Leave the fucking spoilers in the last thread Edition
Leave the fucking spoilers in the last thread Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>reminder for britbongs, canadians and Aus nerds if you haven't purchased rise of iron yet
Boners, especially Canadians or people in nations with 3rd world retarded currencies if you haven't already paid for ROI check your store for this ASAP it's cheaper than buying ROI standalone
Works if you have purchased TTK on 360 OR XBONE
Was Ichigo cucked?
Naruto has won so far. One Piece won't end till 2025.
What's the AUD price on PSN?
I already paid $45AUD for the expansion and wanna know if I should call support.
>be Renji
>your wife names your daughter Ichika
>name is combination of Ichigo and Kaien
>the only two men she ever loved
All according to cuckkaku
unsure, cad ROI is 39.99 so it saved me $10, and some kind user shared a pic of the brit bong price
Oh so I only paid 4CAD more than the xbone collection price, and we usually get cucked on digital prices anyway
I'm not into anime, what happened to bleach and why is it bad?
Amanda Holliday is selling a blue ship for the next 72 hours - the AFv3 Octavian
>mfw I took that screenshot
Yeah the savings are marginal but enough to make an impact for some folks
how does your mic break if you are too shy to use it in the first place?
quit being a bitch, user
Main girl won instead of secondary main girl and shippers are upset. But secondary main girl who is actually best girl got a guy who is way better than MC who it would have made less sense for her to be with anyways.
But she names her kid after MC and an old comrade she crushed on hard so cuck memes are going to be flying around again for awhile.
thanks for the coe runs guys
>go to Xbox store to see RoI
Find a couple things listed with no picture and a raw filename for a title
>click them
>says they're free, download them
>one downloads, the other doesn't
>the one that did download is some language test thing for who knows what
Here's a screenshot I found of the one that downloaded after googling the name. I have another screenshot that shows the photo for this "game" and it's just some picture of kittens.
it's a virus
>try to do exotic sword quest
>randoms kill all three knights as soon as they spawn every time
fucking why
anyone want to help me with the sword quest or do CoE
o no
only if you get a third that isn't a random
>viruses could be real for xbone because lelwindows
Boners doing anything or is it too late?
>tfw PS4 doesn't have stuff like that
That's fucking cute.
I'm running strikes.
I think I lucked out and the RNG bugged itself into having a higher chance of tossing me into Black Garden instead of fucking Malok or Omnigul like usual.
wanna help this nigger with me?
I can help out if you still need it.
I'm just about to head out, sorry la.
Are you doing it for rep or just marks?
cool ill send ya an invite
msg me or something so I can invite you
I like running strikes in general but right now I'm doing it for the exotic class item quest.
2/3 for the Exotic sword quest
still want to do it?
What do you want more on a legendary rocket launcher, horseshoes and handgrenades or tracking? For pvp of course
grenades and horseshoes
Javelin, Hard Launch
>login after not logging in for like 6 months
>5 sterling treasures
what the fuck are these
>The fucking retarded blueberry meme that is putting your bubble on top of the fucking bos
It's already void burn dumbass with swords and Tiesto the fight can be done in less than ten seconds.
What the fuck is this useless spektar shit?
It makes your armor glow. That's literally it.
Broke it all down.
Trash, all of it.
But it's faster you bastard
i bet you used Tripod in Y1
ash fucking lost guys
Why is the spawning system in destiny so dogshit
>Greninja throws a shuriken
Fucking rigged.
ash factory, it fucking lost.
Any boners want to do some IB?
>tfw american
Go back to overwatch you retard
I never even played the beta.
Who dis?
>tfw russian
Then why are you talking about genji you fucking idiot
greninja is a pokemanz grampa
How do you obtain rare ships?
Amanda Holiday is selling one right now. Legendary ones drop from faction packages and end game content. You can also get rare ship blueprints in patrol chests very rarely.
Should I be hoarding all engrams for year 3 or what?
for the cryptarch, yeah
you could save engrams for the small chance of getting a legendary engram from ranking up with the cryptarch. legendary engrams from ranking up with the cryptarch will give new gear when RoI drops. also dismantling the legendaries from the engrams you saved up will give you marks, so you can see the saved engrams as a "legendary mark bank"
you could also choose not to save them, and decrypt them now to see if you get any good gear that you would like to take with you to RoI. this will save a lot of time if you want to start out of the gate hot as soon as RoI drops
How do I get back into the game? I'm 334 light.
wait a month
OK thanks. See you when the new meme drops
335 is still the max. Wait a month for the expac.
Well guys, Bleach is finally over.
Where were you when you realised the whole ten years of Bleach weren't even the real story, they were just the intro to shinigami boy adventures?
>TFW you literally wasted ten years of your life on the prologue scene.
>tfw never got into Bleach cause it had nothing going for it other than a handful of tittymonsters which don't require me to follow the manga
The manga finished? At fucking last.
Yep, the last issue just came out today.
The spoiler image is literally the final page, and the first page introducing Ichigo's son.
The Taken are the worst enemies and fighting them is a huge chore. Every encounter with them bores the shit out of me, and most of their unique abilities just make the fight even longer, especially taken vandals and goblins.
>Taken Vandal
>Wire Rifle
I agree with this person
Does Banana drops only the type of armor Saladman currently sells?
joff98 xb
play with me
>not putting bubble on top of boss so all three can let it rip
Do you even beyblade??
Rank 5 packages drop anything though.
And psions
So if I grind on IB rank 5 I can get any loot?
Strike grinding with booster. Bring your voidlock for best result.
That is what I said yes.
And if you get one character to rank 5, the other two get a rank boost on top of the daily boost.
I normally get one character to rank 5 over a couple days, and then do the other two the last like two days.
I haven't don't any iron banner in like 3 months cause I have all the ib stuff.
Cool thanks for info
What are the modifiers?
Void burn and Catapult.
just finished prologue setting up the backstory for the thing Tite Kubo always planned to write, the Shinigami Boy adventures, but he was being kind and courteous, sparing us countless flashbacks he would otherwise have to fill the shinigami boy adventures with, by making Bleach the prologue which is what he's been writing for the past ten years and is just a small fraction of the full bleach story which actually culminates with Ichigo's grandson, Ywach Bach traveling back in time a thousand years in an attempt to create a world without death so that he wouldn't have to suffer the loss of his father and grandfather.
Anime really derailed into funfic tier last ten years
Go to fucking /a/ you retard
if you look real close
Anyone on xbone playing?
But its so easy to trigger you here, bro.
That just looks like a rare helmet
That's cause it seems vanguard and crucible armor this time around is based on some vanilla sets.
Anons have spotted the field plate model with vanguard symbols and colors recently.
Oh shit, thanks bro. I didn't know I could roll my eyes so hard I could see next week until now.
>Wait, could this be a signal sent by... Nevermind...
What did Ghost mean by this?
Looks like this time around, just like vanilla they decided to make the two sets per vanguard/crucible actually different, rather than same shit one with lines and one without.
(As in Vanguard set A and and Vanguard Set B are different from each other)