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playing IV

I started with a party of
Dancer - Landsknecht - Nightseeker
Medic - Sniper

I've hit 22 now and rested to switch around some points.

I got some questions:

Do binds count as status ailments for the NS passive ?

DMG wise I've been doing ok-ish till now. Dancer - Landsknecht with links and chasing do good job on FOEs.
The NS is giving me some trouble. The throws barely if ever work, I've resorted to dual wielding status inducing weapons and then once it gets some ailments going it shits out dmg, but otherwise it's trailing behind the Dancer/Sniper. Do NS bloom later on more ?

I've been using my Sniper for binds till now and it worked pretty well. Got some more luck getting binds in than ailments, but once the binds are on it's missing a bit. I'm then only autoattacking and hoping for crits (which do happen quite often tho). Can I split up the points between binds/atk skills or should I just focus one ? I'm afraid if I go to the dmg route my party will lack any kind of control in form of binds/ailments and just being about dmg could fuck me up later.

Also whats the best way to grind money early on ? I never find myself having enough to buy the new stuff I unlock.

>fighting an FOE
>attack uses lightning damage sound effect and animations
>lightning wall doesn't block it
Why is this allowed?

It takes time to build him to be useful and is based on LUC so if his low on that it will take a while to inflict stuff with a NS.
You can go full attack, you'll be fine.
No clue. Invest in some gather skills

>cia is still there

It's still summer for spoon-feeding? Good job, OP. You totally blew it.

How do I get the chest on the north?


>playing the japanese version of untold 2
>not paiting the floor pink
>double why?

It's just a screen I grabbed from google.
>paiting the floor pink

Not him but why pink if the default floor color even in auto is green?

Where are the mods?

Just ignore and report these turbo autist.

mods please delete untold shits

No, user. You're the blight. Now get out of my comfy general.

ignore and report

what's the best way to use an Arbalist in EO3 from the back row? Not only for bosses (for which I may simply switch it to the front row for front mortar) but also for random encounters

For now I've been carrying a
and my tactics has been spamming dark ether with the ninja for the meassly cost of 1tp and every turn cast meteors with the zodiac alongisde firing Armor Piercer with the arbalist and trying to get lucky with double action, but perhaps there is something better

TL;DR: how do i use arbalist on the back row?

user please. Stop this shit.
We have enough with the retarded shitposter.

Besides, the thread lasted less than 20 minutes after it hit page 10.

Just ignore him too. This will never go anywhere unless his autism is pleased. I can't believe we have people or someone who gets triggered because not everything is cramped in a pestabin. EO5 is the new shit and everything is in the OP for simple 1 click convenience if you need help with the game. Instead of digging in the pestabin and copy pasting. Besides, is not like is a permanent thing either.

Man i wish i had my r4 with him. Shit died on me years ago

>not painting every stratum with a different color
>not painting second orange, third blue, fourth pink, fifth yellow and sixth dark green

>unnecessary effort just to make it (arguably) more visually pleasant

jesus christ the autism


No arguments here


Mapping at all is unnecessary effort when you could just turn on automapping.

>mapping is unnecessary
>turn on automapping

I fucking dare you to play the games without drawing the fucking map

I use automap and just draw in walls, gather points and exits

>just draw in walls, gather points and exits

that counts are drawing the fucking map

I mean not touching the touchscreen

Don't you mean turn off?
The automapping is on by default

whadda FRICK is taking koshiro-san so long??

Do Trick Samba and Chase Samba stack ? The Dancer follows up the party and the party follows up the Dancer ?

it does



>only dumb bunnies get into this box

Man, I just can't into the Untold games, anyone else with this problem?
I completed 1-4, even 5 and I can't Japanese at all.

I'm going to ask just to make sure, but you are playing Classic right?

Grimoires are kinda shitty but otherwise the Untold games are pretty good.

You are not forced to play them. But you are missing them because they are really good.

Fucking Dinogators.

how are untold classic expert any different from the others

Just play classic. It's really fun on expert.


