Fighting Games General /fgg/
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DON'T play blazblue
Why is Q Bee's IAD so fast in VSav? She can IAD and hit you with an air normal quicker than Dudley's overhead in 3S ffs
Best OP.
Do play doa.
SFV sucks lmao
shit op
i think this is the part where i accuse you of being a shill, right?
sfv eu anyone
Thumbnail looks like she's got a massive dick
What's the best metered and non-metered followup Beni can get from a j.D in 98
You might just be gay or have a shit monitor.
Dark stalkers is high IQ except the yeti
because VSav is a game that promotes being proactive and punishes you for being cornered or failing in neutral and letting someone in your face
Hey no need to get so salty just because you chose a misleading picture
I don't see it.
who's the hardest character to play in dark stalkers?
what makes zabel so good?
why is this webm so small?
If I had to say hardest to play......
Maybe lilith or Zabel.
Zabel has a crap ton of good normals and command moves.
His dark force ain't bad either with the chip.
new ds3 when desu
great mobility, great normals, great mixups, his j lk is unblockable on the last few active frames and he can land it guaranteed off of es gc
as far as hardest character to play goes maybe lei lei, she's high execution and has a really large and weird toolbox
Not soon enough.
i don't find this attractive
why is the sfv playerbase so shit
people rarely play long sets in lounges with me (and i have good internet)
thank you anons.
What makes yeti so derp?
what are the beginner characters, and what archetype are they?
the only people left playing are wannabe pros who want to grind certain matchups
>NRS can't do faces, they said
>she's gonna be ugly, they said
She's fucking adorable, her smile is defendable as fuck
SFV lobbies are shit. Capcom literally only had to copy Xrd lobbies and it would be fine. Instead it's just a mess. Don't be mad at the players when the system itself discourages lobby play.
Kof xiii looks a lot more interesting to play than kof xiv..
13 would be really cool if it wasn't for those retarded long and difficult hd combos
she looks like a real 28 year old woman, how is that adorable?
What a cow face.
Looks like they just scanned in some generic cosplay slut's face in. They all have that fat face and gross smile.
Maybe that's because you play like a bronze retard, what's your CFN?
cause it's 60fps I think and small as fuck
I made it slightly bigger and 30fps
he just has yuge damage high/lows and gorilla normals (gorilla specials even)
that being said I mind sasquatch a lot less than chars like 3S chun and ST claw, he kinda has a neat toolbox they just made his stuff too fucking good
see me
His normals literally do the most damage and are safe as heck. His jumping HP comes out SUPER fast. He just has a ton of range. He is who you pick when you wanna play darkstalkers without playing darksalkers
in vanilla 98? probably just cr. bb xx qcf+a or even qcf+k. if you get cl. d maybe qcb+p or whatever the spinkicks are. with meter i think only cl. d combos into fireball super.
invite : HeroOne
It was also 30 fps. You might have to check that.
13 had the easiest execution in any kof game. even 98's light, light, super cancels were harder.
ggs heroone, get 10-0'd
different kinds of difficulty
98 had difficult motions after short combos while 13 has easy motions but half an hour combos
>dieminion is a skullgirls goober
Street Fighter players are to fighting game players what assfaggots players are to RTS players.
Explains the bitterness from you queers.
It's just experience with the past and current street fighter.
Are there any fightan game characters that wear football pads?
I had a way easier time playing kof games that weren't 13. 13 was annoying to play as most characters. Thats why half the cast went unused.
Don't bully scrubs.
Brian battler and that guy from world heroes.
That snk fighter with Duckking and the sports team in a kof.
Now shush shush back to your gay men drama containment board.
Will there ever be a character like this in fighting games again?
Fighting games are dead.
Good this genre is shit anyway
is he lying or is the dc bug just a meme?
this shit looks awful
No this is the part where YOU get accused of being a shill. And I get accused of being an anti-shill/goober.
any fighting vidya with a metal soundtrack
this is a trick question because the whole game is a meme
100% liar is my bet.
Guilty Gear
Killer Instinct
>anime players
They're the biggest shills
tfw i'm Hyped for Injustice 2
More fighting games with ggpo netcode are good. Maybe japan will wake up this time when injustice 2 sells 40 gorillion units while the newest street accent core iron fist barely breaks 1 million.
Injustice will sell 40 gorillion copies if it comes with GGPO or without. It will sell 40 gorillion copies if it's the next VF5:FS or if it's just another MKX on repeat.
My point is, these trash games will sell no matter in what shape they sell at.
As if it would matter
MKX had a wet fart for netcode and it sold an incredible amount.
Nobody even complained about it.
>Nobody even complained about it.
anyone 3s eu?
i'm only excited for BBCF and Gravity Rush 2 desu
maybe Nier Automata if it ever comes out
SFV is the Diablo 3 of fighting games
SFV is the marvel 3 of fighting games.
whoa, let's not say things we can't take back
SFV is the Smash of fighting games
SFV is Dragon Age 2 of fighting games
SFV is the Resident Duty - Call of Evil of fighting games.
SFV is the Soulcalibur5 of fighting games
SFV is the SFV of SFV
UNIEL is the SFV of Melty Blood
It hurts so much. Why would any company repeat the mistake of SF5? At least it got the tsunami excuse for the short dev time.
capcom literally does not know how their own game works
Except the biggest difference between those is that Uniel design has 0 appeal and Melty looks alright.
>retards modding SF4 into 3s and SFV into 4
fucking stupid
whats even the point? absolutely nobody will play it.
people will stick to 3, 4 and V depending on what they prefer.
Then prove him wrong. Post a video proving him wrong.
I have better things to do with my time than concerning myself with sfv
it doesn't matter if he's not wrong anyway because the game has a plethora of other crippling problems
So many people bitched they finally bought GGPO for MKXL
*people will stick to the newest capcom fighter released
>the netcode is shit
wtf i hate kof now
>spout unfounded shit
>I-I don't have to prove my shit
You are a major cocksucker and I sincerely hope you consider suicide since I think it would be the best course of action for you.
Capcom fighters are actually the only ones that still get some play after the newest one comes out.
Absolutely nobody plays the old GGs, BBs, Tekkens and MKs anymore.
But obviously its only bad when people move on from Capcom games.
it took them SIX months to fix this ragequitting thing after two failed attempts
lmao if you think they have any idea how fighting games or online multiplayer work
nobody plays old bbs cause the new ones are always straight upgrades
people still play +r
dunno about tekken and mk
MK9 got more people on steam than sf4 playing and smash prove you wrong.
I don't give a shit about Capcom. It's you claiming one thing and then having nothing to back it up just to act Internet cool. You also type like a nigger.
I didn't claim anything other than that they have no idea how their own games work