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Why is it all over Veeky Forums reddit and other stock boards?
pump and dump - why else would they be shilling it
They need to get rid of their worthless stock somehow. They need someone to take the bullet for them.
Some moron is holding the bag so he spends all day trying to shill this POS stock.
Over half of Veeky Forums is people trying to sell shit to retards.
About 10% is retards complaining they listened to Veeky Forums and lost their tendie money.
35% is retards trying to get rich quick without doing any work or having any money.
5% is decent, rarely. Most of the time this 5% is just more retards.
I just come here to work out the knee pad mathematics out of christian charity.
They actually have a fucking URRE Shill team.
They consist of desperate wageslaves that were dumb enough to listen to the bag holders shilling this piece of shit without doing any DD, it's like a snowball effect.
il laugh if there right i have heard that there will be a lot more Nuclear power by 2020 and they are buying a lot of lithium mining property.. Fuck am i getting Memed in to this stock myself now????
Something tells me that you're too dumb to invest, stick to flipping burgers.
Buy URRE, you dont want to be poor dont you?
Are you a member?
Are you one of the bag holders?
no i bought the dips.. its gonna rise.. its been at 1.4 for half a year. It wont go any lower because I did some Technical Analysis and I saw a crouching ninja formation.
I feel sorry for the ones who get left behind when this thing moons
Oh, you are a bag holder!
>Technical analysis
The only thing that's gonna moon is the noose you'll throw across your cealing fan when it sinks further and further.
Fuck it im in.
Feels nice to be on the team,
it wont sink.. its been at this low price for half a year showing no signs of sinking further.. only a matter of time till it moons and double my money
Ah, the mentality of a hopeful bag holder.
It's been sinking year after year, month after month
just beleive in the power of shills.. anything that has been heavily shilled tends to gain momentum. ie: AMD, MGT, etc. Just be sure to make an exit before the whole thing collapses and you should be in the profits.
>This is what retards actually believe
No wonder you're broke, not doing any DD because "Memes"
AMD rose because of news of Zen, MGT rose because of Mcafee. This POS stock you bought isn't going anywhere no matter how hard you shill.
it may not rise but theres no harm in betting on it.. and if it rises, thats just an added bonus..
Shilling it is part of the fun, and there are alot of shills on this train
I can't facepalm hard enough.
>There's no harm in betting on a stock
Tell that to MSTX, NVAX and MGT holders before their crashes.
they got greedy, bet their life savings and didnt make an exit.. MGT is far from finished tho. But now URRE is showing promise of future gains.
Never stake anything you cant afford to lose. any stock investor should know that.
>Bag holder giving any sort of investing advice
>Promise of future gains
technically, im not a bagholder since i didnt lose money on URRE yet, just waiting for its rise from the ashes.. give it a few months
>Rising from the ashes
>Dat bagholder's denial
the problem is, URRE isnt powered by uranium, its powered by intense shilling
Also lets not forget the massive amount of Lithium mining property the have invested in....
indeed, there will be a huge demand for lithium, guaranteed to rise.. Tesla Mega Factory in nevada just opened.. they will need thousands of tons of lithium to make batteries. Its only the beginning
Excpet that there are better companies mining lithium already. Do you honestly think the average investor will put his money in a stock that's been tanking for the last 5 years?
>Powered by shilling
>Implying a couple of wageslave morons falling for the shills like you two morons already did will bring the price up with their Mcdonalds paycheques.
Those companies wont have nearly as a good of pay out as URRE.
Oh? and tell me why? mr. bagholder.
you have no chance of doubling your money with them because they are not volatile enough.. With URRE, there is a chance
And double the chance of losing your money, specially when it just keeps tanking.
If you want volatile, invest in penny stocks that have been going on .20-.21 every few hours.
one has to accept risk in order to reap the profits.
meme magic and shill power will propel URRE to new heights
Help spread Threads. Join the $URRE$ Shills.
May your Threads and Memes spread like fire.
So you're literally gambling with something that's tanking already.
>"meme magic"
Memes shot to the stratosphere because of proper catalists, like Mcafee, SKLN merger, ect, ect, this "Meme" is only shilled because bagholder were stupid enough to lose money and now they are trying to pump it. like this moron
Yes its a gamble but Its also called buying dips.. I would never buy at the peak.. Buying stocks that are doing badly is better than buying stocks that are surging.
Requires less capital to buy alot of them, and there is potential for wild profits.
Thoughts for the week?