I understand the autism, but not your specific autism. What doesn't feel right about your party for you?

Don't feel afraid to change it up I suppose. You should have a guild full of benchwarmers maxing out the skill that gives them passive EXP - Sea Quests also make it absurdly easy to level up new members. Took me a while before I settled on a party I felt good with too.

I guess it's how the portraits and my perceived personalities of them gel. And a little bit of how the classes work together, I suppose. My EOIV team feels like a family, so much that I refuse to get rid of my medic even though I unlocked Arcanist (I just subclassed him as Dancer).

But even then I had a couple team members that I booted early on.

Yeah, classic. Guess I'll try again.

Once you get subclassing you'll be able to patch up how your classes match together, though really there's nothing glaringly wrong with your party anyway except for maybe the lack of a proper tank, but even that's not unmanageable. I guess the rest just comes down to your perception of their personalities.

If it's any consolation, U2 is much better than U1.


Before what?





sauce was posted in the previous thread

Dogfuckdamnit not again.

I'll give you the sauce if you can give me the sauce of Kupalate


Faggot who was asking about 7th Dragon last thread again, asking more stuff.

Changed party to Mage, Fighter, Knight and Healer.

>Will a Fighter's and Mage's damage output carry my team ok?

>On that note, sword or axe Fighter?

>Are Samurai better than Fighters overall?

>How similar are Knights to Protectors/Hoplites/Fortresses?

>Why is the blue haired Princess the one that gets posted all of the time? There are far better girls, like angry redhead Healer.

Literally doesn't matter because 7D is easy enough to beat with any team



Just started playing it myself
>dumb commies are the first ones to get hit by dragons

Are status builds like Dark Hunter Princesses viable for dragon killing or are they all going to be virtually immune even with Fighter support?

why is Shaman Potato so slutty when Herb Potato is so pure?

>tfw no bandana hugs
Is any superboss beatable in one turn?

I wasn't going to try today.

The Fallen One

Retrying until assassinate lands doesn't count.

What if you land it in one try?

wow is that thing really not immune to it

Then you have to reproduce it.

Do you question the quick kills that use double action procs, too?

Only if their victory ratio is lower than 10%
You can't really call it cheesing a boss if you can't pull it off consistently.

No one said it was cheesing though, just that it was possible.



How do I stop this talking Whale from binding me? I've got prevent order for Grand Berry/Beryl and it's paralysis, but the leg binds on that hard hitting row/party attack are screwing me over.

Or rather how do I deal with binds in general?

If I could just stop that Ice Ripple, I'd be able to easily win.

Kill it before it even tries to bind you.

I suppose you have a hoplite considering how much you post twintails (aka best hop)

use anti ice, nigga.

For the leg binds, bring unbind skills and/or items: EO works with cumulative resistance, so if you can tank the leg binds and heal them, you'll be less and less susceptible to them.

Oh yeah. If you have a Zodiac, Etheric charge on a turn then use hellfire, it hurts like hell.

OH YEAH and also I dunno if you have them yet, but there should be accessories that give resistance to leg binds.

Hope it works, Have fun and enjoy this marvelous series

>post twintails (aka best hop)

If I retire at 30 to get the initial skill point boost, do I lose access to the veteran skills until I'm 20 again ?

Kill it in less than 3 turns? Mate, I wouldn't even know how to begin doing that.

>twintails (aka best hop)
Yeah, I'm currently out of Twintails pictures though. Gotta go fill my collection later on.

So my best bet is to bring in items and skills that can unbind my party.
Use Ice protection.
Use Farmers to farm some money for leg bind protection.
I didn't know about the cumulative resistance, I just assumed it was a set chance to get binded like every other game.

It only just occurred to me, but I always seem to go on the defensive in these RPG games.
It's much more fun when the boss doesn't just get completely wiped out.

You do.

No problem, worth saying that the cumulative resistance system applies to the enemy as well.

