing that could have happened to him since it gave him a mental 'reset'.
He's since devolved into autistic ally playing an MMO from the 90's over four VM's and two laptops, and is staying awake for 20+ hours a day to do so.
>team with gragas wins again
why isn't this flubber fuck permaban yet
yeah that game is boring as fuck
Already sent my votes, now let's hope for the best
Thanks in advance for the contest, shit is fun
What's the reasoning behind limiting 5 votes per player now?
> on losing streak
> go blind pick for some levity
> choose Skarner because I got Battlecast Alpha in a chest
> never played Skarner before
> insane waveclear and sustain
> single target lockdown completely shutdown the enemy Fizz, Eve, and Xin
> had Janna support who loved to roam with me
> tfw unkillable stun machine monster
> S+
Dang, now I understand why people always talk about how much fun Skarner is.
>Battlecast Alpha in a chest
Jellymad, user. That and battlecast kog or on my prime "wait for sale" list.
>take unpopular girl
>shove popular fetish/another popular girl into it
>unpopular girl now has no real suggestion of her own
happened all the time
I am a shitpost connoisseur. I don't like the regular garden variety /v/ or /b/ (I repeat myself, but I digress) tier shitpost but the cerebral shitpost that is able to spawn multitude of shitposting by its presence. Its what I do in this general since I gave up on the game quite a long time ago.
And I must say, that "contests" are truly a marvel of the shitpost age. Waifu shitposting disgused as somehow on topic. Contest "updates" that generate hundreds of more shitposts, all with zero real content or worth. And this to span the general over WEEKS at a time at nearly any time of day. And at the end of all of it you "commission" a picture that any one of the participants could have got themselves. And in fact, the dissatisfied do anyway while shitposting.
You, contestfags, are a next level of shitposter. I tip my fedora to you.
>Willingly left one of the most successful video games ever seen in the past decade to pursue a writing career
>A career that is risky unless you have connections to A list celebrities and directors in Hollywood
>Could have just made writing a side hobby and gotten benefits from both jobs
>Now is a druggie-fatass who has no appeal and a failed wirting career
People reap what they sow, and Nikasaur is no acception. Unlike other people who left Riot to pursue other things, like Lyte, she had nothing to offer except her looks and she fucked that up.
>playing shen
>bot lane keeps skirmishing and feeds before you hit 6
>look at post
>scroll down
>five guys replying
Hahaha oh wow
wtf shes thicc now....how do you let this happen to yourself
Worst husbando and worst freljord, so he should kill himself
I-I think I just accidentally installed a second copy of lol
how do I rengar?
look at
lewd foxes.
delete it? duh?
pure angels
>best Sona suggestion has chicks with dicks in it
Well, it's just a MMF threesome with three girls in the end, right?
>have not played league in three months
>have such a hard on to play Syndra again
>dont want to fuck up my win rate with her
There is so little good porn of her, it's suffering.
leblancs passives cooldown isnt really 1 minute is it lolbabs
Should I play Varus in the bot lane with an adc build or a caster build? The adc build feels underwhelming tbqh, I don't feel like Varus has the dps to make it work.
That game is extremely boring what the fuck is wrong with you
>take all the mechanics out of league
>remove gold
>remove last hitting
>remove jungling
>remove items
>teamwide exp
>Insert trundle copypasta
Yes. I remember playing it and how nobody did damage, last hitting didn't matter, there was no item customization, and everything was pretty much a clusterfuck.
>That first Nami suggestion
absolute kek
Considering how little "trading" is ever done in the long range waveclear wars mid and how statchecky the top lane is, we aren't that much different from HotS. There is just a 10 minute autistic PvE phase for no reason.
ghost blade into tiamat into IE into hydra
Or you can do what that korean master player does and take him too and build titanic, hourglass and tabis everygame and win.
play him mid with the armor pen build, shits fun
no but my dick is
inb4 "grasp"
The talent system gives it some depth, and while it's not as complex or challenging at league, it can be quite fun.
my bet on white
Considering the fight Elise interrupted was between two top-laners it's safe to assume Elise was ganking Olaf but Shyvana counter-ganked with the force of a thousand angry dragon girls once Elise had used her escape to engage.
She got married, that's literally it. She got married and had a safety net to do all of her dumb shit, get fat, quit her good job, etc. Some betacuck will always be there to support her. Remember guys, don't fall for that shit.
I don't get it
i thought the same thing then missed laning phase after playing for a week or two
/pol/ pls go you have a containment board for a reason.
Lewd foxes?
by the way Ashe 3 pretty much already exists
>adc wins lane and gets fed
>proceeds to split push all game
>enemy team just rushes mid every time
>team obviously can't 4v5 without the strongest person
>"wtf stop fighting without me"
why do people do this? i can understand a top laner or a twisted fate or something because they can tp in, but why the fuck do adcs do this dumb shit?
Votes are in, luckily enough of mine were the only one for that champ that I could mostly still bump up my shit.
>ahricuck is triggered
What laning phase in LoL? Riot basically removed it starting in season 3. Its just two players PvE'ing near each other.
I was an alpha tester and this is pretty much how i remembered too. But, i don't know, somehow it feels better now. Fuck if i know why.
>you can't hold 4v5 against an underfed adc mid game
Rest of the teams fault just clear the wave.
Why are you fighting a 4v5? Just defend and hold the tower
I've played Heroes in the past at a semi top tier level, running into players like Fan, Zuna, MichaelUdall, etc.
Top 300-400NA for a while and then quit because the meta was so stagnant and boring.
League has such a higher and more interesting skill ceiling than Heroes. There's so much little shit that goes into high level League play like managing minions, freezing, jungle routes, optimizing build paths and recalls, warding and vision control, etc.
