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Qualifying For Worlds 2016 Edition

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I saw ImThem at a Riot store in Fort Myers yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him to boost me or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “ImThem, ImThem, ImThem” and shoving pics of Katarina in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Katarina skins in his hands without paying.

The Riot employee at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be challenger and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the skins and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any waifu infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each skin and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

EUW Silver 3 looking for duoque mate

IG: Mitt Romney

>I build them for the mana early game start off with refilable pots and then upgrade them I replace them though late game
Stop being shit and learn to manage your mana, shitter.

xth for tight and fertile

i would but im bronze , still i play with silver 1 lads and do well

What do my top 20 most played champions tell about me?

You idiots mess up being good as in better than the majority of the people with the best

Lulu is the cutest!

Smells like fresh pasta.
I'm gonna need to confiscate these.



It's not about managing mana tho. More mana = more harass = more lane pressure. "managing mana" is just shorthand for gimping your game performance.

>being this new
It's literally a 3 year old /tv/ pasta

>Middle Lane Jhin comes running up to me
>"oh this will hurt"
>Crits me as well
>"Please god no"
>it does actually no damage
>Jhin fucking teleports of my screen as the speed of fifteen Udyr's

Lulu = C U T E

I don't browse /tv/, you degenerate.

Sona's Q mana cost is so low it might as well be manaless, you don't need a pot to spam it.

Do we actually care about this shit? I barely see this thread talk about esports aside from the occasional post.

>fiora will never tie you down and force you to cum inside her repeatedly
end me now

Hi lolg, i have decided i will try making vayne my main ADC until i get mastery 7 so i can learn positioning and identifying the biggest treats in teamfights the hard way, what i am in for?.

No, i am not the kind of faggot that always blames the jungler or support if i get killed, i know pretty dam well thats my fault

Lulu is the oldest in game Yordle besides Gnar. probably a couple hundred years old.
She's also the ugliest champion, canon, both in-game and splash art.
Only her fan art makes her cute.

She has several other abilities too tho. Q isn't her only harass potential.


How many of you fags actually have this skin?

Case in point

Lulu = C U T E.
Your argument is invalid.

Well it would seem you enjoy playing jhin, Ziggs, Corki and illaoi.


>Sion Top
>Nautilus Jungle
>Cho'gath Mid
>Gnar ADC
>Alistar Support

Could this comp work?


600 games. Still silver, actually dropped.

You didn't prove it so I did. It is possible to not climb.

I could've gotten it back then but didn't. My cousin has it, though, because he liked Kayle.

when is ekko getting fucking gutted
he STILL builds full tank and is allowed to have a 4s cd dash/blink, aoe zone/stun a hard slow/ms buff, and a huge heal + aoe nuke

I don't watch hours of footage of a game I don't like just to make 16 second webms to post online.

You should send that clip to player support

>the i enjoy getting poked to death starter pack

gnar adc is absolute bs

lacks damage.

Her powercord doesn't cost mana.
If you need to heal so often that you need a goddamn pot, then you ain't playing her right, shitter.

Actually, he has already been nerfed on his base stats so building him tanky isn't really much viable anymore. Even his ult doesn't do much but helping him out after tower dives anymore.

Lulu is best girl!

>not gutted
and your point is?

>Gnar ADC

You can commit to more trades and win by attrition if you allow yourself to spam heals. You heal a lot because it's par of an optimal strategy, which is the opposite of a shitter.

>Actually, he has already been nerfed on his base stats so building him tanky isn't really much viable anymore
Nah, it still is simply because his slows don't scale with AP as the previous nerf was supposed to accomplish. Riot bitched out at the last minute and only changed his base damages.

As long as his slows don't scale with AP then he'll just continue to build tank because of how sticky and mobile he can be. A recent Riot forum post addressed that bruiser Ekko is still a problem and is being looked at, so expect more tank ekko nerfs soon so he can actually be played AP.

sigh i know how you feel user

You might as well buy a tear at this point retard.

Lulu = great-great-great-grandma
You've got a GGGGILF fetish

Vlad is love
Vlad is life

And I'm too sick to go on my date

as long as she's qt, i don't give a fuck.

Don't give him any ideas

That's what you get for avatarfagging

Just three more games and I get my rank for league
Hoping for silver 4-3

What does she smell like?


>bronze 1 placement confirmed

roses, fluff and [spoiler}sweat[/spoiler]

kill yourself

anyone who doesn't feel this way has shit taste desu

dried semen

delete this

kill yourself


like a bag of dicks

oh and semen

>play eve
>gank every lane
>20 minutes of being killed later the enemy vayne still thinks its safe to farm lanes / jungle alone
>i literally run over memebelt, E Q her to death no ult needed
>these people are diamond 2 while lolg cant even get out of gold 5


Starting a lolg Hunger Games.
Please submit your champions. If I can get enough by 30 minutes, the games will begin.

Forgot image

Got you

my semen

kill yourself

>not the recolor skin

Jeez man, how many of these pics you go.

put your name on again

Far Seer Taldeer


Faithful Fox waifu

add me mikuposter so I may die pathetically the first round

kill yourself

Spinning macaque of easy teamfights

>Irelia will never grind against you

i know the truth hurts, but thats life

Caw Caw Mang

if you think that's the truth, you need to kill yourself.

>not Balanced baboon of many spins

Time to shit on Vladfag again

Waveclear goddess

My man!


>"hey guises let's contest drake xD"
>while enemy team has baron buff and our jungler is dead


Mr. Nashor


Jhin and Shen (BABY!)

Not particularly stealthy ninja


Rip image limit

Dota Poster

Pizza de champ

It's the sacrafice we must make. Unless we can hit reply limit first.

>Not Royal chimpanzee of armor shredding

Unfortunate Monk

Hawaiian Poster

Put me in coach!


As of this post, we only have 6 spots left.
May the odds ever be in your favor.