EO has some hidden mechanics, so try to talk with all the NPCs in the bar on every floor you reach. That or just being around the community will make you aware of those quirks and you'll be dominating the system in no time

So lvl 40 would arguably be the better point for the first retire before 99

I have a few questions about Chain Fencer. Without relying on Sanzu, how are you supposed to proc more than 4 chains per turn? Skills like One-Two only proc one chain as well even if multiple attacks go off, right? And wouldn't this make Chain All pointless in almost all cases? Why do I need more max activations if I can't even hit the default max most of the time, after all. Unless Chain Double counts towards the activation max. Does it?

At the end of the third stratum, Kibagami gives you two scrolls that can level a character up to level 35 (which is pretty much the same level you have when you beat the 3rd stratum boss) so you can retire to members at that moment.
Retiring isn't really necessary for the main game, anyway. When you reach the post-game, this will make you more comfortable but then you will have more options to level up your party.

>I'm currently out of Twintails pictures though
I'm surprised there are that many in the first place.

I haven't played the game but doesn't the Necromancer's Ghost Dance proc multiple chains? (every ghost attacks three times)

Turns out they still only chain once per ghost, even for Sanzu.

I appreciate the help you lot have given me.

I've just gotten stuck in this groove of leaving my Gladiator dead while my Hoplite takes the brunt of all the whale's attacks.

If it wasn't for Twintails I don't think I would've made it this far, she's easily my most useful member.
Ninja and Gladiator not so much, although two Ninjas make nice vending machines.

For every Twintails picture, there's at least 4 of the Boblite or whatever pet name she has.

I still don't get the point of Chain Fencer. With a party of Fencer/Dragoon/Cestus/Warlock/Shaman, only Warlock and Shaman can use decent attacks to proc a chain. Dragoon and Cestus will have to use shitty-ass infused normal attacks to feed chains instead of using their actual good moves.

How would that work? Ghosts don't do stab damage, so they wouldn't proc anything. Or can ghosts have their attacks infused too?

Combo Cestus activates individual skills in a similar manner to Peerless Combo in the Untold games, and get extra attack chances if their bind attacks fail or they take damage(i.e. from using Giving it Everything). Their passives should be enough to get at least 3 attempts at chaining if used right.

Each ghost's set of attacks probably counts as one attempt to proc a chain if it's a triple attack instead of 3 attack actions, but I haven't tried that yet so I wouldn't know how it works. Having 3 ghosts out and using that IS at least 3 attempts at chaining though.

Yeah my hop carried me all the game too. They're really solid all around and my favorite tank in the series.

Ninja is more of a weird support/ailment class, but ailments kinda suck in 3, iirc. You can do more shenanigans after that boss, you'll have a shitload of optons to work with

Glad is actually pretty cool but they need those options I just mentioned to reach their full potential. Hop as well gets bonkers when they get access to it

Oh you're right, they only chase Stab, I don't know why but I thought chains were something like Fire/Bash, Lightning/Stab, Cut/Ice.
Now I'm disappointed

>For every Twintails picture, there's at least 4 of the Boblite or whatever pet name she has.
I didn't think there were that many hoplite pictures period.
This must be my only boblite. Because I ran out of twintails.

If you infuse Cestus, its counterattacks will trigger chains if they work like ones from previous games, Dragoon has a basic skill to draw aggro to a specific character while boosting its defense and that counter can activate up to 5 times. The question there is, can a Cestus get away with eating at least 5 attacks from an enemies(Possibly less if each counter triggers Giving It Everything, but that's not a scenario I've risked taking)

Didn't dragoon have one stab skill?


Dragoon has Bunker Cannon, so going with fire chases can get you pretty far. A Hound can feed a couple hits with Ice Peck and Finishing Arrow.
Or you could just go Chain Killer along with a Clinch+Ailment sort of deal. That along with the bonus hits from plus can ruin shit.

Can Chain Double proc with Chain Killer too?


Now I feel like this party won't be all that good for chains. Do I have to replace warlock with cestus?