All of which are pretty absent in Heroes, when the game can be boiled down to "push lanes, soak exp, and go do the map objective."
The most advanced thing in Heroes was merc timing after objectives, and that wasn't even that difficult of a concept to grasp once you figured it out.
I liked the talent system, but it suffered a lot from what League suffers from in it's item builds, where there was usually only one optimal talent or build path per hero, and they were generally pretty obvious until Blizzard stepped in and nerfed it.
Hunt vs Meta on Illidan, Phoenix vs Pyro on Kael, Hyperion vs Banshees on Raynor, etc.
but i'm talking about bot lane varus
It's fucking solo queue. People want farm and want to do objectives. Not sit under tower while the adc split pushes (mind you this retard got ganked plenty of times). Save that shit for full 5v5 teams, it makes zero sense to do that in solo queue when you can just group and win. The enemy adc being underfarmed is even more of a reason to group and keep map control.
then just do the armor pen build but bot lane, he seems pretty shitty with a standard adc build desu
>Hate Jinx
>Jinx 2 is really good and a fetish/subject I love.
I have much rage right now. I don't want to play as Jinx...
top lane aka big dick man lane
>climbing like mofo
>first pick mid cass cause freelo cause she's hella strong and nobody in this pit plays her or recognizes her existance
>jungler locks yi
>support locks karma after I ask them to play a tank cause we have no bulk and our top is hovering yasuo with ignite, they procede to bitch at me for trying to micro them until i dodge
>top locks jayce
>-3 lp, 6 minute wait
I get this is silver, but jesus can't people realize that there needs to be some form of frontline? And tilting from champ select?
Why are waifufags such insufferable faggots?
They all seem like they have some high functioning autism or something.
It's really annoying to deal with or talk to them.
>camp my yasuo's lane
>get carried
I dunno how to feel, changed my experience though
>Give keld five kills just to see how easy the matchup still is
>I still stomp him as fiora.
>There's literally nothing he can do with a completed item and a half to my partially completed item.
which is why i dont talk to them at all.
except slutty fox
I've been practicing Fiora and have found Kled to be freer than free in lane. Which I'm fine with
When I'm Janna
why am I supposed to max W 2nd
When do I W
What's the point of shielding turrets
do I set things up with Q or just save it to run
ty anons
His level 6 is absolute dogshit compared to Fiora, plus you can parry it and the Q pull to get a stun.
Any champ with a very good ulti should win level 6 against a kled 100%.
Threadly reminder that Jinx won the title of undeniably best girl.
it's 1 minute from the clone spawn :^)
When a key member of your team insists on pushing a side land, the simplest solution to the problem is to tell the rest of your team to just follow that guy where ever he goes. If the other team tries to push mid, keep pushing with dumbass. You usually win that game of chicken and the other team comes to try to stop you.
>why am I supposed to max W 2nd
Because you go faster and you slow more, and the CD is lower I think.
>When do I W
When Kiting or chasing.
>What's the point of shielding turrets
When you are solo defending a turret or there is no one in range to shield or when it's needed, it's really situational.
>do I set things up with Q or just save it to run
Save it for peel, make sure you can get as many enemies with it as possible.
It's also a good zoning tool or escape tool when you are being ganked.
/lolg/ I have been completely disconnected from any LoL news or info in the past year and a half. Can anyone sum up the current meta for me and any major changes that have happened since then?
Bunch of reworks of various levels. New champs are weird but barely see use. Dragons are RNG. Champion.gg is your friend to see who's strong right now.
I'm not sure about best but she sure is cute.
Ekko will shove his big black dick into your anus and you will like it.
>every single person that has picked corki has done terrible with him
>3 of the past 5 games
Who the fuck started this shit?
remember anons, you are not good, and your teammates are not good
the enemies you win against are just bigger shitters than you
Havent had the chance to check; how does %Max health damage work on Kled? Does it track his and Skaarl's HP bars seperately or additive total
>Blind because OCE
>Low gold MMR on smurf
>Ends up as Singed into Lucian
>Before minions spawn already talking shit about singed
>Flashing around, has 3 times my cs by 18 mins
>Jungle ganks me 3 times all game, 3 kills
>He talks more and more, farms more and more
>Teamfight stage
>Fucking singed, and they have no cc because he took "muh ranged top meta" or some bullshit
>Absolutely dick them in every teamfight
>I get triple
>Talking stops
>Game ends
>We win
>Not even a gg, he just leaves room
Is there a better feeling on this planet? Who else loves it when /talkshitgetlit/ stops just being a black meme?
Top lane: Statcheck or DIE aka "The great return of Gnar, Irelia, +1: Redux"
Mid lane: "PvP is an ABOMINATION"
Jungle: Play champs that are basically several summoner spells in one or be useless
Bot lane: Mindless bully "combos" that shit early and shit often on any other non-mindless bully combos. You are still a bad assassin until you get 6 items and you will be dived and killed by 0-5 Ekkos and the like until that point as well.
> play game for 4 years
> dont improve at all
just fucking kill me im terrible at everything
what if i said he's better mid than adc
Quick should I take Mafia, Slayer, or Firecracker Jinx? Can't decide on which one to use.
I forgot to mention all 3 of them were bot lane
Dragons now vary in usefulness between terrible and game-breaking.
Azir is complete shit, so multiple midlane champions are now viable because of it.
Ashe, Jhin, Sivir are the cancer ADCs right now.
Strong junglers have been the same bullshit since last year.
Top lane is GP vs various weaker champions.
The best supports are the squishy waifufaggotry shield/healsluts.
As a rule of thumb, new reworks and champions are usually not good until Riot gives them some complementary overbuffs to push them into the meta.
That's it. It's the same stupid game, but with different champions rotated into the meta.